So, I know you'll probably never see this, but I miss you. You were my first real friend here. I loved talking to you everyday, and getting to know you, learning more about you. I miss you, I have missed ever since you left. I hope that someday I will be able to keep in contact with you, or maybe that someday I will meet you.
~ Anna
~ Anna
on July 30, 2017

on August 09, 2015

You are a b*tch

@kittey thanks...once again I'm so sorry geeky dared me to you really are a amazing person and should embrace it! ^_^
on February 08, 2015

B*tcbes are female dogs. Dogs bark. Bark grows on trees. Trees are part of nature. Nature is beautiful. Therefore you called me beautiful. (☆^ー^☆)
on February 08, 2015
on January 26, 2015

on December 26, 2014

what happend to kitty :D
on November 06, 2014

I Need Help
Yes, I do have another account on Qfeast. Okay so imagine, you found this great coffee place, and you introduce all your friends to it after going there a few months. Soon a couple of your friends starts going very often, and sometimes even go there without you! The workers all know your friends names, and memorize their orders, whereas you're just left in the dust. That's how I'm starting to feel about Qfeast.
What can I do to become more popular? I'm starting to want to leave this site. :( Can anyone help? You can try to guess who I am if you want, but I won't tell you if you're right or wrong.
on October 05, 2014

on August 17, 2014

on August 05, 2014

Help, I need some friendship advice!
Okay, so I have this friend who can be AWESOME, but at other times she's just really mean. It's like there's two different sides to her! When she's nice, she's super cool and we get along well, but she can be mean and it just makes me feel bad. She just insults me. :( I honestly want to be her friend, but when the mean side of her comes out it really makes me question our friendship. Sometimes we'll get along great and we have tons of private jokes and she's awesome, but other times she just thinks I'm weird. Is there anything I could do or say to make things better? I just need help, and I want her to be a better friend. She's really a great person, what can I do to help our friendship?

Plain and simple she is a frenimie. You need to talk to her and see if she wants to try to make it work out, by saying making ground rules. EX: no rude comments
EX: no talking behind eachothers back
So on so forth, if she is stll a bad friend, you may need to find a new person to hang out with.
EX: no talking behind eachothers back
So on so forth, if she is stll a bad friend, you may need to find a new person to hang out with.
on August 05, 2014
on June 28, 2014

kittey asked a question
Who else has an Adventure Quest? I made an adventure quest and I want to know if me and...
on June 13, 2014

Hey you peoples should go follow mi amigo cuz u guys loves meh and cuz he my friend and yeah. I knows him from school :3
on June 12, 2014

on June 12, 2014

on June 12, 2014

on June 12, 2014

on June 12, 2014

If u follow me ur life will be awsome:)
on June 10, 2014