
on October 11, 2014

hello there @jafrinjannat
on October 10, 2014
on October 09, 2014

bluechick65 asked a question

imagines or preferences does anyone want a preference or imagine ill do whatever you wa...
on May 29, 2014

New story tell me if you like it
And I now do imagines so leave your name and who you want and I'll write some
And I now do imagines so leave your name and who you want and I'll write some
on May 28, 2014

on May 28, 2014

hi everyone im in English hope u are having a gd day
on March 21, 2014

Hi everyone please if u read my stories plz give me helpful advice on more stories or how to improve them but otherwise I hoped u enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed writing the also if u have any question feel free to ask me
on November 12, 2013

hi its bluechick the writer of along came jack plz give me more ideas

hi umm well idk r u wanting to write more on along came jack or do u want to start a new story?
on May 28, 2013
on May 24, 2013

on April 06, 2013