my divorced wife and i would like to have my name removed from our joint mortgage. how do we go about this? we're trying to sell the property, but once i have my name removed from anything to do with the property she would have all profits made by the sale. all i want is to have nothing to do with the property and be able to move on with my own life.

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I’m not sure what to call this. Today I got pretty sick. Nothing I am super concerned about as far as needing to go to the doctor or hospitals. But it’s the first time I’ve been sick like this in awhile. It was getting Covid that triggered the steps to divorce I wasn’t great and she really was not.

So here I am sick. Taking care of myself which is precisely zero change from my former marriage. And I guess I feel… See More
on December 06, 2022
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What are you doing asking little kids like us this? -_-
on July 29, 2014
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If I'm not to late, have a talk with your divorced wife. Remember, to give, is to take, to care, is to be cared. Do not forget that.
on September 30, 2013
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Dude, if ur really that old as of to have been married, ur way to old to be on this
on July 31, 2013
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