Should I be his best friend, girlfriend, or avoid him? So this is really strange: I had a pretty serious bf but he was always more serious about us then me and since he was going 2 a different school I decided 2 break it off (& 4 other reasons). So now he's my best friend (I mean BEST friend) and we talk all the time but I'm starting 2 realize the full extent of his "love" (I mean he always said I love you 2 me and told me things that some spouses don't tell each other) and I'm only 13 so this was a little intense. So the other guys in my class are like "he was way more obsessed with his previous girlfriend" and to prove them wrong I asked him from 1-10 1 being a friend that's a little closer then that and 10 being future wife. HE SAID 9 we're 13! and he asks all these questions like "if we stay in touch through college will u b my gf again?" and I still have feelings for him but I'm not like sure...
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Sorry guys--- he's not someone I want to associate myself with him again. He's hurt me way to much. Unfortunately, I avoid him now :(


on June 17, 2014

on June 17, 2014
on June 17, 2014

not unfortunatly! do whatever you feel is best for you
on June 17, 2014
on June 17, 2014
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either he is head-over-heels in love with you or he wants something from you :\ but yah! definately keep in touch. give him a chance to prove himself. then im pretty sure everything will be ok :)
on June 17, 2014
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Aw he seems really serious about you <3
You should keep in touch but maybe let him know you think you're a liiiitlle bit young for future wife and stuff...
Hang onto him, it's hard to find guys like that so when you're older maybe you can start up again
You should keep in touch but maybe let him know you think you're a liiiitlle bit young for future wife and stuff...
Hang onto him, it's hard to find guys like that so when you're older maybe you can start up again
on April 06, 2014
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Um 13 as well and I've had a couple of experiences with boys. Right now I'm best friends with a boy that I liked. He used to like me as well and we both knew it, then recently he told me he liked someone else now so um I might some advice for you. I think your friend is a bit obsessed (not trying to be mean or anything sorry if I am :() but you should still be friends with him and I guess later on, maybe when you're a sophomore you guys should go out, if you want to and he wants See More to, you both have to agree or nothing works. If you're ok with the idea to date in him in college(if you still like him) then yeah you can do it. But I watch out, there are those boys can be a bit obsessed. I know you may not agree with me but I wanted to help at least a little bit :(. And I'm sorry if its too long, really sorry. If you need more explanation just ask me. :)

on October 02, 2013

K thanks and I kinda slowly figured out he was obsessed it's just strange and weirds me out a bit cuz there was this point I was dating someone else and my x was still calling me his disney princess and he knew i was taken :(... but thanks I know what u mean. Thanks for the advice!
on October 02, 2013
on October 02, 2013
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Please ask questions if you're confused there's a lot more to it then just what I wrote... I really need help :(

Thats so sweet! it seems like he really cares about you ((I'm 13 too so i know what it's like)) I think you should go with him becuase you don't find boys like that every day.
on October 03, 2013
on October 02, 2013