Qfeast Marathon
Hello Folks! This is the date the page was created, 19/Aug/13. Two days before my school starts. Anyway, This webpage is for Qfeast contests. Only members are allowed to participate. Anyone who participates without being a member is disqualified. I will be acting as the referee and make the contests, and the contests will have a deadline. The winner will be followed by me and will be posted. Let the games begin! The Winner is owl361! Congrats!

on December 13, 2014

Okay, here is a welcome back Qfeast Marathon! Are we ready? The deadline is Monday at 5:00pm EST. Here is the challenge, make the funniest pun!!! On you mark, get set, GO!
on December 13, 2014

Lol, you guys are pretty good! Here's something I'd like to announce...I'm doing a YouTube Let's Play!
on August 06, 2014

Joshua Kovacs
HU Upload Sign in Search Joshua Kovacs Videos Playlists Channels Discussion About What to Watch Best of YouTube Popular on YouTube Music Sports Gaming Browse channels Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations! Sign In Close Choose your language. Learn more You're viewing YouTube in English (US). You can change this preference below. You're viewing YouTube in English. You can change this preference below. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 0 Subscription preferences Loading... Loading... Working... Joshua Kovacs Home Videos Playlists Channels Discussion About All activities Recent posts Uploads Joshua Kovacs uploaded and posted Add a message to your video 1:28 LP Megaman Battle Network Trailer 2 5 hours ago 5 views I'm not good a video editing, so I us
on August 06, 2014

There are 5 houses, Mr. Green lives in the first house and his house is green, then there is Mr. Brown, and he lives in a brown house, next is mr. blue, he lives in a blue house, and mister gray lives in a gray house, but who lives in the white house?
on July 21, 2014

They have no flesh nor feathers, nor scales nor bones,
But they have fingers and thumbs of their own. What are they?
I never was, am always to be,
I have never been seen, nor will anyone see me,
But I am the confidence of all who live and breathe on Earth.
But they have fingers and thumbs of their own. What are they?
I never was, am always to be,
I have never been seen, nor will anyone see me,
But I am the confidence of all who live and breathe on Earth.
on July 21, 2014

I live in a house, all corners in my house face south, a bear walks by my window, what colour is it?
I live in a house, all corners in my house face south, a bear walks by my window, what colour is it?

on July 21, 2014
on July 20, 2014

The hardest one I know atm..
A short gut lives on the 0th floor of a 20 story building. Whenever he goes out when he returns he uses the elevator but only to the 14th or 15th floor and then uses the stairs the rest of the way, when its raining he can go straight to the 20th floor. Why is this?
The hardest one I know atm..
A short gut lives on the 0th floor of a 20 story building. Whenever he goes out when he returns he uses the elevator but only to the 14th or 15th floor and then uses the stairs the rest of the way, when its raining he can go straight to the 20th floor. Why is this?

He's really short so when it's raining he uses an umbrella to reach up and push the button on the lift for the 20th floor
on July 24, 2014
on July 18, 2014

It's good to be back! I've always been having computer issues. That's why I haven't been on lately. Otherwise I'd be on 24/7.
on July 14, 2014

Okay ladies and gentlemen. Sorry for the long absence. The next contest this riddle, the deadline is Tuesday at 5:00pm. What has wings, but cannot fly. Alright? On your mark, get set, GO!!!

Yep, you all got something right! As for the next contest, well, I'm pretty tired and can't think of any contests. So, I hereby ask MusicalMusician to be the referee to the next contest!
on July 18, 2014
on July 14, 2014

Does anybody use this pushhe anymore
on May 13, 2014

Yo mama so ugly hello kitty said goodbye...
Another one! Yo mama so ugly bob the builder said "we can't fix that"
One last one! Yo mama so fat when she went on a scale it broke ...
Another one! Yo mama so ugly bob the builder said "we can't fix that"
One last one! Yo mama so fat when she went on a scale it broke ...

here is one two!
Yo mama so fat when she stepped on a scale it said one elephant at a time please!
Yo mama so fat when she stepped on a scale it said one elephant at a time please!
on March 30, 2014
on March 20, 2014

DO YOU EVEN ARCHER BRO?! - Probably Archery
Check out our Website! ► http://www.pewdiepie.net Click Here To Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/JoinBroArmy Probably Archery on Steam ► http://bit.ly/pewdsarchery...
on March 20, 2014

Okay, we have a winner! The winner is...everyone! All of your jokes were so good, all of you who participated won! Congradulation EVERYONE! :D:D:D
on March 20, 2014

I have 2 jokes!
1. Yo mama so fat, everytime she turns around, its her birthday! XD
2. Why did the mushroom throw a party? Because it was a fungi! (Fun guy)
1. Yo mama so fat, everytime she turns around, its her birthday! XD
2. Why did the mushroom throw a party? Because it was a fungi! (Fun guy)

I got a you mamma joke 2!
yo mam so fat whenever she walks in fot of the T.V. I miss three episodes!
yo mam so fat whenever she walks in fot of the T.V. I miss three episodes!
on March 20, 2014
on March 18, 2014