Who is the most vulnerable for harassment (in any way)?
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Technically, everyone.
As long as there are sad, miserable people in this world, there will always be people who harass others, to show how they feel, or because they don’t understand how to properly socialize, due to poor parenting by their parents.
As long as there are sad, miserable people in this world, there will always be people who harass others, to show how they feel, or because they don’t understand how to properly socialize, due to poor parenting by their parents.
on November 26, 2017
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Ok, if we really want to go down this road.
We are all equally vunurable with harassment. As I've said many times, if we are different, we get conflict. It's part of being human.
And, it comes with jealousy as well. The more someone is jealous, the more they are to target that person. It's part of being human.
With targeting comes harassment. And it spirals.
It's part of humans being animal.
We are all equally vunurable with harassment. As I've said many times, if we are different, we get conflict. It's part of being human.
And, it comes with jealousy as well. The more someone is jealous, the more they are to target that person. It's part of being human.
With targeting comes harassment. And it spirals.
It's part of humans being animal.
Thank you for clearing it up for me? Sorry if I made you "go down this road".
No, it's fine! I love to do things like this. I was just emphesizing and being a bit silly, is all.
on December 02, 2017
on December 02, 2017
on November 24, 2017