How do you fall asleep without medicine?! I've been having trouble sleeping and I was wondering if you had any tips for falling asleep!!:) thanks!!:)
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If you're an insomniac, then you need pills but if you're not just slow down and breathe slowly whilr counting to 100. i hope this help! :D
on January 06, 2018
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All I do is think about things I like until I fall asleep. It takes me about 10-20 minutes to fall asleep.
on August 04, 2017
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I suffer from insomnia, and sleeping pills may be the only thing that can help Insomics as I know of
on September 06, 2016
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Maybe read a book or do the most boring thing you can. Like watch a David Attenborough documentary....
on October 14, 2013
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Think of the most boring thing you can think if, watch a documentary about something boring, or watch "how it's made" or even better "antiques roadshow". Tv show number one located on the science channel, and tv show number one located on PBS.
on September 12, 2013
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I try and try then I give up and stay up, sitting on the floor and reading all my books. Eventually ,when the air conditioner comes on, I get sleepy and fall asleep.
on July 24, 2013
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I have insomnia sometimes myself. I always read. However, this can backfire if I'm reading something really interesting. Something just interesting enough for me to start reading, but not so interesting that I keep myself up to get to the next part. :)
on July 22, 2013
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What I do is think about tomorrow or read a book! That always makes me drowsy and make me fall asleep!
on April 10, 2013
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Yea Some times I do to. Just roll over face the wall get comfrtibal and put on some very quite classical music on and listen to the music and stare at the wall.
on December 06, 2012
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Sport, sport and sport or a job! Do not drink too much coke :) There are a lot of things which might help you...
on May 08, 2012