Questions Sitemap - Page 84

Questions Sitemap - Page 84. Browse Questions on Qfeast

Are harry potter puppet pals disrespectful to the series I mean they are really funny but I feel like they are making fun of harry potter. Idunno
Why do some rockets carry oxygen in addition to fuel?
Does anyone else play World of Warcraft? IF you do could you please tell me the server your toons lvl, name, and class?
What is different way by saying the word "STUBBORN" ? U can give many if u wont to
I need someone to tell me the different way by saying "HAPPY" Only one way by it
Who can tell me the different way by saying"RICH"? i need only one different way
which of the following can also be used as this"Baffle"? 1.Happy 2.Auspicious 3.Extroverted 4.Tyrannical.Is the answer 1,2,3,or 4 choose the correct answer.
what is the similar meaning for "HONEST"
Where can I get a used car owners manual in uk I have just bought a 2005 seat toledo 2.0 tdi sport and it has no owners manual with it. Can anyone advise where I can get one as I am struggling finding one on the net. Many thanks.
What does this mean? What does the parenthesis with the number in it mean in a tests title?
i have been close friends with this boy for a few years and i now like him! what should i do? okay, i am a girl and i like this boy! but we have been close friends for a few years and know that i like him it feels weird! i don't see him all the time so it is not like i know everything about him, i can't even tell if he likes me back... somebody please tell me what i should do!
How do you breakup you Mum and her boyfriend? I asked this before but no one replied, I don't want anyone saying get to know him you might like him he's a Pr*** end of. Please Help
help!please! i need someone to go ro the dance with how do i get a boy to ask me
Favourite colour? We want to find out what the most popular colour is. Post your answer on this page!
Can you help me, please? You know that line in Honeymoon Avenue by Ariana Grande, the one after "And my heart is at a yellow line, a yellow line," and before "Well, that's when we start turning around,"? Um...what is it? Everywhere I look says "Hey, can we go back where we found it?" but I don't think that's it...
Will you miss Good Luck Charlie? I'm SO gonna miss Good Luck Charlie!!!!! :(
THE GREAT DEBATE: LEARNING Which do you think is better for learning: E Readers or books? Explain why.
When I Insert My Flash Drive In The Computer An Error Message Appear Your Storage Device Is Not Formatted What Happen To my FlashDrive ????
Exclusive Advice Have a Question About .Fashion .Boys .Girly stuff that you want to be answered well Me MissExclusive is here to help just ask away
What are u guys dressing as for Halloween I can't wait for Halloween
what would your one wish be? dont tell anything you aren't comfortable with saying to the public
can you get a gas fitting to service both a gas hob and a gas cooker we have a gas cooker and a gas hob but no pipes to connect them with.can you get a pipe to connect both to the gas mains?
How do I get money? I'm 11 years old and I need money for (and this probably sounds stupid) Monster High high school, Heath Burns and Abbey Bominable Home Ick set, Lagoona Blue picture day , Lagoona Blue bathroom set and the Monster High Die-ner. All together it costs about £192! I can't sell anything because I have no time and I can't babysit or anything like that because I don't know the people in my neighbourhood that well. So yeah please help!
Baby sitting a 3 year old! I have NO little siblings,And I'm watching a 3 & 1/2 Year old (girl) in about 3 HOURS! What are some things I can keep her entertained with? I'm going to bring her to a play gym and let her play,also I froze a toy in ice that she can break out and keep. I NEED MORE IDEAS,PLEASE HELP! Qfeast wasnt working for me yesterday or I would have asked then.
Do you guys wanna ask me anything? Just wondering if you wanna know anything about me! :D
Hey what is your favrite food Hey shelia it's me Matilda I gots a qfeast account
What kind of person do you think you are? Who do you think are? How would you describe yourself?
If you had one wish? What would you do if you got a wish there is no rules to what you wish for, I know what mine would be
cash loacotor i want to know who cash locator are as i have debit from them of 67.74 on my bank account my bank they are a broker but cant seem to find them on the internet can anyone help thanks.
What would you do if you where bullied? I've never been bullied but often wonder what people would do or do in that situation
Holt Hyde or Heath Burns? I want to buy another Monster High doll and I want it to be a boy because I only have two boys (well technically I have three but Deuce is pretty much destroyed) and the two I really want are Holt and Heath and I can only get one so yeah which should I buy?
How do I ask him out??? So there's this guy that always is nice to me and sticks up for me and he said that I was pretty. I really want to ask him out but I have no idea how to do it without messing it up. Please help me choose what to say!!!
Time for a riddle? You can't walk on me, You cant swim in me, I'm dangerous, I'm very hot and you can feel the burn. What am I?
If you have time for a riddle... I'm always moving, I never end. You study about me in math class, and once your having fun, I will pass. I might be on your arm, I might be on the wall. What am I?
