Questions Sitemap - Page 31

Questions Sitemap - Page 31. Browse Questions on Qfeast

Who has listened to Mili? Mili is a singer I’ve recently gotten into. One of her most popular songs is “Bathtub Mermaid”. A TON of different references in her videos and music! Go check her out, if you wanna!
If you are dating someone "bisexual" does that automatically make you gay or lesbian? My boyfriend is bisexual and my ex came back to school with us today and he wouldnt talk to me, so i asked him after school if he hada a problem with me because we used to talk all the time, and his response was "You're Lesbian" i said really so im lesbian but have a boyfriend how does that work. His response was "He is bisexual" i said so what lt doesnt make me lesbian then i said do u have a problem with bisexual people he said "yes" so i said do u have a problem with trans people and he said "yes" and now im mad.
Who is EXO? I recently asked a question about BTS and my friend was talking about this 'XO' which i recently discovered is actually ('EXO' lol) as well so i thought i would ask (im probably sounding obsessed but... oh well...)
What's Soul Eater? (Not For Me) This is for Other people if they are wondering what in the world this anime that this child continuously brings up and is annoying everyone with (referring to myself)
Blocked nose? I get a blocked nose from 9 30 pm till 9 am, any ideas why?
How do I function in society? Help I forgot how to socialize I need rep points thanks
What's wrong with me? (1) Ok so, for the past...I don't know...year or two, I've been feeling nothing. Like seriously, i havnt been sad or happy or angry or anything. I've just been a worthless piece of nothing that everyone seems to look through, it's actually really annoying but I never said anything (or will say anything) about it. Today I came out as bisexual! My brother (who I didn't think was homophobic) flipped out and told me to stop saying anything about it, my mother thought I was joking and wouldn't believe me when I told her I wasn't. I was legitimately shaking and on the verge of tears and you know what I do?! I f***ing cut myself. Yes I know "don't do that, it's stupid" "You're only faking it for attention" (both real things my internet "friends" said) now I'm sitting on my bed crying and bleeding but still I feel as if I'm floating in thin air. I never thought I had any illnesses but now I'm wondering because everything seems to be pointing towards depression (which is obviously not a laughing matter) Anyway, sorry to bore you to death with such a long paragraph, please tell me what you think and if I should see a doctor about it. Sorry again, bye. P.S. I'm 13
Advice and stuff, yo (Gf/bf stuff) Alright, so... I just recently turned fifteen and I’m in ninth grade, right? (also bi *ahem*) I fell in love with this girl, let’s call her Kelly even though that’s no where near her real name, and I figured out that I was bi. I eventually asked Kelly out, but I was turned down. We’re still good friends now, though. Just recently, my interest was poked around by her ex...let’s call her Taylor. At a comp for theatre was it really pushed. Taylor and I talked a lot, and she even (as a friend gesture, I’m positive of) leaned on my shoulder. Got awkward, tbh. So I didn’t think much until a few days ago. I suddenly had a desire to think about her, talk to her, and find her nearly every second in school. Heck, even now I desperately want to ask her out, despite how little she knows me. I did make sort of a “move”, I guess, on her by asking her to do a scene with me for comp. I mean, I did really need a partner for a scene (cause I’m too lonely and I just had a lot of monologes *wheeze*) and what better way of getting to know her than asking to do a pair with her? It’d be a win-win, no matter what way. I’d get to know her better and really see if I want to do it, and I get a partner. No possible way to go wrong. She agreed, as well, and gave me her Hangouts (because she doesn’t have a phone number) so we could work it out. I felt like dropping slight hints by giving Taylor some scenes with a couple in it, or someone that had a crush on the other person. Possibly enough to show her and either get crushed, or she goes along with it. I would like to either figure out I like her and ask her out by Valentine’s Day cause...well I kinda don’t want to be alone again. But there’s just so many ways that it could go wrong. I could realize I don’t truely like her (even though she’s /hot/ beyond belief and I am the gum at the bottom of a loser’s shoe), my best friend, who I had a former crush on, could find out about it and...maybe...hate me, I could get rejected, she could hate me...ugh. Any advice for how long to wait, what to do, etc. etc.?
Which Studio Ghibli Anime Film is your favorite? Mine is Spirited away <3
What should be the goal of humanity?
Who is your best friend from Hogwarts? Harry Malfoy Ron Hermione
Ask the creepypasta guys you can ask the guys now!
songs requests? what lyrics should I add
Can you breathe through your nose while humming at the same time? For some reason I can't do this! It's weird. Idk why but I just can't. Is it a normal thing?
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Do you prefer Waffles or Pancakes? Idk I think that waffles are just Pancakes but with abs.
Who is BTS? I know they are a korean band but like does anyone know much about them, like how did they even become famous, because to me they just popped out of the blue lol ?
How do you set a new profile picture on this website? I accidentally clicked the wrong profile picture that I wanted for this website and I can’t find where to change it. I need help please!
How can you create an email address without your parents finding out? All of my accounts that I have created were deleted by my parents. Is there any way that I can create another account secretly so my parents don’t delete it? Maybe gmail, or a YouTube account?
