Baby sitting a 3 year old! I have NO little siblings,And I'm watching a 3 & 1/2 Year old (girl) in about 3 HOURS! What are some things I can keep her entertained with? I'm going to bring her to a play gym and let her play,also I froze a toy in ice that she can break out and keep. I NEED MORE IDEAS,PLEASE HELP! Qfeast wasnt working for me yesterday or I would have asked then.
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give her some of your old toys or let her watch tv..maybe even allow her to "help" you cook something...like stirring ...they love that stuff..good luck

thanks,your a little late tho :p
on October 18, 2013
on October 18, 2013
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Just act natural! Come on, you are with a GIRL. Girls are easy ( no offends boys! :) ) You need to relax, and every thing will go smoothly. You can play with the ice, the jungle gym, give her a cookie, and simple! It is very easy, trust me. I have baby-sitted a 1 year old for like 2 hours! She was easy.

on October 16, 2013
on October 16, 2013
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Surely at that time {if your in England or that time zone} her Mum or Dad or guardian will of put her to bed I think you just have to there and just put her to bed if she gets up again. But if your gonna entertain her you should be seen as the responsible but fun Auntie {even though your not her Aunt} get some books sock puppets and play games with her toys, pretend you get attacked by on of the sock puppets like I said use her toys to play games look on the internet for some See More more ideas. I know it probably didn't help but tell me how it goes. Just don't be Ryan Dunn when CKY got jobs.
on October 16, 2013

on October 16, 2013
on October 15, 2013