Team_Finnick asked a question
What should I do? So I like this guy and we are really good friends. Should I tell him ...
on December 20, 2013

on December 08, 2013

Team_Finnick asked a question
What does this mean? ASAP!!!! So this guy that I am friends with and myself were walkin...
on November 03, 2013

Team_Finnick asked a question
What do you guys think? what are your options on girls and guys being friends?
on October 31, 2013

Hi Taylor
on October 23, 2013

Team_Finnick asked a question
What does this mean? What does the parenthesis with the number in it mean in a tests ti...
on October 21, 2013

on October 13, 2013

Team_Finnick asked a question
Am I flirting with him? I am just friends with him. We talk whenever we get the chance,...
on October 13, 2013