Who else thinks religion wars are stupid? OK, so some of you might be wondering what I'm talking about. For instance WW2 might spring to your mind. But that's not the case here. Well, on YouTube (and actually ANYWHERE) it seems like if someone even says the slightest thing saying something like; "I believe in God." Someone will immediately say back to them something else like; "Well God is so stupid! And so are you for thinking god is real you idiot!" (Or words to that effect). And I'm just thinking; "Can't everyone have their own opinion?" In a way, they are kind of acting like Hitler, because they are criticizing someone for having a different opinion than them. Even though I'm an Atheist I respect people if they believe in God or any other God. I have lots of friends that are Christians, Jews and even Muslims. So I don't see what all the fuss is about. I get it that you might be upset that someone else worships a different person than you but still, EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES*. Anyway, I want to know YOUR OPINIONS. And please BE HONEST. I won't criticize you for thinking differently than me. *Unless your thinking of doing something VERY WRONG like killing or robbing
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I go to an international school, and the whole school would go corrupt if there was a religious war *shudder*
on July 16, 2014
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I'm a Jehovah witness but people need to believe what they believe without argument. I think Jesus and Jehovah is real but maybe other religions believe in other people of the grand past you know. So the answer to this question is yes. THEY'RE TERRIBLE!
on April 27, 2014
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THESE WARS ARE WRONG! We shouldn't let what we belive build walls between others, we need to all consider that inside we are all the same.
on February 27, 2014
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I agree I live in America not to sound like I'm turning this into countries or anything but in the constitution it says that we have freedom of religion and many people forget that I have a Jewish friend A Muslim friends and Christian friends now I'm not goanna say which one I am but though I may believe in whoever I do I know that people from other religions have the same connection as me so I don't judge at all. I agree
on February 06, 2014
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moi. its stupid. im not atheist its just that i think those watrs r sooo stupid cause we r breakin god's law right there & we say its in his name. wat a bunch of shit!!
on November 02, 2013
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people r entitled to WHATEVER they belive in, u can express yourself, but not in a way that it will effect others in a negative way, say being insulted.
on October 05, 2013
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I respect people like you. You are one of the only people I know who can handle the fact that people may think or believe something different than you. I am a Christian, by the way. Anyway, thanks for being respectful!
on October 05, 2013
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I hate it when people do that I mean you may not like their religion but at least respect them
on October 05, 2013