Questions Sitemap - Page 98

Questions Sitemap - Page 98. Browse Questions on Qfeast

Has anyone seen "The Adventurous Adventures Of One Direction" on Youtube? LOL I SAW IT AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! IT SHOUL SO BE A T.V SHOW!!!!!!!!!
help i feel bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi... the thing is my mum took me to a justice crew concert and got me heaps of merchandise of there's and let me meet them and the thing is i still like them heaps but... i don't look them up as much and i don't talk about them as much so how do i let my mum know that i still like them and that she didn't do that for nothing like my mum is mad and i kinda feel bad because i think she thinks i don't like them anymore and that my Christmas present was a wast so please help me.
Why is Draco's name in, "Draco Dormens Nico Titlium"?
AM I MISSING SOMETHING OR IS THERE A REASON WHY THE FOLLOWING WORKS I LOOKEDAT THE NUMBERS ON A DIGITAL CLOCK AND FOUND i take 20.58 as the time and do this 20+58=78..7+8=15..1+5=6...if i just added the numbers as follows 2+0+5+8=15..1+5=6...this seems to work with whatever numbers i pick,although it started with numbers on a digital clock and possibly a bit of boredom.why does this work or what am i missing
If I have 4k likes on my page, why do I only see 14 people in the box when I check who liked my page on Facebook?
Team Peeta or Team Gale??!! I pick Peeta all the WAY!!!!<3 Whos your favorite and why?!!!
who is the author of" brif history of time"?
Read the description... Okayy, so there's a guy in the grade below me that really likes me. I mean REALLY likes me... I don't like him in that way. I only like him as a friend. He texts me all the time, and stares at me in the hallway. I have NO idea what on earth to do! He keeps on asking me out, but i alway's respond by saying, "Let's just be friends." I wanna be nice, but it's getting annoying, and the mushy stuff he says is getting...weird. If you know what to do please comment ASAP! Thanks! xx
My computers wacked. O_o My computers being wierd!! D: I was looking at a comment,and it said the thumbs up is dislike and and the thumbs down is like!! ITS SO WIERD! no worries it"ll probably be better by tomorow
How can I literally make my parents do ANYTHING? I have been frustrated with my mom and dad a lot lately because they won't do anything that I need/want! For example, I would LOVE to go on a class trip to France, but my parents won't let me because they think I'm too young! I also wanna move really bad, but they don't want to... I also want a double-peircing, but my mom says that she doesn't approve of me having one yet... i know that life is always gonna be so unfair, but there are somethings in this world that i would DIE to have... Please comment ASAP is you know the solution! Thanks! xx
What do boys like (as in what boys like in girls) A boy in my class is cute I have a crush on him how do I get him to like me?
who is your favorite singer or band? singer or band, whichever one u want! please answer :)
Doesn't Zayn Look Sexy With Glasses?!
Some long ago rule about marrying girls when their 11-13! Ummnn..Hi I want you to imagine if the rule in Goa about marrying 11-13 year olds to adult guys was still there.It would be hell!Imagine!Right now most of the girls in Goa would be married to like 27 year old guys! It would be torture!
How can I convinve my parents to move? I'm 12 years old, and I have lived in the same exact house for my whole entire life! I'm so tired of it, and I think that it's ugly. My little brother is 10, and he hates moving... I really want to move, but I don't know how to convince my parents to start considering the idea of moving. I really need help with this! I appreciate all comments! Please help if you can, ASAP! Thanks! xx
how do you breath during a cleft palate operation? in normal surgery they use a tube in the mouth but in cleft palate surgery they are operating on the mouth so the tube in the mouth would just obstruct so how do they keep you breathing.
how do you breath during a cleft palate operation? in normal surgery they use a tube in the mouth but in cleft palate surgery they are operating on the mouth so the tube in the mouth would just obstruct so how do they keep you breathing.
how to stop a period how can i stop my period as im due on my wedding day next month. i dont take the pill because ive been sterilised for 5 years. is there anything i can take to put it off
How can I convince my parents to let me go on a class trip to France? I take a french class in school, and my teacher offers a trip to France when you are in eighth grade. I'm 12 (Young for my grade) and the trip is coming up soon. I asked my parents if I can go, and at first they said yes, but now they are saying no. They are afraid something will happen to me when I'm alone in a a different country. They also think it's really expensive. I wanna go soooo bad! Please comment a solution, ASAP! Thanks! :)
What is Niall Horan's Fan Number? Heyy! I'm trying to find Niall Horan's Fan Number, so I can leave him a message. I have been looking all over the internet for it, and no one has the correct one! It would really help if anyone could search it and help me out! Thanks! Peace Outt! <33
How do u retake quizzes? When i take a quiz, it shows me if i failed of my personality thingy. but then i wanna take it again but when i click on it again it shows my old result again.
