Am I flirting with him? I am just friends with him. We talk whenever we get the chance, always are around each other, and just other normal stuff.
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nope to me your aren't flirting with him you two are buddies

Welcome and Madison rt
on October 13, 2013

on October 13, 2013
on October 13, 2013
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on June 24, 2018
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no, it's not
but all my friends say that i am ALWAYS FLIRTING with every boy tha i talk to
but it not true
all the boys that i talk to
we are all just really good friends!
so no
but all my friends say that i am ALWAYS FLIRTING with every boy tha i talk to
but it not true
all the boys that i talk to
we are all just really good friends!
so no
on November 29, 2017
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nope thats just talking crap. btw i am a master at that!!! flirtin on the other hand is talking crap while being cheeky & askin the person out.
on October 26, 2013
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I don't think u r, cuz a friend that's a guy is a guyfrend, COMPLETELY diff from a BOYfrend. If u don't like like/love him, and u don't make it obvious 2 others(besides him) that u LL/love him, then u r NOT flirting.
on October 13, 2013