Questions Sitemap - Page 59

Questions Sitemap - Page 59. Browse Questions on Qfeast

What in general annoys you? I have to say people who take each other for granted,people who are waaay to stubborn for their own good,and anyone who takes what someone says the wrong way and becomes defensive.
Ever have a fake friend? I did.Two.
Do you think Princess Zelda is Illuminati? Here's my theory: Look at the Triforce. It is a TRIANGLE made of THREE smaller TRIANGLES. I don't stop there. When she becomes Sheik, she has an EYE on her clothes.
Do you think that Bree is an overdramatic singer? Let's see... She puts a lot of emotion into her singing and sometimes cries when she sings songs such as Limelight.
Have you ever been bullied? I haven't, and I wonder if anyone else has ever been bullied.
hermione, ginny,luna or cho? these harry potter ladies need to be heard!
What R u getting ur dad for Father's Day ?
Do you like homework? Multiple questions: 1. Do you like homework? 2. Do you think homework is necessary? 3. How hard is your homework? 4. Do you get too much homework? I just had some homework to do ;-;
What is your favourite anime movie? (Not show) What is you favorite anime movie? Mine would be either spirited away or the Madoka magica movie! (Not the recap movie)
What do you feel when you enter someones meanlist ?
When someone enters your meanlist what do you feel ?
If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
If you could choose the apocalypse, and you HAVE to choose one, which one would you choose?
What is the best episode of Gravity Falls? In your opinion, what was your favorite episode of Gravity Falls?
What is the creepiest episode of Gravity Falls? To you, what episode do you find the creepiest or scariest of Gravity Falls?
What would happen if Link met Chica? It wouldn't end well...
Any Good Horror Anime? *Read Description* Me and My friend want to watch a horror anime for halloween (cos you know, tradition :P) and we decided on Another without really looking into it. But I recently found out a lot more about it and now i dont want to watch it, because i dont cope with gore very well. A little is okay, but Another is completely based on gore. So can you recommend any horror anime that isnt TOO scary (I am 12, if that helps, so i would like something suitable for me but still creepy :) ) thanks!
On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you for school? Mine is 11, xD jk, mine is 0
If Bree were to go insane, why should she? Things Bree likes: Good internet connection BEN Drowned Gaming Reading fan fiction Playing music Drawing Dislikes: Getting wet Germs Bad internet connection Annoying fandoms Bad grammar
What would happen if you put BEN and Jeff in a boat and pushed them out to sea?
Anyone else think Mangle is still a mystery?
what is your favorite game series and why?
What is your favorite Creepypasta story? By this I don't mean characters I mean actual stories. Mine is Enjoy Your Stay which is read by MrCreepyPasta on youtube.
What do you think is the best thing ever created?
If you could choose ONE invention, what would it be? Out of all the things we have, you have to choose one and one only.
whats your favorite fairy tail episode? Mine is welcome back frosch just because when he was talking to gray and juvia and hes like "the truth is im lost" and says all that cute stuff as he cries. Hes freaking adorable! Fro thinks so too!
Favorite Book/book series? Okay, so I really love reading. I would probably say that my favorite series would be The Legends of the Duskwalker trilogy, even though it's not really all that popular. I was just wondering what some of my fellow Qfeasters' favorite book or book series was. [Also, if you want to tell me what book genre you like too, I'd love that (mine is sci-fi)]
Do you obsess over one anime? If so, which one? I personally have Fairy Tail! As my obsession...?
Have You Ever Broke The Repeat Button On Youtube? Have You? Boy, have i. It almost made my tablet crash! XD
What is your favorite 2015 movie? What is your favorite 2015 movie? Big hero 6? Perhaps minions? Wanna go with a more mature movie like Insurgent?
What is the worst sound EVER?
How Many Qfeasters Are You Following? I'm following 51.
how old were you when you got your first girlfriend/boyfriend? im just wondering
If you could get a Body Modification, what would it be?
Does anyone else like Hurricanes? or is it just me? Yes theres as HUGE risk of things that can go wrong.. But being from the South we actually have parties kinda like a welcome party! LOL. UGHH whats with this site tell you too many repetitive exclamation points?
Mystery story plot? So...I want to make a mystery story, something like Gravity Falls, but my mind is blank on something that I should do that isn't exactly the same thing as Gravity Falls. What should I make it about? (I will give a honorable mention in my story if I use your idea!)
What do you think this Story will be like? "Chloe is having a huge party at Freddy' and Bree plans to come. However, there is a problem, and Bree must stay with BEN. Chloe tries to discover Bree' s secret, but Bree is slowly going insane."
who is this? do you know who this is ?
is this wrong? so, i have a crush, and i think this is the dumbest crush another crush, ive ever had, and i have another, is it wrong or bad to have a crush on a 21 yr old and 25 yr old? XD they cute tho!