my car has a fault and i need your help. on the dashboard controls depollution system faulty keeps flashing up my car is a peugeot 308 sport 120
crane inner boom repairs The Inner Boom of a mobile crane is damaged, it is bended
Do u like ur parents or do u wish u could get totally new parents?! I love my parents I couldn't ask for better but what about u tell me about ur family lol
Am i girly (read description) Hi im a boy i was wondering am i girly? I LOVE pink! text alot! talk alot! love victorious and house of anubis! and always give peps nicknames! I like harvest moon games (mainly marraige and animals) and seem to be always messing with my hair and finally Im obsessed with taking pics of people o sry more play gaelic and 2 instruments and I luv talor swift songs! i say bestie and lol and brb out loud so am i anser honestly plz no hate comments!?!
R u Team Peeta Team Gale or Team Cato? I like them all but i gotta say peeta. Wat bout u ppls?
R u team Clove or Team Katniss or Team Rue? Ok. I like clove and katniss and rue but i personally like katniss! Wat bout u guys?
who is your favourite artist? - Taufik Batisah -Hadi Mirza -Elliot Yamin -Hannah Montana -Avrill Lavine -Taylor Swift
Is house of anubis and victorious for girls or boys? Im a boy and i LOVE house of anubis and victorious but my friends all tell me there for girls so are they plz anser honestly ty!!!!!!
How did we get the Universe? I was once thinking of how we got the universe in a lesson at school,i know its something to do with the big bang but before that we have nothing,but what is nothing?
Team Rob or Team Taylor? Answer!!!
What is your favorite candy?
Can someone please describe the carbon cycle to me, in a straight forward and simple way. Please make is simple, Im dumb!!
i have a le pan tablet and i locked it and forgot my password How do i get it unlock it
What is the name of the song in this commercial?
Do you prefer Gold, or Silver? Not for its value! Tell weather you prefer Gold, or Silver! Not for the value of it, but just the material itself.
using the sun newspapers £50 million limit what would be the best team to select for the euro 2012 fantasy football team
how long has jessie j being on the uk the voice? i think she has being on the voice since she was younger or perhaps abit younger.
help from World children development funds to build hospital? Dear Sir/Madam, Many children die from curable diseases, which is due to lack of medical facilities and hospitals. I am British citizen originally from Uganda east Africa. My intention is to build a hospital with effective treatment which will beleading into survive cases of childhood like cancer being the biggest child killer, Malaria, heart diseases etc. I own a land equals to about 5 acres which is 3 miles from the centre of Kampala, another land of 2.5 acres from east of Kampala and another 3 acres from northwest of Kampala. Uganda is the country which always has served neighbouring countries such as Sudan, Tanzania, Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi etc. mostly in education and health. By the grace of God, the intended hospital has served children of Africa the surrounding countries around Uganda. I need proposals and advise about my vision to the helpless children in Africa. Your help, ideas and suggestions to this vision is highly awaited. God Bless you.
would you rather eat a snail or have a day with justice crew title says all
my friends friend died and i am trying to help her cheer up she is 10, i want help to cheer her up she has been really upset she is my bff and i have tried to be helpful but i dont know what to do
Why nurse put a 91 yrs. lady to share a bedroom with a patient who is ill with a respiratory infection?
can i change my username??? i HATE my username so i want to kno if i can c hange it and i tryed finding a way and i cant so ya
team peeta or team Gale! i am so am on team Gale he is so hansom and awesome so deal with it team peeta!
On New Super Mario Bros. for DS, I got all the coins. Now what do I do to get to Worlds 9 & 10?
my divorced wife and i would like to have my name removed from our joint mortgage. how do we go about this? we're trying to sell the property, but once i have my name removed from anything to do with the property she would have all profits made by the sale. all i want is to have nothing to do with the property and be able to move on with my own life.
Would you rather have to run a marathon with one leg or run a marathon with both your legs bu t no arms?
I'm planing an Elder Abuse/Disabled convention in 2013 Which is the best place to have it, and what month?
