on March 02, 2014

on February 28, 2014

so how did you meet Celest

When I was around 5 we moved to the US from England. After 2 years of moving around we settled where Celest lived. I meet her when she was in the middle of climbing a tree. She was older but didn't treat me like some younger pest. We've been friends ever since
on February 28, 2014
on February 28, 2014

on February 10, 2014

BaconBits asked a question
not saying I am but if I where to start a personal paintball league would you join? I w...
on February 07, 2014

Hey just sending a shout out to some really cool people that you should fallow DarkStar, Celest Storys, Quartz Elf and Forrest Gump
on February 06, 2014

To Every Writer
"Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open."
Never give up on your dreams, because they make the best stories.
Spam started by Celest_Stories
"Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open."
Never give up on your dreams, because they make the best stories.
Spam started by Celest_Stories
on January 25, 2014

Hey guys I won't be posting stuff as of fen for a little bit so please don't unfollow me
on January 24, 2014