How do I ask him out??? So there's this guy that always is nice to me and sticks up for me and he said that I was pretty. I really want to ask him out but I have no idea how to do it without messing it up. Please help me choose what to say!!!
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just be you and ask him before one of the others do trust be just be you he will like that about you:D<3
on October 24, 2013
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Just go to him, and be confident. Tell him you like him and ask him out. Hope this helps! And comment to tell me what happens!
on October 16, 2013
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Okay get him alone when no one eles is around tell him how you feel then say will you go out with me he can only say yes or no if he says no don't worry he won't be the only boy you have a crush on (I am 17 trust me) :)
on October 15, 2013