Explain why the speed of sound changes if the temperature of the medium changes
Do your parents check your email?! My parents check my email alllll the time I don't care but I wanted to know if anyone else has super protective parents!!!:)
How is everyone? Is anybody out of school yet? Just wondering :P I know I dont get out until June 14th...cuz i may or may not have to take some final maybe June 8th... and then how are you implys phsyically and mentally.
How do you upload pics from an iPod touch?! The only way I get on this is by my iPod touch and I need to know a way to upload pics from it if it's possible!!;)
A really hard riddle 2 fathers and 2 sons go fishing, they each catch a fish, how come they brought home only three fish?
This is a hard riddle I am in a river but not a lake, I am in a computer but not in a T.V, I am in rain but not snow, what am I?
Who loves the hunger games???? Hey! I have only read the first hunger games book (but im totally in love with it) can you guys give me a rating out of ten for the movie and the other 2 hunger games books? Thanks -horsewave (whos your fave character? Mines Katniss, of course!!!)
Am I a nerd??????????? I love to read, I always do my homework, I acuatlly like sceince and maths and I want to be a scientist when I grow up. Not to mention I wear glasses for reading and Im always the teachers pet. Please help me out here!!!! Am I a nerd? Please comment below!!!!!!!! BTW< I wasn't sure what catogory to put it in.
Before England, Great Britain and United Kingdom, what was the name for this island?
Which hunger games book is better? I am doing this project at school and I need help finding information and need to know what you think.
When someone says something mean to you what is your response?! People try picking arguments with me all the time and I never have a good comeback what are some good responses?!:/
write funny and random stuff! Randomness!
This is a riddle!!!!!!!!!! There were 10 copycats on a boat. One of them jumped off. How many copycats are there on the boat?
Look its a Riddle!! :) There is a man who lives on the 20th and highest floor of an apartment building. Everyday he gets on the elevator presses the 1st floor button, goes to the lobby, and then leaves for work. Everyday when he comes back he gets on the elevator hits the 10th floor button and walks up 10 floors to his apartment. Why would he do that? DO NOT SAY EXCERSISE!!!!
who is writer of harry potter
Is there a way 2 report people 4 swearing or being inapropriat? So I've been seeing some people saying bad stuff and i wanted 2 know if thers like a way 2 report it. Thank You :)
What's your favourite christian song? I know that everyone has their favourite christian song and I wnat to know what songs people use to help them get closer to God...
i got uk full driving licence..but i wanna ride a i need to do theory n practical test again..? please help
Would you rather always have a clown hat glued to your head or always have 50 pound weights on your feet?
what would you do if you were turned into the opposite sex? man and woman are allowed.
question on sewage bio-stations, although some bio-treatment stations are an all-in-one; primary tank then a treatment tank, could i install a settlement tank before going to this so as not to have to desludge the system so often and to help with fluctuations in use (max treatment capacity
What is your favorite book?! My Language Arts teacher is always telling me I need to read a full book and every book I get is BORING!!! So please I need suggestions!! BTW I already read The Hunger Games!!:)
Does anyone know how to get into a locked house?! I'm stuck outside my house right know cuz I forgot my key and I need to get in!!!:(
what are the hazards to food safety in a catering operation
What is your new favorite song What song do you like? From Jennifer Lopez to Taio Cruz and Chris brown and maybe even One Direction Zendaya or Bella Thorne
Does this guy like me ok his name is daniel and i liked him but idk if he liked me he talks to mesometimes he smiles at me he is sometimes mean and then somethimes he is nice and i do not get him some times and he is always trying to cheer me up or he gats in my business
Have you ever had a really bad cough, that when you do cough it hearts your chest?! I have a really bad cough and (cough cough) every time I do cough my chest starts herting really bad like Somone is stabbing me so I want to know (cough cough) if you have any tips of getting rid of it fast because I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and I don't want to cough in their faces!!!:(
How do I find out who I am? I'm a 17 year old boy who is about to graduate and attempt to start my life. I messed around in school and ended up not making it into my local university. I haven't told my mom this because I told her my plan was to go in the Air Force. But to me, I'm scared and I'm not ready to move away from childhood. But then again something inside me tells me something big will happen soon to me make me actually be apart of something big. I feel as I'm an of importance to be on Earth and people tell me i have something about me. Baby's stare at me whenever I'm around them. I believe i'm apart of the Freemasons from my Uncle (my mother's brother). I tend to find myself pushing away from the the typical religious lifestyle. I feel as if praying and worshiping a God isn't the true meaning of life. Why would he send us down to here to suffer but if we just pray, when we die, we'll be in a better place? That's selfish to me. I've been down the religious road through Young Life(A religious group to get teenagers in high school to choose God) aand I've been trying to look further into the Illuminati but it's so hard to understand. I'm not trying to say i want to worship the Devil and i know i'm jumping from topic to topic but these are the thoughts the run through my head almost everyday and they progressively get worse and worse as my graduation becomes closer. The true answer i'm looking for is not who I am, I obviously realize no one can answer that. I understand that I have to find that out inside myself but I'm asking for help in my confusion. Maybe for someone's input who is in the Freemasons or Illuminati that can give me advice on my struggles. Or just someone that knows of anything that can give me a better understanding of how to find myself. Thanks for reading and I'm looking forward to your feedback!