What magical girl from Madoka magica is your favourite? What magical girl is your favourite?
What is your favorite dog breed? Mine is a foxhound lab mix! (Duh.. thats what breed I am.) So whats yours?
Have you met any celebs IRL and in that case wich and how was it?
Would baning all social media from the Internet would make our generation have less anxiety and depression and people who sucide
Who is your favourite actor Who is your favourite Actor
Why don't I have anything to create anymore I don't know
How do you become Qfeastie of the day How do you become Qfeastie of the day I don't know and I think it would help other people as well
Can anyone tell me if I possibly still have anger issues I'm 11 years old and when I was little I had terrible anger issues I get angry at almost anything and react badly eg: I was playing a game and my sister said I was losing so I screamed at her and slammed her head against the fridge btw that was the second time today in school I have people scared of me and losing friends coz of my anger can anyone tell me if a possibly still have anger issues and how to control it thanks
When are you most active on the computer?
What's your favorite franchise? Examples: Sonic, Transformers, Mario, Mega-Man, Spongebob Squarepants.
what is life? What is life?
what is love? What is love?
Who has a crush on me? (Don't be shy.) Girls are only able to answer this. To anyone who is male, don't answer this. I like it if girls answer this question.
How is 5th grade like? Need to know by September 8th.
What's your favorite song from Disney's Descendants?
What rhymes with orange? What rhymes with Orange? Plz tell me!
How is middle school? I have been though my first week and its different than elementary (Of course) Any advise for the future?
Who's the question who you always ask yourself? Ask the question who you will never understand .
Why do people like Minecraft?
Should dork diaries ever end?
What do you think should happen in the next Dork Diaries
Other Animatronics, what is the funniest thing you have ever seen? I heard Foxy singing Let it Go this morning. I've got the files!
What are some things that Qfeast could change?
What manga series is your most favourite? What is your number one favourite manga series?
Are they making a season 3 of Sword Art Online? I need to knows
Do you think it is okay for women to be topless at the beach? That means what is your opinion on women having their tops off and showing their boobs at the beach.
What show/movie/book/anime/ect. makes you legitimately cry? For me the only show I've ever watched and felt reealy sad and shed some tears is with Doctor Who.Whenever he loses someone important to him or talks about a sad moment and/or memory I swear my little sister cries for ten minutes,my middle sister tries not to cry by keeping her eyes dry and walking around,and I try not to cry by talking and thinking about how devastating it must be for the Doctor.Im stupid,I know 'Its only a show',but it's so amazing!My mom told us to stop being overdramatic or she wouldn't let us watch the show anymore :(.
Have you ever read/written a fanfiction?And if you haven't than would ever consider reading/writing one?Why or why not? I like reading what others have to say about shows and how they would change or improve it if they could.Writing is a great way to express yourself. (Please don't be rude if you don't like this what so ever.Remember that if you can like what you like,it's only fair to let others do the same.)
Favorite fairytale(s)? Mine are Sleeping Beauty and Rumpulskilsin.
Scariest/weirdest memory/event(s) that's happened to you,family,or a friend that's 100% true?(Tell it as good as you can.) I have two I can remember pretty well.The first was when I was in first grade.There was a girl in my class who was the definition of annoying.She followed me,my friends,and others talking about random things.She would cry and tell on anyone for everything and that caused a lot of people to dislike her.Anyway,sometime in the year she was talking in class and she was talking more than usual.Our teacher,who was usually nice,kept telling her to stop talking,but she wouldn't listen.After a few minutes the teacher grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her to the principle office.She left a bunch of first graders in a classroom by themselves.All we did was talk about what had just happened.After a few minutes our teacher came back without the girl.We thought she was sent home,but for the next few days she didn't come back.No one asked questions after the second day she didn't come to school.We didn't even see her the following year.To this day I haven't heard,seen,or been told of since.Some of my friends who I've told the story to think she died,but I'm not sure. Next story.When I was in fifth grade I had to take a test in my math class.The teacher let some of the students(me being one of them)go outside to take it.I got stuck on a question and decided to look around since that usually helped me when I was stuck.As I looked around my eyes went to the fence that closed of the school.I saw a man.He wore a blue baseball cap with a white A,a greyish-blue sweater over a whit shirt,and black sunglasses.He looked around twenty to thirty and was white.He had both his hands holding the fence.I stared at him but he didn't do anything.After a few seconds something flashed in his right hand.I don't know how much time passed but the bell rang and I went back to class.I went in and put everything in my backpack as fast as I could and went back outside.When I look to where the man was standing,he's gone.When I told the principle,I overheard them say there was a man how was going around taking pictures of kids.That really scared me,but I haven't seen him since so I guess it's okay.
