Do you think it is okay for women to be topless at the beach? That means what is your opinion on women having their tops off and showing their boobs at the beach.
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There is absolutely nothing inherantly sexual about breasts. We live in an oversexualized society that sees women's boobs as sex objects, and not what they are. They are just tools to feed babies, and they are no different from men's chests other than they have much more fatty tissue. It's ridiculous how restricted women are!!
on August 06, 2016
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no i am an indian and we are very sensitive about dresses
but still u can wear a bra or a crop shirt but not topless people may think u are a prostititute
but still u can wear a bra or a crop shirt but not topless people may think u are a prostititute

on April 27, 2017
on April 27, 2017
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I would say no. Sorry to offend anyone but in public?! I feel like that is rude and gross. Again, sorry to offend anyone, it's just how I feel about it.
on August 07, 2016
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NO THAT IS DISGUSTONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean disgusting
on February 23, 2016
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I think it's okay, sort of. It depends on the amount of people, what the woman is doing at the time. If she's doing something like, applying sunscreen then of course that's okay. But maybe If they're being a little too showy then someone might need to tell them to start behaving a little more mature.

Agreed. It should be at night when children aren't there.

on November 08, 2016

on November 07, 2016

Ah yes, because children, the age group closest to the age in which babies breastfeed, is the one that would be most aghast to seeing breasts.
on November 02, 2016
on October 28, 2016
on August 26, 2015
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I think they should wear tops unless they have to breastfeed then the can at least become topless to feed the baby. Women have feelings and rights too!
on December 06, 2022
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on October 15, 2017
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Depends...but if they are in a place they are allowed to (like a nude beach or similar, specific places that allow it) it's okay, it's up to the person if they want to.
But if it's not a specific place where you can go that way, I think it would be gross, as you don't know how sensitive people around you are, and could offend them, like for example, kids.
But if it's not a specific place where you can go that way, I think it would be gross, as you don't know how sensitive people around you are, and could offend them, like for example, kids.
on October 29, 2016
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it depends on what type of beach if nude beach than yes but it is up to the person im male and sure im strait but im fine if a girl has to wear clothes or not i really dont care but i hear its kinda offensive for girls to talk about their breasts so i think its up to the person
on October 28, 2016
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If it's a nude beach then yes. Men have more testosterone than women. This causes them to be more horney. So it is completely unfair to show off your boobs on a regular beach. Especially when a lot of men don't actually want to see them. Also children are at beaches.

I think this question is also tying into how women's breasts are so sexualised in the media that men looking at a boob makes them horny. That's more of what this question is hinting at.

It's actually not? Do you not understand how sexualised breasts are? Everyone's seen one a some point so it doesn't really matter. Also, nice cowardice, little lady.
on October 31, 2016

Seriously... That is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard. So I'm not even going to bother to finish this conversation.
on October 30, 2016

Sort of. Breasts are generally seen as sexual objects when they don't have to be seen that way.
on October 30, 2016

Im confused, are you saying that boobs make guys horney because the media presents them that way?
on October 29, 2016
on October 29, 2016
on October 28, 2016
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on August 09, 2016
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If they want to fully expose their boobs, that's up to them. However, certain people may not want to see that in public.
on August 08, 2016
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Eww no. But bikini wise yes.
This reminded me of my nightmare last night. I was at school, (even though it's summer) and my shirt kept on coming off for some reason...
This reminded me of my nightmare last night. I was at school, (even though it's summer) and my shirt kept on coming off for some reason...

same thing happened with me but i was being chased by fan girls and when my shirt disappeared they got faster
on October 28, 2016
on July 11, 2016
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P-please choose another p-picture... 0-0
Some people may not like it, heh... It IS a kids website...
But I personally think it should be fine for a woman to take her top off. Men do it. Women have the same things as men, they're just bigger and more over-sexualized by people.
But I personally think it should be fine for a woman to take her top off. Men do it. Women have the same things as men, they're just bigger and more over-sexualized by people.
on August 24, 2015

on August 24, 2015
on August 24, 2015
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Thats such a stupid question -.-

Uh,yes it is?
Who the hell asks if its okay for a woman to be topless in a beach?its obviouse that answer
NO,woman shouldent be topless at the beach,there are going to be people there
Who the hell asks if its okay for a woman to be topless in a beach?its obviouse that answer
NO,woman shouldent be topless at the beach,there are going to be people there

Except this is a hypothetical. If it gets played down as a sex symbol then it would be acceptable.So, yeah. It is easy because this is a hypothetical based on opinion.
on September 09, 2015

on August 26, 2015

yes,its true what you said
but not evreyone thinks that way,and that there a lot of perverts that will be just staring at the girl boobs or maybe even start annoying her
but not evreyone thinks that way,and that there a lot of perverts that will be just staring at the girl boobs or maybe even start annoying her
on August 25, 2015
on August 24, 2015
on August 24, 2015
no offense
and wat u are trying to say is "it is okay for women to be topless"
why is it okay? because men do it? men do many things it do NOT mean that we should also do the same and vice versa
and i have said earlier if u are so "sorry" that everyone is getting notification do it in my See More wall or yours
instead of saying something do it
post it in my wall
and just because i made a simple mistake do not mean that my second language is English - and i told it only once while u have been saying this as a poll "the whole time"
as u feel very sorry that u are disturbing others u can do it in my wall
no problem for me as u can only feel sorry - not find a solution
And sorry for the notificationnd guys
then, i have said another point that " women's body is not a public thing to stare at" that is wat my parents taught us and that is our culture and i respect it and totally support it. women can wear See More revealing clothes to an extent and my other one was the point was u said!
and do u know wat u are doing? the last few replies u have been talking was not the "cross point" but against me
u r making stupid replies "without any cross point"
and u r making people get stupid notifications
one more thing i dont want to continue this argument in which i am saying my point again and again and u r saying something stupid
if u get some "real point" then post on my wall! i will reply to it!
if u have to this publicly u are just making urself and idiot
priests preach that does not mean it is the law - so stop saying who is preaching is saying the laws
I don't know how it is in your country but in mine people come to have fun
as i said earlier a woman's body is not a public thing for people to stare and a beach is a place where people come to have fun not to stare
And I am sorry I didn't mean to be rude and if I hurted you I apologise and hope that you will accept it
We all are humans and difference of opinion will happen but it should not turn to a fight hope you would accept my apology and continue this talk
i say their clothes also has a part in it
and the main reason i said no is there are kids too
and about the men thing i say it because of two thing -
*there is high chance they thing u will do casual sex or anything else like that See More
*ur body is not a public thing so that anyone can see wat they want to see
then wat is the use of clothes?
marvele i am giving u a free advice
think more before u say or act