Qfeast Marathon
Hello Folks! This is the date the page was created, 19/Aug/13. Two days before my school starts. Anyway, This webpage is for Qfeast contests. Only members are allowed to participate. Anyone who participates without being a member is disqualified. I will be acting as the referee and make the contests, and the contests will have a deadline. The winner will be followed by me and will be posted. Let the games begin! The Winner is owl361! Congrats!

(this one is a little racist, but it is a joke, so don't get all mad over it alright?)
what's the difference between Batman and a Black man?
... One can leave without robin'
what's the difference between Batman and a Black man?
... One can leave without robin'
on March 18, 2014

Okay, the next contest is...who can tell the best joke, yes, I'm serious...jokes. Well on you mark...get set...gooooo!
on March 17, 2014

My notifications told me to check here...So what's the next compition?
on March 04, 2014

Oh and by the way, we(my school) had our second pep rally, I played the trumpet. :D Wearing glowing glasses! :D

Eh, It'll star tomorrow at 3:00pm EST time. That's give me a chance to think what it is :p.
on March 15, 2014

on March 04, 2014

This medicine is making me wide awake while my body is like sooo tired. What to do....turn into an owl-whooo? Meeeee. lol
on March 03, 2014
on February 21, 2014

Alright ladies and gentle men! The winner of this contest is...CrystalWings! Congradulations!
on February 21, 2014

Okay everyone! Time to see who gathered the most members, please list your members in the comments below!:D
on February 21, 2014

on February 19, 2014

Sorry for the delay folks! Today's contest is, who can recruit more mebers for this page by 6:00pm Eastern time the day after tommorow. On you mark, get set goooo!
on February 19, 2014

I'd like everyone's attention please! The next contest will be thought of and startinf sometime around 6:00pm Eastern Time, so I'm open to suggestions! :D
on February 18, 2014

Hello! Everyone! We have a unusual turn of events. Both of thses stories were equally entertaining and exciting, and enriched with an intresting plot. I give you our tied winners...Parabolic and madison1! Congradulations!
on February 11, 2014

Okay everyone, I'd like everyone post the link to thier stories to view them.
on February 11, 2014

Attention all Qfeast Marathon fans! We will now continue with a contest. ARE YOU READY!? The Deadline is at 5:00pm eastern time the day after tomorrow, and what you have to do is write an exciting story, I don't care what it's like, just type away and start a story! On you mark! Get Set GOOOO!

on February 20, 2014
on February 09, 2014

madison1 is the winner! Congrats!

on November 12, 2013
on November 01, 2013

Alright folks, sorry for the delay and Happy Halloween! Find The legend behind the Jack-0-Lantern. Ready? Begin!

on February 10, 2014

It's like small bits of cold cotton dropping from the sky and I think you're kidding...right?
on February 10, 2014
on October 31, 2013

How many tires does a car have?

on October 21, 2013

Whoa, Okay then. owl361 is the winner! Nice one, you've must been hawking over here to win...;)
on October 20, 2013
on October 20, 2013

The next contest, hope you're good with history. Who was the leader that rebuilt the Parthenon in Athens, Greece after it was destroyed? Good Luck!

I like Chronicles of Narnia. I wish I could meet the actors from the movies, especially the one who played Lucy.
on November 02, 2013

I like Greek mythology because I learned that in last quarter. We are moving on to Rome.
on November 02, 2013
on October 11, 2013