Can you solve this question? If I lived on the hill next to the park, and you lived there too, And all my friends (300) how many people live on the other side? To be solved by Jan. 23rd, 2013. Will give answers then.
Do you think we can live without love? I've seen a lot of people say they can't live without love (as in boyfriend and girlfriend love) and that everyone needs it but I think I can survive much better without a boyfriend. I wanna know you're opinion um so yeah bye bye apple pie.
Is patrick funny or not? Choose your choice of if pat is funny. I think he's funny!
Do you think squidward is boring? Your answer MUST start in "squidward is" or you will be disqualified, or I will give you a -1 on your answer.
What quote, morals and things do you live by? A couple of weeks ago I made a book where I shall keep quotes, morals that I'll live by, respect, that I just like or turn to for advice I would like to know what quotes, moral and things you do the same with. By the way I'm not a nerd.
who's better BEN or Link?? I think BEN is better....Just saying! xD But which one do YOU like better??
okay what would you if this happen to you? okay i have a girlfriend and i call this other girl hot but i was only playing about it because i do that sometimes.. and me being a good person i told my girlfriend about it because i thought we was going to have a good laugh about it.. but it turns out my girlfriend was really mad about that and she wants to take a break from.. i don't understand this i thought we were in love with each.. i have even talked to my friends about it and they said that maybe i need to leave her alone.. but i love her to much.. what would you do ?
How can you get friends if your homeschooled I'm home schooled and all my old friends I still like some of them but I know this sounds douchie but I need to start a new chapter move on get new friends preferably boy as I get on with them better.
Should I be Jeff the killer or The Grudge? I have no Idea which one I should be cause the make-up for them two is really easy and really fun...Plz tell me cause Halloween is coming up so tell me!!
Is Snivy a girl or a boy? I really want to know! Cause in one episode Pikachu fall in love with Snivy so I think Snivys a girl Snivy sounds like a girl so leave the anwsers in the comments tell me!!! (its from Pokemon)
Am I flirting with him? I am just friends with him. We talk whenever we get the chance, always are around each other, and just other normal stuff.
How dare you drop that thunthunthun! I told you not to drop that thunthunthun, and you did. Lol, comment if you get the joke.
Where are the geeks and the nerds? I'm such a geek and a nerd, lol. So, where are all of my fellow geeks and nerds??
who has heard this song its called dont drop that thun thun thun i have it stuck in my head (thanks a lot walter thanks a lot :/
Please help! Mayjor problem needs answer NOW! I am going mad! Right ok. Ahem... I haven fallen in love with one of my bestest friends! the only problem is, he's gay! I just don't know what to do! should I tell him or should I button it up???
any ideas for kids and adults stockings? need some ideas for 3 year old stocking filler and husband stocking fillers
I need some things to do at a slumber party Well this is my first "real" slumber party,and I'M HOSTING IT! I'm exited,but nervous. If I mess up they may not want to another one I host. So its only a week away from tomorrow! I have TONS of game ideas all ready,same with movies. So please don't say "watch movies" or "Play games" Be more pacific. Like play musical chairs (planned all ready) then explain how its played (unless it oblivious). Or "Watch Nemo" :) ..... Anyway here is what I know so far.. Its me plus 6 other girls! Were going to have pizza when they first get here (dinner time) then I will set up snacks (Chips,Pretzels,Soda,Lemonade,Etc) and we will talk and play some games,then watch a movie later on. If you have ANY ideas to make this "party" a hit with my guest let me know (comment). PLEASE KEEP IN MIND WE ARE "OLD TWEENS" AND "EARLY TEENS" ..... AND THAT WE DON'T LIKE MAKE UP!! -Thank :)
who's ready for Halloween??? I am! Because I wanna be Jeff the killer or The Grudge the make-up is gonna be easy for both of them. :)
HELP!!! please, my bird could die of this My 2 year old female budgie, Florence, is attacking my male, Rio, for absoloutly no reason, and my other female Heidi, once bit Florence trying to protect him, and Rio just does nothing, I got them 3 days ago, and they were happy until last night she and Heidi decided to both beak hi , and he went down on the lowest perch and tucked his head in his back, and today, he was sitting on the same perch, and she just attacks him, for NO reason, he is not even near her, I have read that its part of their nature and I should let them be, but I cant, and always tear up when I see him so hurt, PLEASE HELP, WHAT IS HAPPENING?????!!! And that's them in the picture, the blue one is Florence and Heidi is the smallest one
What is the best musical? Just wondering what you think the best musical is!
does anyone know about any of the new animes that are coming out this year? looking for a new good anime to watch
Do you believe in phoenix the fire bird? In Greek mythology, a phoenix or phenix (Ancient Greek φοῖνιξ phóinīx) is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. The phoenix was subsequently adopted as a symbol in Early Christianity.
