How can i prevent qfeast making my questions profile?
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Sometimes it is just because of the title. Sometimes you have to change the name, for example. One time I had a psychology question about what people saw in the ink blots. It was called what do you see? Sometimes you just have to leave out words like you, me, I, us, etc. Ive found that if you use those words in the title it will go to a profile question or page or whatever. Those types of words will make it a profile page. Trust me just go on my profile. There are so many profile See More pages, etc that it is unbelievable. Making sense? :)

no... but most of it does, ill leave out a word or 2

on August 21, 2015

It was! thx dood! @Dracorex
on August 21, 2015

Well hopefully you found it useful :)
on August 21, 2015
on August 21, 2015
on August 21, 2015