How do you handle people who are rude/basically evil? I haven't had to deal with people like that so far.That makes me glad.But I know I'll be meeting someone I find evil in the future.
What is your favourite eevee evolution? Please comment what your favourite eevee evaluation is!
What Kind of Car Do You Want? I'm almost old enough to get my license and my parents are going to get me a car, but I'm wondering what I should ask for so I thought I'd ask what other people are interested in to get suggestions.
What episode of dragon ball do I NEED to see I started to watch the first dragon series and on episode 10 right now. I want to get though it a lot faster so what episodes do I need see to get every or important to the series
Who do you look up to on qfeast? Just say who you look up to. :P
Who is your fave dork diaries character
Do you like warrior cats? The books
What do you think of the new song ex's and oh's? i like it, whats your opinion?
how do I get her to talk (1) So once again there is this girl I'm really interested in I've known her for about four years and I want to take our friendship to the next level. But I'm afraid to ask her out cause she ask me to come outside and all we do is play on our phones and ask each other questions every once in a while. I just wanna know how do I get her to talk, what do I do what do I say?
how do I get her to talk So once again there is this girl I'm really interested in I've known her for about four years and I want to take our friendship to the next level. But I'm afraid to ask her out cause she ask me to come outside and all we do is play on our phones and ask each other questions every once in a while. I just wanna know how do I get her to talk, what do I do what do I say?
How many people are on qfeast? Some people have been here over a year and some people who have only been here a week. I wonder what the estimated number of how many users are on qfeast!
What is your least favourite animal? What is your least favourite animal? Please no offending comments.
Are blue eyes and brown hair attractive? cause i have brown hair and blue eyes, im wonderin also cause ik that 10+ boys have a crush but i hate my other looks, pls help
Is there such thing as a black person with blue eyes? (no offence!) im just wondering, ive never saw them before irl
How can i prevent qfeast making my questions profile?
What is your favorite Dork Diaries book? Books 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Bf Help (girls only) So, basically 10+ boys have a crush on me, and they are hiding it, IK IT, so i got brown hair, blue eyes, hourglass figure is what they say if you have ehh, basically curves! so i have a boyish voice i love video games, im one of the cool/bad kids in school (well i wouldnt say bad) i have a lot of friends, they are girls , and i think thats it, oh! nope! i like boy stuff, super heros and my fav colors are black, blue, red, and my clothing has is girl clothing, (go figure :P) so yea i got more things but i dont want to tell all, ps im 12, haha, ok so i hope there will be something positive! thx for reading and i hope for a helpful reasponse!
Should trans* women be allowed to use woman-only gyms? Why or why not?
HeLp! PlS! So, i have a minecraft friend we known each other for 2 months, she showed me her twitter and what she looks like, she has always wanted to know what i look like, so she and me went on omegle, so i found her i told her it was me she wanted to know badly, i showed her, she says im pretty and everything, but i did something like this before, and my parents freaked, idk what to do, ik what she looks like, she knows what i look like, im very scared if she is a stalker, i know she is 10 but im scared, what should i do?!?! and she knows my disguised voice, she doesnt know my real voice, still, can someone help me! this is going around my brain like rumours, im so scared, can someone help?
Do you know what Cupcakes is? I am talking about the creepypasta.
Do you know any good anime I could watch? Preferably fantasy/supernatural or slice of life
Do you want me to write a FNAF P.O.V story?
what is fave animaltroic? what is fave animaltroic from fnaf? bonnie foxy freddy chica mangle?
Your amazing just the way you are! what makes you amazing? what makes you different from anyother? what makes you, you?
Do you like Nicki Minaj? What do you think for Nicki Minaj?
Would you want ONaF 3? (ONaF = One Night at Flumpty's) I would want one!
can you make a clover with your tounge I can almost
Which Anime show is your favorite? I like Fairy Tail the best.
Which fantasy movie (series) is your favorite? Do you love watching fantasy films? Which fantasy movie or movie series do you like the most? Twilight? Eragon? City of Bones? X men? Batman? Percy Jackson? Ender's Game? Harry Potter? LOTR? Hobbit? Please write which fantasy movie(s) you like!
What is your favourite Pokemon? (1) What is your favourite Pokemon out of all the Pokemon?
Witch is your favorite puppy who could not bark book?(for now) Please tell me ?.