Questions Sitemap - Page 60

Questions Sitemap - Page 60. Browse Questions on Qfeast

What is your favorite candy brand? Mine is Hershey, a chocolate company. Whats yours?
Does anyone watch the show Charlotte? Does anyone watch the anime Charlotte? Its good, you should check it out if you haven't.
What would happen in a world were you didn`t exist? Basically, what would happen in the world if you didn`t exist in it?
What FNAF character do you like the most? So, mine is The Marrionet, and if she was a boy and I never met Scourge...
Why are people Gay There are alot of people (on qfeast) who say they are Lgbt which means they are gay. Why do they do that
If you can go to a new dimension, where would you go? Bam! I have been transformed in a new dimension...but which one will u wanna go?
Have you ever heard of Cryaotic? Sup?
Would you want a new series for FNaF? Like a new game series, based solely on the lore of FNaF?
Can anyone help me regarding anger issues? I have really bad anger control I'm 11 yrs old and had anger issues when I was younger, I thought it was gone but now I'm not so sure coz I was playing a board game with my nan and sister and suddenly I got really angry coz I wasn't winning and then my I said 14 points to me in a really weird voice and my sister mimicked me and I started screaming at her to shut up at 5 past 10 at night I don't know what to do I can't go to my mum coz she has depression and has enough on her mind my step dad's horrible my dad just thinks everything's a joke and my step mum 2 and I can't even go to my room for peace due 2 have 5 sisters and 3 brothers plz help
How was Fifth Grade for you? I've heard people say it was hell. I'm very concerned because I am going into fifth grade in September... how was fifth grade for you?
Is This a Good Idea? (1) I'm going to 7th grade when school starts and I have this idea I got from this book. I want to be an anoymous writer and help people solve their problems. They will also be anoymous. I could create boxes and posters and put them all over the school for the students and after school, I collect them all and ask the school to make a newspaper article on it or something. You think I should report it to my principal as a possible good idea for the school?
Are there life in outer space? How would the aliens look like? and lastly, describe their planet
How do you be more active on Qfeast? I need to know how to get more followers and be more active, and I know that I haven't been on qfeast much, well I don't post that much, but I need to know how to be more active.
Are you a good muliti-tasker? As I write this I'm trying on clothes for school.
How Did You Find Out About Poke'mon? That's right, how were you introduced to the most amazing thing ever? I actually have an interesting story for this one, LOL, so my dad was on a trip to Japan, he found a figurine of Psyduck, which he then gave to me. At the time, we didn't know what Poke'mon was, so my dad searched it, and that is how I became obsessed with Poke'mon. <3
How many kpop bands do you know? Mention as many as you can or if it´s too much: just mention your favourites! :-)
If a boy teases you, does it mean they like you? There's this guy that always teases me. Like, about EVERYTHING! Does he like me?
What is your meaning of life? I want to know what yours is, and if you have one. My meaning: I wasn't meant to live.
Are there any possible way to body swap and in that case, how?
Is there a possible way to make a timemachine and in that case how?
Do you know any running tips? I was wondering if anyone could give some running tips thanks!
Why are there giant corns in Dublin, Ohio?
What is the funniest gaming adventure you have had? Just wanted to know.
What is your favourite anime character? Mine would be... Either Homura from Madoka Magica or Ayu from Kannon or Fuko from Clannad... What about you?
Who likes back to school shopping Who likes to go get new clothes to wear to school? And pencils, pencil crayons, crayons, erasers, etc.
What are your thoughts on romance? I admit that having a boyfriend or someone who had similar likes like me,but I don't think I'll be dating soon.Its mainly cause of my trust issues.Anyway,I've only ever been asked out once and it was a guy who was one year younger than me and he was a jerk for most of the time before asking me out.
Do you watch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? It's a show I've been binge-watching on youtube. I want to know if anyone else watches it.
Do you watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine? It's a TV show with Andy Samberg. It's a comedy show about police sector and it's really good. You should watch it if you haven't.
Did you know of the new Latina Princess? A new princess by the name of Elena will be appearing on Sofia the First(I'm pretty sure).Anyway she will be considered the FIRST Latin Princess.Did you know?
