Any Good Horror Anime? *Read Description* Me and My friend want to watch a horror anime for halloween (cos you know, tradition :P) and we decided on Another without really looking into it. But I recently found out a lot more about it and now i dont want to watch it, because i dont cope with gore very well. A little is okay, but Another is completely based on gore. So can you recommend any horror anime that isnt TOO scary (I am 12, if that helps, so i would like something suitable for me but still creepy :) ) thanks!
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Corpse Party....


on November 04, 2015
on November 04, 2015

on September 01, 2015
on September 01, 2015
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Tokyo ghoul, that might be a little scary and blood gore for a 12 year old. But if your strong you can handle it
on February 03, 2016
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shiki is a good one :) but it's really slow at the start so you have to be patient :)
on September 07, 2015