What are the best best-selling books for you?
What do you guys wanna be when you grow up? I am bored so i wanna know...I wanna be an ARMY special forces member...more like i"m gonna be!!
Future dreams? What our your dreams for the future? Anything from wanting to be an actress, to graduating college!
What do you think of One Direction? Hey guys, I just wanna know if you like 1D or don't. Pls tell me in the comments below! :)
What do you learn from mistakes? You can only learn from a mistake after you admit you’ve made it. As soon as you start blaming other people (or the universe itself) you distance yourself from any possible lesson. But if you courageously stand up and honestly say “This is my mistake and I am responsible” the possibilities for learning will move towards you. Admission of a mistake, even if only privately to yourself, makes learning possible by moving the focus away from blame assignment and towards understanding. Wise people admit their mistakes easily.
What is the full meaning of A.I.R.
do you think tdi Courtney and Gwen will ever be friends agin do you think the will every be friends agin on total drama all stars please comment
all ur fans would love it for you to put the game on nintendo 3ds will u do it? pleeeezzz it would also help minecraft go bigger
Does anyone else do this? Whenever I watch a TV show I always imagine that the main characters in the story are me and my friends because they have similar personalities. Like when I watch mlp I imagine: my BFF Holly is Twilight Sparkle because she is clever, I'm Fluttershy because I'm quiet and love animals, my friend Ebony is Pinkie Pie because she loves to laugh and never takes an insult seriously, my friend Robyn is Applejack because she's pretty strong, my friend Emily is Rainbow Dash because she's atheletic and my friend Antonia is Raity because she's really pretty and loves make up. So yah am I the only person that imagines the main people in a tv show are me and my friends? I don't have a picture right now so ENJOY THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!!!
How do you get inspiration for a story??? Im trying to write a new story, but I don't have any ideas
Airsoft gun what to buy a Mauser l96 sr or a well mb04 or any airsoft gun in the price range of 100-200 pounds I want to know what to buy a MAUSER L96 SR or Well MB04, or even a airsoft sniper in the price range of £100-£200 in the uk.
Does anyone know the song "Don't laugh at me" By Mark Wills???? I love the song cause I used to sing Don't laugh at me in 2nd grade it was so much fun!! :D
Girls Can Do What Boys can do? People Say boys are better at stuff than girls..;. is that true.. Tell me in the comment box... Here is my story about it: Well I think they do the same amount of stuff like I beat a boy in Basketball today, I made a touchdown at recess. Oh and this ,Alot of guys say girls do crappy girly stuff ( no afenceee) like I like Dubstep ( Skrillex is my favorite artsist) I dont shop and i play sports
Would you rather die now or live forever?
who's better Jeff The Killer or Slendy? I think Jeff the killer is better cause he's more sneaker then Slendy even though Slendy teleports so tell me in the comments! tell me which one is the best! :D
Which Band Is Better? : Panic! At The Disco or You Me At Six? Tell me what you think! :P
PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION I AM STUCK Okay, so basically when I get older I want to be an author. I am trying to write a book now and have some sort of idea what it is going to be about. BUT... I know a lot of writers don't earn a lot of money at first even if they work really hard. I do have other choices for future careers but being an author would be my dream. I am really stuck. And I know it's a long way away but STILL. Anyway, please answer. Love you all :)
Do you watch Adventure Time or Regular Show? I LOVE Adventure Time and Regular Show, so does anyone else...?
What is a good age to start dating? I have been wondering this for ages!!! I think it depends on the person but I want to know what you guys think!!!
What Do You Think My Name Is In Real Life? I will give a shout out to anyone who guesses right. Okay here are the hints: I am a girl It begins with B It has a weird meaning (which I will say if you get it) PS: I don't know why I put birds as the category
Does He Like Me? Welll Imm 11 year olds and I have a crush... he stares at me all the time even though we arent in the same class.... but we get to see each other at recess and at Lunck etc...... He smiles at me all the time and Trys to make me laugh....... His freinds like me and im really good with his friends they understand me... and they sometimes ask me do I like him.... and On speacil stuff like dances and fun nights at are school... his dad ask weird around me..... trys for me and my crush to talk and stuff... and Im really too shy to ask him if he likes me what shoule i do?
