Who gonna match my freak? (drive around for hours and get lost, sit in the woods for hours listening to 2010 bangers drinking shitty slushies that melted and eat cool rocks off the ground)
on February 03

Don't 🙅♂️🚫 mine ⛏ at night 🌑
I 👁 know 🤔 you're lookin' 👀 at that cave 🕳
And you're feelin' 🤔 kinda' 🙅 brave 😏
Go 🏃 to bed 🛌😩😜, you'll be alright 😴
Don't 🚫 mine ⛏ at night 🌚
There's ✔ nothing ❌🚫☝🏻 that is gonna 🔥 change 🚼👫
If you 👉😎 just wait 🚏 until the day 🌞 See More
Zombies 🧟♂️ wanna 🙈 eat 🍽 your 👉 brains 🧠
Don't 🚫 mine ⛏ at night 🌚
I 👁 know 🤔 it's me you're gonna 🔥 thank 🙏
Make 🖕 a bed 🛏, it's not too late 💤
Three 3️⃣ wool 🐑 and three 3️⃣ wooden 🌳 planks 🌳💪👌
Don't 🚫 mine ⛏💪 at night 🌑
How many 👬 times 🕐 I 👁 have to say 💬👱🏿💦
Drop 💥💧🇮🇹 the pick ⛏ and walk 🚶🏼 away-a, woah 💦
I 👁 know 🤔 you're lookin' 👀 at that cave 🕳
And you're feelin' 🤔 kinda' 🙅 brave 😏
Go 🏃 to bed 🛌😩😜, you'll be alright 😴
Don't 🚫 mine ⛏ at night 🌚
There's ✔ nothing ❌🚫☝🏻 that is gonna 🔥 change 🚼👫
If you 👉😎 just wait 🚏 until the day 🌞 See More
Zombies 🧟♂️ wanna 🙈 eat 🍽 your 👉 brains 🧠
Don't 🚫 mine ⛏ at night 🌚
I 👁 know 🤔 it's me you're gonna 🔥 thank 🙏
Make 🖕 a bed 🛏, it's not too late 💤
Three 3️⃣ wool 🐑 and three 3️⃣ wooden 🌳 planks 🌳💪👌
Don't 🚫 mine ⛏💪 at night 🌑
How many 👬 times 🕐 I 👁 have to say 💬👱🏿💦
Drop 💥💧🇮🇹 the pick ⛏ and walk 🚶🏼 away-a, woah 💦
on February 02

Imagine thinking this place was going to get deleted and thrown into the void and instead you log back on a year later and it's UPDATED?
Like bro HUH?
Like bro HUH?
on February 02

on February 01, 2024

Salutations to the empty void that this post will inevitably find itself within, a bittersweet brief greeting from a long since forgotten account <3

genuinely I'm not surprised, but I'm surprised that someone is online though, I figured everyone abandoned this site lolol
on February 01, 2024
on February 01, 2024

I shall now commit a war crime
*writes HetaOni number 7 and Harmless War number 5*
*writes HetaOni number 7 and Harmless War number 5*
on March 26, 2023

Do you remember
Remember ...
Remember ...

My biggest war crime of all;
Writing two of those
6 Hetaoni's
4 Harmless wars
And whatever else i rewrote over and over and over
Writing two of those
6 Hetaoni's
4 Harmless wars
And whatever else i rewrote over and over and over
on March 26, 2023

on March 26, 2023

Ah you mean my phase of;
Boob war
Cock fight
Sexualizing gay men (Yaoi Satan strike any memories?)
Pro shipper (USUK strike any memories?) See More
Aggressively shipping people in real life
Writing smut
Getting into petty arguments about Hetalia ships
Insert other fuced up shit i did back when i was fucing 13
Boob war
Cock fight
Sexualizing gay men (Yaoi Satan strike any memories?)
Pro shipper (USUK strike any memories?) See More
Aggressively shipping people in real life
Writing smut
Getting into petty arguments about Hetalia ships
Insert other fuced up shit i did back when i was fucing 13
on March 26, 2023
on March 26, 2023

oI cIeL c'An yEw SpaRe A bo'Le o' WO'TER dis FiNE ChEwSDaY mY TrAnCy asS iS pArChEd hNnNn I'M FoUrTeEn anD QuArkY

on July 11, 2022

TrAncAy gIT tHe FOcK oUt mY hAWsE befORE I GiT my BUtLer to SmAck Ya AsS shOrTs OfF Ya UuGGggHhHh WhaEreS MaH TEeEAa
on July 11, 2022
on July 11, 2022

Tbh I think roleplaying as Alois Trancy for four years is what made me not only have a really bad kingcomplex but also realise I was trans
also rip to anyone who remembers those dark dark times
also rip to anyone who remembers those dark dark times
on July 10, 2022

I'm scared of no man
but that thing scares me
I'm scared of no man
but that thing scares me

How many of you girls will do this?
OK So me and @Breann.west.5 came up with this idea! You go onto all the girls profiles and say "THIS IS A BOOB WAR! *punches your boob* PASS IT ON" How many of you will accept the joke and pass it on :3. Star this question to receive answer updates

We really were jfc
what still kills me is the whole black butler phase @Lilia_Vanrouge and I had for like y e a r s
what still kills me is the whole black butler phase @Lilia_Vanrouge and I had for like y e a r s
on July 10, 2022

The good ol days of pretend you're xyzzy and getting banned from qfeast every four days ✨✨
on July 10, 2022
on July 10, 2022

that collage was actually painful to make cause I was like oh gross
I have to add Alois
oh g r o s s I have to add spooky noodle people
O h G R O S S D I O
I have to add Alois
oh g r o s s I have to add spooky noodle people
O h G R O S S D I O
on July 02, 2022

on July 02, 2022

I'll never forget my first cosplay of a 100$ Prussia uniform
You know what I spent 100$ on for this cosplay? The skin paint, blazer, fabric for the blazer, leather for the gun holsters, leather crafting tools, and black pants
14 year old me would be quaking in their Shein quality fake leather already falling apart 2008 "I only listen to real music *plays Sleeping with Sirens* black boots
You know what I spent 100$ on for this cosplay? The skin paint, blazer, fabric for the blazer, leather for the gun holsters, leather crafting tools, and black pants
14 year old me would be quaking in their Shein quality fake leather already falling apart 2008 "I only listen to real music *plays Sleeping with Sirens* black boots

me when my “ben drowned cosplay” was greasy spirit halloween face paint and a cheapy green maternity shirt i got at target for like ten bucks
on June 27, 2022
on June 27, 2022

If this place is getting shut down at least let me screenshot my one(1) funny post eyeroll eyeroll

on June 23, 2022
on June 23, 2022

Who tf let me make an account s e v e n years ago?
on June 17, 2022

I glued my lips closed and snorted water for science

on June 16, 2022

Heyy i religiously argued with you about hetalia ships when i was 11 and was a massive dick to you and i'm really sorry about that if u remember that at all
on June 16, 2022
on June 11, 2022

"There were oinkers everywhere I was in the pig pen"
My friend upon telling the story of how she saw four cops in one night
My friend upon telling the story of how she saw four cops in one night
on May 17, 2022

Ayo not me finally putting my pronouns in my bio ??
I love having gender
I love having gender
on May 08, 2022