Did you enjoy reading "Glitched?" And what is your favorite part? Character? Etc?
What's your favorite screamo band?
Why are there so many car crashes lately? I've noticed there's been a lot of car crashes on the free-way.But that's just me.Im not sure if there have been a lot but I just feel like I've seen a lot lately.
Does anyone want the game The Idolmaster one for all translated in to their language? The Idolmaster is a game where you produce an idol or an idol group. Only thee of their games are translated into English and you can only produce one idol. I really want to play this game but I can't read Japanese so I thought other people might know.
Would you be best friends with a vocaloid, if so who would it be? If the vocaloids were real and you could become friends with them who would it be? You would hang out with them when their not busy and maybe be in a song or two.
Anyone else get this? In the bottom right corner of my tablet screen, there is a little white tab that says "Crazy and Funny :D" and when I accidentally click it, it opens a link to the page. Can I get rid of it?
I need help with friendship Okay, so I don't make friends easily, and I finally have some friends at church, and I'm freaked out a little bit because I have no idea how to handle friendships! What do I do? I don't want to lose any more friends!
How can I get more muscle? (Read below) How can I get more muscle without making alot of healthy sacrifices? I might start bodybuilding. Any tips?
GMM fans, how do you feel about the Season Seven Finale I thought it was good and funny, but I felt so sorry for Link. He looked so sad through out the whole thing...
Whats your favorite TV shows? It can be a anime, a cartoon, a reality show, ANYTHING. I like Steven Universe (My liking is very small now because of the fanbase on Qfeast. But I still watch it) Madoka Magica, (Though I'm watching bits of it, its pretty good.) Powerpuff girls, Johnny Bravo, Spongebob, Recess and Hey Arnold. They all have good morals in it which is why I watch it. I also like the way how they write the script and turn the plot around. :3 I just like them because they have a plot Unlike the REST of TV shows these days. So anyway, whats your top 7?
Who was the first to discover uranium? This is really random but I was just bored...
How do you deal with anger/sadness? I listen to music or read or take deep breaths
Where did you get you best pizza ever?! Just.. Say where you got your best pizza.. Don't worry about me.. I am just bored..
What was your best year(s) of school? Since school is starting up soon I thought of this question.My elementary years sucked.I was what I called myself a 'leftover'.I was always in the back of my friends and I was never really payed attention to.Most of my friends weren't loyal or truthful or smart and they would always side with the boys instead of friends.They were really messed up.Anyway I have to say my middle school years were the best.I met so many amazing and funny people who had VERY different likes and personalities and were picked on more than me.They became like family to me and I love them.Now that schools starting up again I'll be seeing people(mostly boys)who hurt me and others in the past and I'm planing on pretending I have no clue who they are.I rather forget the bad times and people and remember the amazing,fun times and people I know now.What about you?
How do I Pm? I know I'm stupid, but i don't know how!
Has this ever happened to you before on Qfeast? I made a page call Post Stuff, and tons of ppl post on it! So happy! This never happened to me before!
Who was the best batman? Who was the best batman in movies for example you might say keaton
Why does Qfeast always make my " hedgehog" stuff profile? They say that it is a cartoon for littler kids. I completely disagree.
Do you like music? If you do then tell me your favorite song and who is it by
Fav tv show?
What does this emoji mean? Emojis are cute and funny but I have NO clue what this one mean!(the emoji is on the pic!)plus the category is society which might be a bit random.
Who part of the juggalo family Are you a juggalo or no if not please don't say bad stuff
What's your favorite 'ball' sport?
What is your favorite Steven Universe character? What Steven Universe character is your favorite? Multiple characters allowed!
what is your worst lie you ever told? You can say more then 1. Also you can explain how regret ful that you told.
What's your favorite song by Katy Perry? Mine is Roar (don't judge me)
Most Embarrassing Moment?
Who is your favorite mlp and why do you like it? Rainbow dash: Cause she is awesome She can do a sonic rainboom And she's got SWAG!