Thinking ab making a meme page, who in?!
What's your favorite video game? (1)
What type of old game console do you think is your personal favorite? Gameboy, Nintendo 64, Atari, Sega genesis, Retro Gems etc.
What your favorite flavor, just any flavor? Hi I’m syawataM, I like purple flavor
Are You Ready For New Years? Are You Ready For A New Year?
Whats your favorite food? Opinions I need them
Truth Teller/Lie Teller Riddle! This is one of my favorites that my dad told me, it's really hard so watch out! There are two answers that I know of, but you may find one I haven't heard before. So, here it goes: "Deep in the forest, there are two villages of natives. One of Lie-Tellers and one of the Truth-Tellers. Lie-Tellers always lie and Truth-Tellers always tell the truth. You are an explorer hiking through that very same forest, trying to find the Truth-Tellers village. If you make a mistake and go to the Lie-Tellers village, they will indeed kill you. You come to a fork in the road and realize you don't know which way to go. There is a native standing in the middle of the two roads, but you don't know which tribe they are from. What is the ONE question you can ask them to find your way to the Truth-Tellers village?" I know, it's a hard one. I hope you brainiacs can figure this one out. If you have any clarifying questions on this, don't be afraid to ask them below. And if you have any other riddles, add it in with your answer! Good luck!
Is it possible? Is it possible to treat someone one way because you have been treated the same way multiple times by different people? If so how would you describe this in a better way or in a saying?
What do I do? (2) My best friend who is a boy texted me and called me I love him and he knows it!
What would you do if a boyfriend broke up with you?
Which guy do i choose? So on my birthday (November 17) i was asked out by a guy who i have know since around August and i said yes because i have like him since around October... The only problem is that my best friend is a guy and i have known him for a long time but have only liked him for about a year and a half. I didn't tell him because i didn't want to ruin our friendship by dating. In August of this year he liked me and i didn't know until around October. I found this out because he dated a girl named Aaron and she was mad at me because she thought he broke up with her for me, but that was not the reason. He then dated two other girls this year and used my sister. The funny thing is that me and my sister have the same taste in guys so we have pretty much dated or liked the same guys with an exception of like 2 or 3 guys. On December 19 my boyfriend didn't show up to school and i didn't have a sweatshirt so my best friend let me wear his and because it was his school basketball sweatshirt it said his last name on the back. My boyfriends friends switched up the story saying that i wore his sweatshirt because i like him and my boyfriend wouldn't find out, but nobody knows that i like my best friend. The next day my boyfriend came back to school and his friends told him he didn't look or talk to me until the end of the day when my best friend went to talk to him with me. He understood after a while because we said that the jacket meant nothing other than i was cold, but that night me and my best friend had a band performance and i needed advice with something, so i told him and i said "I like a guy but im dating someone and i dont know what to do. I have liked him for a while but i don't think i would break up with my boyfriend for him because i dont think he likes me." He tried to guess who the guy was because i didn't tell him. The next day was the last day of school before Christmas break and he didnt show up. My sister was looking for him to talk to him and i told her he wasn't in first or second period so she told me he likes me in third period and she also told me she likes him and i told her that i like him but this time nobody knew besides us. I ignored my boyfriend because i dont know what to do and he asked my sister if i was ignoring him and she said she just has a lot on her mind. She also told my best friend that i like him. Someone help me i only have till January 6th to figure this out. Do i stay with my boyfriend or date my best friend? I dont want to say im breaking up with him for my best friend because then that means that the jacket was more than me being cold and i wish i could say it was nothing more than me being cold. My boy friend also made me cry and my best friend and my sister and me all know that my best friend can treat me so much better but i like both guys!
Why do Indian woman wear a red dot on their forehead?
Should Roblox Add A Netendo Switch Version im wondering what your guy’s opinions are i love feed back too!
What word do you say when your angry? (You can do joke answers too) I say “Zoinks! >: (“
Who is your favorite president? Give me all of your opinions
You re parents are in trouble Who do you save Imposible question
How Do You Change Your Username?
Do you think the Owlboy game is overrated? On most game review websites it has at least 4 out of 5 stars or 9+ out of 10
Why Nicholas Cage is so underrated latelly on movie review websites, like IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes etc?
How many "Original" Series of Voltron are there ?
Chistmass Is Coming What Do You What To Get -Just Asking- Well Anything Or Do You Don't Celebrate it Like Me I Just Want A Dog Because He'll Help Me Not Feel All Alone
Good story ideas? Hi. Does anyone have any good fictional story ideas?
Do You Like The Fighters Stoies?
Would you rather be a veterinarian or a doctor? I personally would rather be a veterinarian. What do you think?
What is a food that you ate as a child and don't like now? Basically, what's a food you loved as a child and don't like now? Mine is circus peanuts. Yuck.
If your parents could choose a husband/wife for you right now, who would they choose? Basically, if your parents were the ones to choose a husband/wife for you right now, who would they choose?
How many milliliters are in a teaspoon?