Are these good ways to fight off bullies? Here are some ways to fight off bullies. Are they good? #1 Simply say, "You're neat" or "Your cool" when they say something mean. #2 Ask them why they have nothing better to do then tease ppl Srry I only have 2 but r they good?
What's your favourite song of all time? I am currently listening to my fave song 'somewhere only we know' and as it's my fave I just wanna know what yours is too.
please help!! not sure if my guy friend likes me!!! So to remain anonymous we will say his name is Jimmy. Now I have known Jimmy a loooong time and well we became like really good friends this last year. He is a really cool guy, very nice, and hilariously funny. We have a lot in common. I don't think I like like him though. Recently, I felt like he might like me but I wasn't sure so I thought I would ask to see if anyone can tell. Here are a few reasons I thought he may like me. He mentioned to us (our friends and me) that a random girl stopped him in the hallway and told him he was attractive. Then she just walked away and we were laughing at the weirdness of that. Then somehow I think I implied or repeated something about him being attractive and he got this serious look on his face and asked me if I thought he was attractive. Then later at rehearsal (we both are part of the cast/crew for a play at our highschool) we were backstage and they were rehearsing one of the really corny parts of the play-and we were making faces and stuff at the lines. Basically we were goofing off. Then after I did something, Jimmy was laughing really hard and he said to me- "That was so cute, its not even funny." Anyway there have been other things as well but those two things in particular stuck out to me. Please help!
What do you do when Somone just stands in the middle of the hallway not moving?! There is this girl who just stands there talking every day and it makes me late to class, so today i told her to move in a mean way! But now I kinda feel bad so what should I do?!
how do i start off the convo theres this girl and i want to say something to her like hi or something but im too shy i need help on how to go about this
How do you fall asleep without medicine?! I've been having trouble sleeping and I was wondering if you had any tips for falling asleep!!:) thanks!!:)
Can you send videos on ipod touch while texting on text now app?
Is it appropriate to email him? I was at an event held by my company over the weekend. An attractive VP at a partner company gave me his card. Is it appropriate to email him?
am i weird and its it a good thing okay i know im weird but is it that good type of weird yall know were its EPIC or is it hte annoying weird
does anyboby know who the dance group kazzum are? my cousin is in a dancegroup called kazzum they are world famous and i wondered if anyone else knew about them. the picture is of kazzum. they was on a programme called got to dance and got into the finals
Tell me your opinion of JB!!!:) I love him and I want to know if any one else does!!!
How many Mary Kay factories are there in Texas?
Would you rather always wear snowshoes or always wear scuba flippers?
Would you rather have to sing everything you say or shout everything you say?
Would you rather always have to write with your other hand or always have to write with your eyes closed?
Would you rather travel around the world in a hot air balloon or travel around the world in a sail boat?
Would you rather wear a bicycle helmet everywhere you go or carry an umbrella everywhere you go?
Would you rather be the first person to land on mars or be the first person to live on the moon?
Would you rather be able to sleep upside down like a bat of be able to sleep standing up like a cow?
Would you rather wear big clown shoes for a month or have to wear a huge Mexican hat for a months. My third one
Would you rather have to live near a dumpster or live near a really noisy area that is even more loud at night? My second one!
Would you rather have invisibility powers or be able to fly? Starting my Would You Rathers! Hope you enjoy them!
What is Your Favorite Justin Timberlake Song?
How can I get permanent elf/pointed ears without surgery?