Does anyone here watch BSD(bungo stray dogs)?? hii so uh i wanna know if anyone here wa...
whats your favorite happy tree friend? mine is nutty

Who's the funniest South Park character?
Who is your favorite Disney character and why?
What scares you the most? what scares me: Salad fingers, smoking ads, happy tree friend...

the amazing world of umball its a place to submit ideas for a gumbal parody, (i made i...
If you could own one Pokemon in real life, which one would it be?

How much yeast have you had today? Too much yeast makes your teeth go gray!

What is your favorite anime?? mine is Precure smile :)

What is your favorite Popee the performer episode? I'm just wondering. I haven't watche...

Why does Roxanne have human ears? SHE'S A DOG, why the heckity heck does she have FUCCE...

whos better all tales from 0 to 10 from naruto

if you had a stand what would you call it?

Do you know these shows? 1. Hey Arnold! 2. Drake and Josh 3. We bare bears 4. Adventur...

What is your favorite character on your favorite show? Comment below who is your fav pe...
How old are you? (2) I wanna know how many people are older and younger than me I’m 14
Do you want me to keep posting scary pictures?

what animes do yall like? if you say my hero acadamia i will block you btw
What Type of bender is avatar Korra? (before she knew she was the avatar)