What's your favorite word to say? I just want to know! And I don't know why. Hmmm
Cosplay ideas? I'm going to MAGFest with a large group of friends and we're all cosplaying. I was thinking gender-bender Gambit from X-Men but his costume is a lot to put together. It shouldn't be too hard but it will take time, energy, and lots of money. Recently, I've been considering Tsubaki from Your Lie in April or gender-bender Malcolm Reynolds. However, these aren't too recognizable and there's not much to make. My Plan A is still Gambit but I would love some suggestions! I'm 5'7, 112 lbs, medium brown hair with blonde highlights (willing to dye or cut), hazel eyes (wear glasses but I have contacts and willing to get colored contacts), very narrow body with not many curves, and please ask for more information on my appearance I don't mind. I have about $150-200 to spend on this. It's in February so I have lots of time. I am willing to make, actually I'd prefer it. Please ask for more info! Pic is of Tsubaki :3
Who caused the Bite of '87? Ok, I'm surprised that no-one asked this. I believe it was Mangle because she was there, and the other animatronics' mouths appear too small to bite off the frontal lobe. Also, Foxy was under construction, and he is the only other Fox.
Weirdest Question Anyone Has Ever Asked You?
What date does your school start after summer break? Please tell also your country / state
Do you think females should be forced to go into the restrooms to breast feed babies in restaurants? Some restaurants force women to go into the restroom to breast feed their babies. Do you agree with this or not? My opinion is no, they should not be forced. They are doing it to FEED A CHILD, not to show off their body for sexual appeal or anything. If you don't like it, don't look. They are not pleasing themselves.
What do you plan on being for Halloween? What do you want to be on Halloween? Please tell me!
I think the Steven Crewniverse is coming out of ideas for making an episode called 'Nightmare Hospital.' who else thinks that? Ok, number one, the plot makes no sense at all. Steven and Connie sneak into a hospital to retrieve Rose's Sword. Basically, if you read the Wiki, and if you remember, Connie's mom is a doctor, and Steven gives Connie Rose's Sword, and OMG also the Maheswarans are all about safety, and so that's why her mom might have the sword... right? Well, I just typed this up in like 2 minutes, so I might have gotten something wrong.
How can I look older? I really wanna look older! 16 at least
Do you think if Frozen didn't have so many songs, that it'd actually be good? Well, I feel kinda idiotic for making this, but hey, I was in the mood.
Is there a ghost following me? OK, so a ghost is haunting me and my sister at our house. She moves my stuff and I hear her talk and scream. Hear is what I mostly hear her say: "I'm sorry mommy" "forgive me" "it hurts" and alote of the time our bathroom door will start banging and shaking and you hear her screaming and yelling "help me daddy! She is hurting me!" Then when we open it there is small bloody handprints on the door. What should I do? Me and my sister are thinking of using a ouiji board. What dou you think?
What Do You Do When You Are Upset? I sleep, yep whenever I am upset I sleep, that's how I slept for 14 hours straight, no joke.
I need named for a book I'm writing called Luna's Adventures. I need some cats, single names. Also give their gender and pelt color.(The pic is suppose to be Luna, just I couldn't get a good one.) Also, the names Luna and Rain are taken.
How can I stop my cat from getting to my hamster? Whenever I`m not looking nor am I paying any attention, my cat will jump on my dresser and stare and punt and stuff with my hamster (BTW he is in a cage) I just want to know if there`s anyway to stop her without moving my hamster cage. I don`t want her hurt nor do I want my hamster!
What cartoon character would you ship me with? I just want to know. BTW I`m a girl so... I just want to see who people would ship me with...
What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? Yup, that's my question. Hitch-hikers guide to galaxy reference
What Is Your Favorite Type Of Fruit? Do you like oranges, strawberries, pineapple... or something unique like starfruit or pomegranate?
Whats your biggest pet peeve ?
Do I have a HUGE friendship problem? My friend flutterkitty and i had a fight. It was about which mlp shipping was better. We are now both very mad at each other. (There is proof) Can anyone help me?!
Do you believe asexuality/aromanticism is a real thing? Before I say anything else, I know what being asexual and being aromantic are not the same thing. I just want to know your opinion and why.
