HeroSky asked a question
On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you for school? Mine is 11, xD jk, mine is 0
on September 01, 2015

HeroSky asked a question
is this wrong? so, i have a crush, and i think this is the dumbest crush another crush,...
on August 28, 2015

HeroSky asked a question
What do you think of the new song ex's and oh's? i like it, whats your opinion?
on August 22, 2015

and this is what i look like in anime -_-: http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk39/hnanimegrl88/brown%20hair%20girls/chick.jpg

on August 21, 2015

this is what i wanna look like!! http://s1223.photobucket.com/user/SilverDust144/media/Anime/Emo_Anime_Girl_by_Vantena.jpg.html

Emo_Anime_Girl_by_Vantena.jpg Photo by SilverDust144 | Photobucket
Lisa Cramblet uploaded this image to 'Anime'. See the album on Photobucket.
on August 21, 2015

HeroSky asked a question
Are blue eyes and brown hair attractive? cause i have brown hair and blue eyes, im wond...
on August 21, 2015

HeroSky asked a question
Is there such thing as a black person with blue eyes? (no offence!) im just wondering, ...
on August 21, 2015

HeroSky asked a question
HeLp! PlS! So, i have a minecraft friend we known each other for 2 months, she showed ...
on August 20, 2015