Omg! We almost have the same name! My name is Daniella!
on July 06, 2016

bluesister908 asked a question
A whole new series? Hi guys. I am the creator of the "Diary of a" series. I haven't wri...
on March 05, 2016

bluesister908 added a new chapter to Diary of a Freshman
February 7 2015
I've learned to suck it up. Everyday will not be a great day for me. Nothing will want to go my way. Teachers will give tons of work. You won't be friends with the same people that you were with before. And boys will be confusing on whether they are flirting with you or not! BUT JUST SUCK IT UP! Cause this is life! Nothing is really that easy. I mean I thought I was gonna love it here but I think it's a love/ hate relationship with school. Math is very easy for me. But like when I took my mid...
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on February 07, 2015

bluesister908 added a new chapter to Diary of a Freshman
September 24 2014
My Mandarin teacher gives too much freaking homework. It's like she dreams for us to be miserable in high school. I'm getting so stressed over school. I'm getting headaches, my neck and back aches all the time, I'm more tired, I feel more irritated and annoyed, and it's not even October yet. I have so many tests coming up and so much homework piled up on me and I just want to take a nap right now but I can't cause I have to go straight to studying for my tests Friday and Monday. I wish you co...
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on September 25, 2014

bluesister908 added a new chapter to Just Tell Him
Chapter 3
"So what’s the plan captain?" Alexia asked Allison when their team settled down on the bleachers. "Um I’m not exactly sure," claimed Allison shamefully, "but what I’m sure about is who gets what position for the first game." Daniela looked at Carlos. He was sitting next to her, anxious to play.
"Daniela, Alexia, and May, you guys are going to be my defense," Allison told them, and they nodded in agreement. "I’ll be in midfield with Prim and Zane. Carlos and Aaron, I need you guys to be my fo... Read Full Chapter
"Daniela, Alexia, and May, you guys are going to be my defense," Allison told them, and they nodded in agreement. "I’ll be in midfield with Prim and Zane. Carlos and Aaron, I need you guys to be my fo... Read Full Chapter
on May 07, 2014

bluesister908 added a new chapter to Just Tell Him
Chapter 2
Later on, Daniela walked to her locker. She opened her locker and put her things inside and took out her lunchbox. She suddenly felt a poke on her side. Daniela jumped. "I’m sorry, did I startle you?" a boy laughed behind her. She turned around. Carlos stood in front of her, smiling. "Oh, hey Carlos, I would’ve walked with you back here, but I didn’t see you come out of the classroom," claimed Daniela. "Oh no, it’s fine. The geometry teacher needed to talk to me, " Carlos told her as he opene...
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on May 05, 2014

bluesister908 added a new chapter to Diary of an 8th Grader
(Insert Title Here)
May 4, 2014
Ahaha hum . . . . . I've been super lazy for about 3 months . . . . . . . . Wayyyy too many things have been happening I can't put them in detail but I'll just put them as a list. Enrique and I are still dating, Mary's going to move to a far away state over the summer (my BFF is leaving me :( NOOO), I've actually joined a sport in school, my entries have gone no where, I went on a double date with Mary, I have an F in math (teacher's and their homework grades -.-), scho... Read Full Chapter
Ahaha hum . . . . . I've been super lazy for about 3 months . . . . . . . . Wayyyy too many things have been happening I can't put them in detail but I'll just put them as a list. Enrique and I are still dating, Mary's going to move to a far away state over the summer (my BFF is leaving me :( NOOO), I've actually joined a sport in school, my entries have gone no where, I went on a double date with Mary, I have an F in math (teacher's and their homework grades -.-), scho... Read Full Chapter
on May 05, 2014

on March 18, 2014