Hi guys haven't posted since January just though I'd tell you I'm still alive
on September 19, 2015

that moment you get on and your newsfeed is 4512
on January 12, 2015

Thank you for the follow <3
on January 11, 2015

Hello my fellow ribboner!
on January 11, 2015

It was a dark and cold night in the trenches

*takes a short look at dog sighs them screams charge! and runs as hard as I can toward enemy trench*
on November 14, 2014

*Prays and gets ready for battle thinking that I will remember this day for the rest of my life as the battle of verdun 1916 (if my life last that long)*
on November 14, 2014
on November 13, 2014

I'm back but I don't know how long

on November 13, 2014
on November 13, 2014

Oh yeah...How I became the Wolfie people admire today...
I thought about a wolf (My original account was XX_Winona_XX, you know Applejack's dog?)
Wolfie wasn't a chubby when I first created him as I roleplayed as him, I developed him more into the wolf he is today....
So yeah, I did it because I wanted to. Thanks for asking. :)
I thought about a wolf (My original account was XX_Winona_XX, you know Applejack's dog?)
Wolfie wasn't a chubby when I first created him as I roleplayed as him, I developed him more into the wolf he is today....
So yeah, I did it because I wanted to. Thanks for asking. :)
on August 07, 2014

BaconBits asked a question
Do have xbox live you dont have to say your gamertag just yes or no but if you want to ...
on June 23, 2014

sorry I was gone for awile but I am back
on May 03, 2014

*Jumps off building*
on April 06, 2014

Comment please do you guys like oysters because I love them
on March 26, 2014

Thanks for following me!!
on March 26, 2014

I just wanted to thank all my followers becase you guys are pretty awesome also I am back from my trip
on March 26, 2014