Most Embarrassing Moment?
Answers (11)
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I wanted to play a prank on my father by jumping on his back when we were at the park. I was little, probably in fourth grade, so it made sense. I saw the back of the man who had the same hair as my father and shouted "Hyah!" and jumped on his back.
Turns out it was not my father.
It was a man with a walking cane.
Turns out it was not my father.
It was a man with a walking cane.
on August 03, 2015
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I was with my brother at pizza lunch and somehow the conversation turned to neutering dogs. He was asking me how I knew thw dogs were neutered and I answered him, in English because there was a family with little kids sitting behind us, "Because their testicles are HUGE." The parents turned around and only then did I hear the kids were also talking in English. The family knew English and I just shouted testicles in front of the little kids.
on August 03, 2015
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My best friend Danny and I were making a "Let's Play" video on Ocarina of Time. We were running in the mountains and Danny's mom comes in and asked what we were watching. There was an awkward silence. I sort of expected Navi to say "Hey, Listen" or something but I did not expect Link to sneeze. It was the funniest moment, yet still embarrassing. It was also when we discovered that you could do that...
on August 03, 2015
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I was in second grade and my teacher asked if anyone knows what the shape was and I raised my hand and yelled " STOP SIGN " then my class laughed at me
on April 17, 2017
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This was this morning...
I got my first period 2 days ago and wore a pad in bed. I tend to move a lot in my sleep. I woke up, went into the bathroom to change my pad and as soon as i got outta bed, there was a big stain of period blood on my sheets. So i went to the bathroom, undressed and saw a big stain on my pyjama bottoms and in my knickers( harder to see cuz they were black). Turns out i managed to move my butt away (in my sleep) away from the pad and had part of my period See More through it.
Then my little sister (she's 8 and knows so much about this stuff which is creepy) came into my room to get one of my my little ponies (ima brony) to play with. However, this pony happened to be like, right next to the stain. She got the pony saw the stain and shouted "MUM! LAILA'S HAD HER PERIOD THROUGH HER UNDERWEAR!"
I wanted to die of embarrassment.
I got my first period 2 days ago and wore a pad in bed. I tend to move a lot in my sleep. I woke up, went into the bathroom to change my pad and as soon as i got outta bed, there was a big stain of period blood on my sheets. So i went to the bathroom, undressed and saw a big stain on my pyjama bottoms and in my knickers( harder to see cuz they were black). Turns out i managed to move my butt away (in my sleep) away from the pad and had part of my period See More through it.
Then my little sister (she's 8 and knows so much about this stuff which is creepy) came into my room to get one of my my little ponies (ima brony) to play with. However, this pony happened to be like, right next to the stain. She got the pony saw the stain and shouted "MUM! LAILA'S HAD HER PERIOD THROUGH HER UNDERWEAR!"
I wanted to die of embarrassment.

That is embaressing.Im always so careful with that stuff cause if my sisters found out(if they already don't know)about my period,they'd go around telling people.They did that to my cousin once,and they told a guy.Hang in there,I mean your sister will go through that too at some point.

I trust my sisters as much as I trust a murderuos psychopath holding a knife and I personally can't wait for them to be in their teen years and understand what I'm going through.Its gonna be satisfying.
on January 09, 2016
Yeah, she found out i started when i came downstairs with my mum and i said to my mum "Kitty better not find out this secret" and my sister's really nosy and she kept whining "tell me Laila!" so i told her and she started laughing so i punched her and told her it would happen to her
on January 09, 2016
on January 09, 2016
on January 09, 2016
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I'm forth grade the 5th grade boys were changing for PE In The lad and I opened it to put a pen in the lost and found everyone was yelling at me
( it was in science class.i go to privet school )
( it was in science class.i go to privet school )
on August 04, 2015
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When I left the door open while going to the bathroom in front of my friends and I was totally ambarassing to me and they kept talking about it
on August 03, 2015
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It wasn't me, but this happened to another stranger and I HOPE she is embarrassed and learned her lesson.
I used to work at this jump-house place where we held a lot of birthday parties. I had to make sure the kids were safe on the bounce houses, and I think I was stationed at the big tall slide thing at the time. Keep in mind I'm only about 5'2" and I look a lot like an eight-year-old when I'm wearing my uniform which is polo shirt and jeans.
This woman from a birthday party See More which just ended was looking for her daughter who she thought had snuck out to get an extra few turns on the bounce houses. From behind, I heard the lady shout, "Elizabeth!" and slap my cheek hard. It was not a light slap. I had a red mark for the rest of the day. She immediately realised her mistake and was apologising and apologising before I actually had to order her to leave.
I hope she found her daughter and I hope she learned to never abuse her children in public.
I used to work at this jump-house place where we held a lot of birthday parties. I had to make sure the kids were safe on the bounce houses, and I think I was stationed at the big tall slide thing at the time. Keep in mind I'm only about 5'2" and I look a lot like an eight-year-old when I'm wearing my uniform which is polo shirt and jeans.
This woman from a birthday party See More which just ended was looking for her daughter who she thought had snuck out to get an extra few turns on the bounce houses. From behind, I heard the lady shout, "Elizabeth!" and slap my cheek hard. It was not a light slap. I had a red mark for the rest of the day. She immediately realised her mistake and was apologising and apologising before I actually had to order her to leave.
I hope she found her daughter and I hope she learned to never abuse her children in public.

Why did she slap u?

I would have never done something as stupid as that.Slapping a kid is messed up.
on August 05, 2015
on August 04, 2015
on August 03, 2015
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I found a lighter at an international airport during a layover. I knew bombs were sometimes disguised as lighters and I didn't want anyone to see me drop a bomb in the trash can, especially since I was a teenager from another country and alone. I decided to bring it to the airport security guards. At the time, I was mute, so I was using ASL (American Sign Language) to communicate. Unfortunately these guards only knew Spanish, so I was there making weird signs and holding out a See More lighter to them. Eventually my mother came over and started yelling at me and explained the situation to the guards.
on August 03, 2015
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One day when me,my mom,and my sisters were waiting for my dad to get ready so we could leave I was sitting on my couch playing my tablet.I wanted my best friend/cousin to show up to talk.Anyway,someone knocked on the front door and went straight to it and opened it saying,'I knew it was you!' and instead of seeing my friends it was a boy around my age.I stand there thinking how stupid I was while he started to say something.When he said mom I cut him off and said I'd go get her.After See More I went to tell my mom and stayed in her room and quietly freak outed from embarrassment.Yeah,that day will haunt me forever.

I was trying to find a seat on the wipeout and I found a seat with a person :$ :$
on August 03, 2015
on August 03, 2015