okay what would you if this happen to you? okay i have a girlfriend and i call this other girl hot but i was only playing about it because i do that sometimes.. and me being a good person i told my girlfriend about it because i thought we was going to have a good laugh about it.. but it turns out my girlfriend was really mad about that and she wants to take a break from.. i don't understand this i thought we were in love with each.. i have even talked to my friends about it and they said that maybe i need to leave her alone.. but i love her to much.. what would you do ?
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I get mad when my bf when looks at a girl the wrong way but that's jest me i have the little green monster and i know it but him when a dude looks at me or says something about me he jest laughs it off and say "nah i got her on lock she mine" so he dont really care about other dues looking at me or nothing but i mean if you didnt mean it 4real then i mean anit nothing to get mad at you told her u was playing right??? && no dont brake up with her she jest maybe said that because See More she fears she will loose you to another girl that you look at and find cute or maybe she jest dont like you looking or talking about other girls that way.
on May 19, 2014
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tell her srry & it wont happen again & dont take no 4 an answer. & in the future dont talk bout other chicas being hot 2 ur gf. keep it quit. she doesnt need 2 know everything bout u. ps. i joke like that a lot 2 but not in front of the "gwlm'

lmbo :p
on October 27, 2013

on October 27, 2013

on October 27, 2013

on October 27, 2013

on October 27, 2013

hey, i just added this really kool really disusting story bout 1d called about u now to my favs. its really good, but gross.
on October 27, 2013

on October 27, 2013

on October 27, 2013

on October 27, 2013

on October 27, 2013

no. i didnt want 1 young cause i wanted 2 focus on my grades. but in trinidad some kids had 1 since they were 9 so i always felt out of place.
on October 27, 2013

lord!! i swear i might have a mile long list of bands i like. 1d, the wanted, maroon 5, imagine dragons, 3 days grace, nickleback, 1 republic.....& the list goes on. listenin 2 secrets by 1 republic.
on October 27, 2013

i like them but hearin them a lot annoys me. i mean alright already!!! listenin 2 kiss u 1d
on October 27, 2013

me too except for what makes u beautiful and one thing i have heard those songs to many times and it got on my nerves
on October 27, 2013

me 2. i also like what makes u beautiful, one thing, kiss u, rock me live while were young, up all night ...... a lot!
on October 27, 2013

like little things and moments and they don't know about us and last first kiss.. i like a lot of their songs
on October 27, 2013

haha. :D listenin 2 kool 1d music. dont wrry!! ur not talkin 2 a 1d crazy chica!! i just like their songs.
on October 27, 2013

ttyl. i am now getting ur messages so I TOLD U SOO!!! I TOLD U SHELL BE IN TOUCH!!!!! & IV NEVER BEEN WRONG BEFORE!!!!!!!
on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

yup my friends & i r closer than family. we even tell each other things we dont even want our parents 2 know. well i gtg my momis gettin all hormonal about the time so i guess ill c u around. bye valery!! nice 2 meet u. & dont wrry bout ur gf. shell probably get in touch with u. bye
on October 26, 2013

one time my friend cracked a joke right before picture she had everyone running 2 the bathroom & everyones face red so our pics came out horrible
on October 26, 2013

thanks!! u make me lollipop way 2 many times before so i can say u crack me up. u valery r way 2 funny!! but in a good way.:):):p:p:DB)
on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

well im srry i only now seein that ur on my list. k? now put a band-aid around it & suck it up!!:)
on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

there r a lot of girls in my class that r mind u not kool 1d fans but krazy,fangirly 1d fans.
on October 26, 2013

ME 2!! I <3 ONE REPUBLIC, I <3 NICKLEBACK!!!!!!!!! but i also like imagine dragons, the wanted, one direction.
on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

im sitting the couch messaging you and on youtube because i have nothing else to do.. AND I LOVE OATMEAL COOKIES
on October 26, 2013

yea!!:) i am sittin on the couch messaging u eating oatmeal cookies cause im starving.
on October 26, 2013

did u realise we started talkin bout ur gf,then age,then school,then country,then winein. how did we get there?? lol!!:D
on October 26, 2013

kool. im supposed 2 be already in bed but my neighbour upstairs is havin a party & they screamin & gettn high & hav no consideration 4 other people. i mean it is 1:30 in the effin mornin!!!
on October 26, 2013

k. thats kool though i do it mainly at partys & home but that's about it. my bff rianna said her cousin married a british dude and the only trini's there were herself & her mom, all the rest was british people.& they tried 2 dance like a trini so her mom & her were practically on the ground rollin in laughter. [ that was just a random story]
on October 26, 2013

& in trinidadians opinion americans & british people 'cyah' wine/twerk 2 save deh life!!!!!! it looks like something out of a horror show!! no offense.
on October 26, 2013

well let me tell u winein is different from twerkin. its using the same butt, but ur also using ur legs,waist,hips,head.in trinidad we do it practically 24/7.
on October 26, 2013

dont be.:)there are different words 4 it. in trini language we use wineing. but in america i think its twerping? twerking?
on October 26, 2013

:-O:-O:-O u dont know wat that is??? u poor,poor person! tell me u know wat it is. everyone in the world knos wat that is. especially since miley cirus didnt do it properly at the VMA's. & its our culture in t&t. we do it all the time.
on October 26, 2013

yea its music made in the caribbean well mostly trinidad & its upbeat & rthymetic & fast. it talks bout most anythin but nowadays it talks bout winein
on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

ur best friend's name is carribean 7 my bffs' names r nyla ,jalissa ,joanna ,ameicha [ a-me-ka ]
on October 26, 2013

im a cacasian/ white gurl roman catholic. that's right i believe in jesus christ baby!!!!! halleiugh!! lol!:D
on October 26, 2013

why? u dont know bout our culture. if u come carnival time u will get the full trini experience.yes i know we can be loud,& some are not very nice but most are when u become bff's with a trini u r closer than family. like me & my bff's.& we trini's <3 2 dance. just 3hrs ago i was dancing to soca.
on October 26, 2013

