Do you think females should be forced to go into the restrooms to breast feed babies in restaurants? Some restaurants force women to go into the restroom to breast feed their babies. Do you agree with this or not? My opinion is no, they should not be forced. They are doing it to FEED A CHILD, not to show off their body for sexual appeal or anything. If you don't like it, don't look. They are not pleasing themselves.
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No! They're just doing it to feed a child. Don't like it? DONT LOOK AT IT. Jesus.
It's part of life. Would you rather see someone breastfeed a baby, or know that a baby has been underfed?
on August 02, 2015
on August 02, 2015
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I think, along with some others, that there should be something they can use to cover, like a light piece of cloth. I don't think it's wrong, but it might be awkward.
on September 25, 2016
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No, besides who in the bloody hell gets aroused when they see a woman breastfeeding her child? Oh wait internet never mind but still no they should be able to feed their child.
on August 02, 2015
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No. Kids need foooooood! Geez. Sexist restaurants... It's a BABY! Babies get hungry... My aunt had to do it at Target. What's the prob with that?!
on August 02, 2015
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By law, if you're a mother breastfeeding a child, and you're at work, the workplace has to provide you with a clean, sanitary, private place to breastfeed that is not the restroom.
Now if you're a normal person out in public, I think if you were to breastfeed in public, it would be considered "indecent exposure". Just because your breast isn't in your shirt/bra. Or somehow it's not "covered".
Now if you're a normal person out in public, I think if you were to breastfeed in public, it would be considered "indecent exposure". Just because your breast isn't in your shirt/bra. Or somehow it's not "covered".
on August 02, 2015
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It's completely natural and needlessly sexualized. The same men who shame women in public are probably furiously beating it to lesbian porn at home.
on September 27, 2016
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I don't think they should HAVE to go to a restroom, but if the other customers don't want to have to look at it there could be some other solution. Like maybe some kind of screen or curtain the lady could pull around to block her breasts from the others. Something like that.
on February 24, 2016
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It depends. People dont want their kids going like, Mommy, why is the baby sucking on her boobies? But it is unfair that they have to breastfeed in a smelly bathroom

Kids understand what breastfeeding is

look, even if kids don't look at a mother breastfeeding her child and immediately think "oh the baby is eating", they're not the ones needlessly sexualizing her breasts. you are
on October 01, 2016
on September 27, 2016
on September 26, 2016
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No! Theyre just giving their child food. Its the equivilant of going to a resteraunt and eating there!
on February 24, 2016
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No, they should not be forced. I disagree with the #FreeTheNipple campaign though and I think they're different things.
on February 23, 2016
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No, it's a baby. The child needs to be fed like everyone else, let them be.
If titties ain't ya thing don't look.
If titties ain't ya thing don't look.
on August 26, 2015
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No. They're feeding their child. It's completely natural and shouldn't be shunned like that.
on August 24, 2015
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No. Public restrooms are extremely unsanitary, and this could get the child sick. Also, there are other solutions. You could have a set of tables off to the side for them and their family to sit.
on August 22, 2017
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New opinion: I think there should be some way to cover up, considering their would be stares, but they should not have to go the restroom?? Make sense???
on May 14, 2016
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Yea because social norms :/ i don't agree with social norms but like no ned to make people feel uncomfortable. hopefully one day it'll b ok to see breasts like that more publicly but for now, it shouldn't b that big of a deal to go to the bathroom
on August 02, 2015