Is this creepy? (1) I have a guy friend that I text 24/7. He used to live in my area, but then moved. We're still in contact with eachother. Our parents know eachother and the best guy friend. We decide to go on a family event of all of us to Splashtown (a water park) of just our family. My guy friend lives in the area. I tell him about how my family and are going to Splashtown, so I won't be texting him at all that day. He decides that he'll go that same date by himself, with no parent or other friend. And buy a ticket for himself. He tells you he's gunna do that. Does this seem creepy to you?
Does anyone have a good idea for a Steven Universe story? If you do, please tell me, I am DYING to see if there's anything you guys want me to write about, just so I dont waste my time on a dumb story no one will even read.
opinion on ed How do you feel about my princess aka ed sheeran , be honest
How do you change your pic? On my iPad, it just isn't working! I tried, but it didn't work! This is wat I wanted it to be the pic
What Colors Do You Wear The Most? I wear mostly black,grey,pink,and red.Don't know why though.
What Are Your Favorite Things About QFeast? I like how so many people are respectful and how they're mature and fun and so open minded.I didn't expect seeing so many fun conversations,pictures,pages,and more.Im so happy I'm a part of this.It allows me to understand more of the real and internet world.
What Are Your Favorite Animals?Like The Ones You Love The Most? I love owls and wolves.I've always loved wolves because they're so mysterious and owls are really pretty.I love their feathers and the patterns on them.
What do you think I look like? (3) Just descriptive in your answer please. Even if we never have talked look through my stuff like stories, comments, and whatnot and take a descriptive guess (include skin, eye, hair color and body type (optional) ) after a few responses I might do a face reveal | _•)
what should my next quiz be?
Look to your left, the first thing you see is your weapon against an oncoming zombie. What was your weapon?
What is the most stupid thing you have ever done? I was bored so... Mine was probably wearing a short dress.
How do I get interested in anime? One of my friends said they loved anime as that I should start to, but I don't know how! I know there's a lot of anime fans on here! I know what anime is, but then again I don't like is there certain Anime games or?
Are you gonna watch the new series We Bare Bears tonight? You gonna watch it? Cuz I am!
How much weight does she need to lose? How much weight does the girl on right need to lose to look like the 2 girls on the left. Thanks!
Can we suggest future updates for this website? I was wondering, is there some kind of forum or "contact an admin" page where we can suggest future updates or leek certain bugs that we find? Because I have a lot of really cool ideas that i think would bring in more users to this site and make it more popular. I mean I'm a programmer and a (semi)professional web page designer so I know how to spot bugs and even fix them but I'd like to see some improvements to the site more frequently than what they currently are at.
What's your favorite opening for an anime? What's your favorite opening for an anime. Mine would be Tokyo Ghoul or Attack on Titan
What do you think of prisons getting more high maintenance systems so that people can not escape? Lots of people try to get out prison each day, by escaping. Part of the problem is that sone prisons don't have very high maintenance systems, which makes it easy to escape. When the prisoners escape, they try to get revenge on the people that turned them in, or just try to cause harm. I think that prisons should get more high maintenance system. What about you? Comment below. Please do not fight if people have different opinions than you, thanks
What was that voice Marco heard in The Blood Moon Ball? I think it was a soul of the moon telling him to go since it was his and Star's destiny.Im not compeltely sure.
What are your top 5 favorite dog breeds?
What was it like in 5th grade? I was just wondering cause I'm 5th grade when summer is over.
Do I need professional equipment to become pro at drawing? See, my friend got these VERY expensive artist pens to draw manga with, and well, I'm kind of jealous :/ and her drawing is brilliant now, and even though i am still really happy for her, i still feel a little jealous :( . But my main question is, do i need professional pens and things like that to become a good manga artist?
What song(s) describes your life? To songs that describe my life are phase, and fade away both by breaking benjamin.
Do You Have Any Life Questions/Therioes? I've always wondered if we chose our own family and have no memory of it.Or if we are being tested with every bad thing that comes our way and when it's all over we get some amazing thing.Im not sure,but you may think differently.