1. im 112 & i go high school 2. ur a state, we are an island 3. we talk in slangs cause u c my use of words in my messages.
on October 26, 2013

so u can c how trinidad aka. 1 of the caribbean islands is different from n.carolina.
on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

dats ok . i was playin with u. & yea we trini school is different. hav u ever heard of trinidad before now??
on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

yea. listen .in trinidad theres preschool, primary school [ages 5/6 -12/13] then secondary school which might be high school [12/13 -18/19] then tertiary school university [18/19- whenever]
on October 26, 2013

in trinidad we hav standards in primary school which i think is middle school. but im in sec school.[ high school]
on October 26, 2013

im 12 & im 5'3 & i dont know why i am so tall at this age cause both my parents were shorties. & all i told u about i still am though i dont care wat people think bout me.:)
on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

yea there are benefits & problems pf getting older. cause i can be loud, krazy, immature, cheeky ,flirty so gettin older might change my true self. ya understand wat im saying right??
on October 26, 2013

i know.. i hate getting because sooner or later i'm going to start actually doing important stuff with my life
on October 26, 2013

soo?? thats an achievment?!! u want 2 be boastin ya older than me huh?? jes no dat u closer 2 old age!!:D
on October 26, 2013

wow! ur good!! almost 13, though i think of myself as it already. ill be 13 in march.
on October 26, 2013

that shell be in touch. if she really loves u she wouldnt give u up jes so. & im a girl. i know these things. all girls do no matter wat age they r.
on October 26, 2013

but shes ur gf?? ok.. never question love. well dont wrry shell eventually come on here [ i hope] & when she does ask her her info. if she <3 u back she'll be in touch. k.:) i hav a gut feeling & iv never been wrong yet.:)
on October 26, 2013

no i have never met her in my life i have seen pictures that she has sent me but never face to face
on October 26, 2013

wow. someone's being accurate. person ur in a jam. hav u ever met her [ another 1 of my brilliant questions]
on October 26, 2013

im helping u find a solution. duh. now i feel really stupid now but how far is n.carolina from washington?? idk.:">
on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

i feel srry 4 her. i entered sec. school so i had 2 get a phone especially in trinidad.
on October 26, 2013

she isn't allowed to have a phone until she is 18 and i really want to know what gwlm mean
on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

HEY, I JUST THOUGHT OF TWO THINGS...1. does any of ur friends hav any info? 2. do u know any of her friends who hav her email adress etc.?
on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

i know ur pain.:( but u kinda dont hav ANY contact info bout this chick so it would be difficult. lord help us! do u know any contact info bout this chica??
on October 26, 2013

well that would be helpful if i knew her email address.. i am like super worried about her :((
on October 26, 2013

oh. ok. email adresses? im thinkin of every possible solution. if i was in ur position i would try everyting in order to reach her.
on October 26, 2013

okay she has an texting app.. and we talk up here too.. but now i can't text people i can only call and i can't call her because the ipod won't allow her so i have been trying to talk to her up here but no luck
on October 26, 2013

oh k. well so how do u get in touch if she doesnt hav a phone? dat ah doh understand.
on October 26, 2013

uhm no.. the last time she was mad at me is when i asked that question and you answered it
on October 26, 2013

:D ok. hav u ever met her in person. that sounds like a stupid question. srry. um wow ur in a jam! but hav u gotten in a fight lately & she doesnt want 2 talk bout it. cause i live in trinidad { tropical island in case u didnt know} & when my friends & i are in pain we dont like to talk bout it. i think its a trini thang. but hav u both gotten in a fight lately?
on October 26, 2013

on October 26, 2013

1. she doesn't have a phone she has a ipod
2. she lives in Washington and i live in north Carolina
3. and i tried to get in touch with her but she won't talk to me or anything i hope nothings wrong with her.. i'm freaking out over here dude
2. she lives in Washington and i live in north Carolina
3. and i tried to get in touch with her but she won't talk to me or anything i hope nothings wrong with her.. i'm freaking out over here dude
on October 26, 2013

ok. um i think somethings wrong. hav u tried callin her? going 2 her house? cause im obviously a girl but i know all girls want a guy that cares 4 them so try to figure out wats bothering her.
on October 26, 2013

i have no idea we were talking Saturday and then i had to go so i told her bye then she told me she loves me and i said okay and then like 4 mins later i said i love you too bookie and that's the last time i have heard from here
on October 26, 2013
on October 26, 2013
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1. girls hate it when guys tell other girls that they look "hot"
2. even if you were joking you have a girlfriend...some girls might think you like them and start gossiping about it...so be careful with that
3. give her time to think about it...but stay AWAY from other girls...as much as possible..if she sees you with other girls it wont help you at ALL...so yah...if she truley loves you than shell come around..good luck:)
2. even if you were joking you have a girlfriend...some girls might think you like them and start gossiping about it...so be careful with that
3. give her time to think about it...but stay AWAY from other girls...as much as possible..if she sees you with other girls it wont help you at ALL...so yah...if she truley loves you than shell come around..good luck:)
on October 18, 2013
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Ok firstly love does not exist, but if you happy with her then you need to show her that try it 3 times {maximum} if she doesn't show any sign of interest then just leave her alone
on October 28, 2013
on October 14, 2013
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i think it is best just to give it a little break and see how it all plays out
on October 14, 2013