Who else thinks religion wars are stupid? OK, so some of you might be wondering what I'm talking about. For instance WW2 might spring to your mind. But that's not the case here. Well, on YouTube (and actually ANYWHERE) it seems like if someone even says the slightest thing saying something like; "I believe in God." Someone will immediately say back to them something else like; "Well God is so stupid! And so are you for thinking god is real you idiot!" (Or words to that effect). And I'm just thinking; "Can't everyone have their own opinion?" In a way, they are kind of acting like Hitler, because they are criticizing someone for having a different opinion than them. Even though I'm an Atheist I respect people if they believe in God or any other God. I have lots of friends that are Christians, Jews and even Muslims. So I don't see what all the fuss is about. I get it that you might be upset that someone else worships a different person than you but still, EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES*. Anyway, I want to know YOUR OPINIONS. And please BE HONEST. I won't criticize you for thinking differently than me. *Unless your thinking of doing something VERY WRONG like killing or robbing
Dream job? What would your dream job be? Mine is to become an art teacher!
I REALLY NEED HELP WITH HIM Ok so I do i'm not just screaming and whining... if you could PLEASE go search should I be his best friend, girlfriend, or avoid him? under questions that would be great. Only one person responded and I was really hoping more people would help me--- Things r getting weird between him and me and I don't want to lose him but... I explain it there please go look it up!!!! -----> thats the pic of the question
how many of you like creppypastas? i wanted to know how many other people like creepypastas! because i do their awesome!!!!!!
how many countries in the world I meed to know
I have a boyfriend, but I'm starting to like another guy what can I do? I love my boyfriend, but I can't stop thinking in someone else.
doe's anyone do digital art or just draw like crazy? because I do digital art and draw like a mad person!!! :)
Who were the only two presidents of the United States to be impeached? Out of all 43 presidents of the U.S, only two in the past have been impeached. (Being accussed of lying over something and being taken to court). All you have to do is name those two presidents from the past. :)
What do you think about math? I always hate math I think there's no point to learning it
What to paint on my canvas? i've got a new canvas plz share you ideas and give suggestions about what you think i should paint! P.s plz share a picture for an example like if you say a girl in the rain just post a picture with it so i get the idea!! Thanks!!!
Can someone give me more infomation about app inventor for android? i am doing a computer science practical investigation and i need a little bit more information on app inventor?
Should I be his best friend, girlfriend, or avoid him? So this is really strange: I had a pretty serious bf but he was always more serious about us then me and since he was going 2 a different school I decided 2 break it off (& 4 other reasons). So now he's my best friend (I mean BEST friend) and we talk all the time but I'm starting 2 realize the full extent of his "love" (I mean he always said I love you 2 me and told me things that some spouses don't tell each other) and I'm only 13 so this was a little intense. So the other guys in my class are like "he was way more obsessed with his previous girlfriend" and to prove them wrong I asked him from 1-10 1 being a friend that's a little closer then that and 10 being future wife. HE SAID 9 we're 13! and he asks all these questions like "if we stay in touch through college will u b my gf again?" and I still have feelings for him but I'm not like sure...
I feel like keeping to myself, why? Why do I feel like I want to be by myself and alone, free of emotions? I feel like I just want to beast out. I feel uncontrollable, like a beast, ready to break out, why? All my bad experiences have been shrugged of a long time ago and I feel like I can be happy and I'm ready to take on anything. But I wonder, should I live? I sometimes wonder.
Need help...again... I'm in love with a girl, the thing though, I got a new I talked to her earlier at school and she seemed happy and I try not to give it away, but I seem to go to hard on myself mentally. Going hard hearted because I feel like I shouldn't like her. I feel like trying to think about it later but I'm thinking about love almost 24/7. Can you guys help? I'm always listening.
Solve this if you can... In the east, then in the west, then I'm no more. My counter part follows my dance, it shows no gratitude for it hardly meets me except when people are watching to gain awe, while they take me for granted. What are we?
Are you up for a riddle whether awesome or lame? I'm here when you're looking, I'm gone when you're not, what am I?
new employers number what number/code do i have to ask for off my new employer to give to working tax credits??
Will you be a hero? Do you see people suffer and your afraid to do some thing...please help them who care what other people think please be a hero we need them so bad. Don't let people suffer grab their hand and drag them out. If your suffering my hand is out I'll be your hero if you need me too.
The meanest insult you can come up with that DOESNT involve swearing. The best I made is Pie-Faced Crotch Pheasant Yes, it’s a mouthful, but it’s also bafflingly offensive. Your victim will open their mouth to retort out of reflex, but then realize they have no idea what you said. “I’m a what?” they’ll say, as you just smirk and walk on by. Plus, this insult has nice sharp consonant sounds—a key component to any good curse.
can we stop paying our payment protection policy if we are claiming PPI from that company we are asking this as we contacted the omblisman because we put in a claim to the company and they would not pay out so it's not worth having
I signed a document to allow sale of family home when 18.what was it? I was coerced to do so .I was threatened with expulsion from the family parents were still together .. they did this as a joint enterprise .
I have writers block I have a good story so far and want to add more. It's called One Direction Fan Fiction. If you have read it or want to then go ahead and please give me some ideas please
what is the name of Abdul's shop