What job do you want? i want to become a actor
How come thaw and unthaw mean the same thing?
What's your favorite My Little Pony character?
Any Question about the Proxy series ? this is any Question/Suggestion of the series The Proxy
Who's your favorite fnaf character? (1) Who's your fnaf spirit?
what did melanie martinez do? people keep talking about it im confused i use to love her music what happened
what kind of wolf are you? this quiz is for wolf lovers that maybe have wondered this because i have lol
How many people are on qfeast in the battle creek?l
What's ? A wwffy I been wondering what does WWFFY stand for
Say what you think about me starting with the first letter of your username
What's the most difficult game?
What fnaf character do you mostly get on any fnaf quiz? Just respond with whatever fnaf character you got the most out of as many fnaf quizzes you took.
How many missions are in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Game?
Does anyone want me to draw their favourite anime character? You just got to tell me your favourite anime character(s) and post a picture of them and i'll draw them and i'll send them to you.
The difference between a field marshal and a general?
Have you been on TV? Cameos on screen for a few secs do count and any kind of channel counts
Have you been blocked by someone you didn't know? Let's stay you done nothing to someone who you haven't meeted on this site and you get blocked from them
Has anyone ever been harassed by anyone? I have
Is Ice cold? Most students (and many adults too) think that the hand feels cold because the “cold” from the ice is penetrating the skin. Actually, the hand feels cold because the heat from your hand is leaving your skin and moving into the ice. This is why the ice melts. Trick Question, Ice is not cold that is just our experience
How do you download a video from YouTube? Can someone please tell me how to download a YouTube video, it is just so hard to say which tube you are talking about, Online or App?
what do you think of loki? do you think loki is hot beacuse if so join the club and wright loki on your hands to show your love for loki
How do u get over being stabbed in the back? one of my friends stabbed me in the back and talked shit about me behind my back.
If you could eat at 1 restaurant for the rest of your life what would it be and why? Wondering what you guys like I wanna get to know others so I could make some friends (btw the picture has nothing to do with this I just picked a random picture so yeah just enjoy this little question)
What? Is this pokemons name? I already know im just asking to see how much you know about pokemon
What does the fox say? (1) Well you heard the song Google doesn't know so who in the worl knows if you know tell plz I need to know doesn't anyone know :(
Who is your favorite Thunderclan warrior? Mine is Sorreltail or Bramblestar
What should the next book be about? I need help finding what the book should be about
Why Does no one Make Geometry Dash Quizzes?
Describe What Girls Want In A Guy With All Details Give me all the info about how to make a girl love me plzzz.
Who is the most vulnerable for harassment (in any way)?
What do normal relationships (boyfriend/girlfriend relationships) look like now? Is it actually about love or just to look cool?
Every how often do doctors say to go the doctor (For kids) ?
how to find my saved quizzes? how do i find my unfinished quizzes? i created one and i know for a fact that i saved it. but it's been so long since i've been here and i cannot remember where to find it!
How does one make friends in real life? I'm very bad at it. When I talk to people, I stutter a lot, and I'm pretty bad at reading emotions. I also have low confidence, unfortunately. So, does anyone have any advice? Thank you.
What's so great about Iphones? I'm an Andriod user myself and have never touched an Iphone in my life and was just wondering whats so great about them. Yes, Iphones have Siri, A version of which i wish Andriod had but other than that they arent that great? Are they? I mean, the newest ones don't have an earphone port. So tell me, What is so great about Iphones?
Is my arm broken? Ok so! I can't feel my arm properly or move my hand. If I try to it really hurts and makes a weird clicking noise! It's super bruised and slightly swollen and has been for the past hour (I fell on it in the past hour) help!
Does anyone else like ghost stories? I LOVE ghost stories! ;) btw, that picture of the house is an actual Australian ghost story, and it still exists
Do you like hulk?
How long is the open world part in Evil Within 2? Please no spoilers
Does Star Wars Battlefront 2 have a story mode?
Stranded on a deserted island, what ONLY ONE food would you prefer to eat? Every day, every time
If you could choose a new first name, middle name, and last name, what would it be? Well, what would it be? Btw, sorry I've haven't published anything in awhile, but I am working on a story!
How do you get that information thing next to you're name? Example: :username: (then in bolded letters) super cool weird person
How big of a wink wonk are you? Derrrp derrp derrp
How to make parents stop arguing?
How easy is it too get 5000 reputation?
For those who support Trump, why? This is meant to be a general idea as of why people support Trump. Please, do not insuilt eachother for beliefs, no swearing, no indulting in general, I believe you know the drill.
What is the weirdest word you've ever said?
Does anyone like Reggae? I LOVE! Reggae
Whats your new years resolution? (1)
Heh heh I bet you cant solve 2+2 yes
What event would you rather die than live through?
Anyone have Amino? I have a Holiday Bash amino and I'm trying to get attention for it.
What If Nazi Germany won the battle of stalingrad? If the Nazis won the battle of Stalingrad how do you think it would play out? do you think they would win the war? reach Moscow? or would the soviets still be to strong to handle?