Questions Sitemap - Page 80

Questions Sitemap - Page 80. Browse Questions on Qfeast

What type of horse is this
What should I do????!!!!????!!!! Hello, it's Spike...please help me with my crush. I am a 13 year old girl, and I have a crush on a guy who is my age, he goes to my church but he goes to a different school than me. Now here's the question: do you think he likes me? He is always nicer to me than anyone else in church, really. I don't want to tell him i like him unless I know for sure he likes me, too. He seems to like me but you know I could be wrong. Help!!?
What's the saddest song you've heard? At the moment it's Dustbowl Dance by Mumford and Sons, at the start it's like The young man stands at the edge of his porch The days were short and the father had gone There was no one in the town and no on in the field This dusty barren land had given all it could yield I've been kicked off my land at the age of sixteen And I have no idea where else my heart could have been...
What do the New Age Outlaws say after "we got to words for you"? I hear that all the time but it make no sense to me. If you don't know what the New Age Outlaws are look it up on YouTube.
What Is a Good Dance Crew Name? So in school we're getting taught a dance. Our dancing teacher, Avon, gave us homework to do. Our homework is to think of a name for our group. I don't have any ideas, but I know how creative all you qfeasters are. Can you help me?
Can you solve these 8 riddles? 1. The more of me the less you see. What am I? 2. A boy fell off of a 100 foot ladder with no pillows at the bottom and did not get hurt. How? 3. A man comes to you 5 times in a day and asks what time it is. What do you tell him? 4. It is 100 feet in the air but on the ground. What is it? 5. How do you make an apple turnover without cooking? 6. I throw a ball as hard as I can and it comes back even though nobody touched it. How? 7. How many bricks does it take to complete a house? 8. I know a word of letters 3 add 2 and fewer there will be. What is the word?
Can you solve this riddle? (2) Soft and cuddly I warm your heart, but take my last name and I tear you apart. What am I?
can you solve the riddle 2 two men walk in a bar and both ask for a soda. the waiter puts poisen in the soda. the first man drinks the soda quickly and dies. the seconed drinks the soda slowly and lives. how did he live. hint:there is ice in the soda.
Why do people think school is so bad when you are there to learn? IF you like school that is great! But for the people who dont why not? Yes, some teachers might be mean but they are trying to help!
I love to sing when I am sad and happy But right now I am in the middle, I tryed to sing a happy toon with sad lyrics then vise versa her some of the happy and sad lyrics. Raindrops and pretty flowers, having fun in the rain, splashing away, but how do I keep the sadness of the rain being COOOOOOOOOOOLD? But for the first time I understand that I will always love the rain. Don't ask why I was writing about rain. but what should I sing?
Answer if you want please I feel alone inside, I have many friends, and one Best friend, I have a loving Family, and everything to make me happy, but I don't know why, but I feel sad and unhappy, I have food and water with shelter but some people do not, I have lots of love around me but I still feel empty, the only time I do not feel empty is when I have my best friend right there beside me, what do I do to be happy when my friend is not there?
I NEED ANWERS I have a friend and she is never home she is always at skating or swimming, or doing something, we are no longer friends I think, what should I do?
I have missed a lot of school and my teacher is having a hard time helping me catch up... What should I do? I feel guilty for making my teacher have a hard time catching me up, it is winter and I have a hard time not getting sick. PLEASE give me answers, everyone has flaws and misses school, but I miss toooooo much
my sister and me use to be close but now were not how do i fix this? Sure we say we hate each-other but inside we love one another dearly, but now we can't be in the same room for 2 min without fighting it makes me feel we are drifting apart. How do I fix this?
Which Monster high or After ever high students would you like to see as a mobian?
can you solve the riddle? a man has a guitar and a flute case. the flute case can carry the guitar. how?
What is 1Ds real phone number what is it ill like to know!!!!!!!!!
Try to solve this riddle! (2) Johnny's mother has five kids. Their names are April, May, June, and July. What is the fifth's kids name?
heya I need peeps to enjoy my making so I need tips tips plz!!!
Try to solve this riddle! (1) What has no beginning, middle, or end but touches every continent?
What weapon does Hoodie the Creepypasta use? I can't remember if Hoodie the Creepypasta uses a weapon or not. If you know, please comment the item!
Try to solve this riddle! I have four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the night. What am I?
wwoud you rather wear boots , tennis shoes, or dress shoes i would rather wear boots what would you?
If you could redo any moment of your life, what would it be? This is a big question, I have loads of moments I'd like to redo but I'm not sure cos then I wouldn't be who I am now or something complicated and Dr Who ish
How to get long nails fast?
Who else watches Horrible Histories? I know I do, how about you? YES? NO?
What does that number in parentheses next to a quiz or page or whatever mean? I have that a lot on my stuff yet have no idea wut it means
WHOS RUSSIAN?! Anyone else here who speaks reads and writes in russian or is russian in any kind of way?!
How to tell if ur guy friend like you How do u tell if ur guy friend likes you ??? I have this one friend and I wonder if he likes me ???
Why everyone thinks that ukiss kevin is gay? pls pls comment .
Help? Please? I am making a website but I don't know what to name it! Please help!
what is the best way to stop bullying? hi guys please help me. i am doing a bullying project and i need help on how to stop bullying. include any other informations as much as possible. thanks and include why people bully and the effects of bullying, why people are bullied and ways of stopping bullies and thanks yeah BYYYYEEE!!! oh and contact bge with my email [email protected] and my instagram @_allieexoxo and my facebook: Alita Chanhom. my facebook is the second one and my other facebook: Allie Chanhom
In the Hunger Games Does Prim Die? I read part of Mockingjay but it got so sad I stopped. My friend told me Prim dies. Does she?
In the Hunger Games, does Katniss choose Petta or Gale? Who does she choose to love in the end?
Keep calm and love tobuscus Keep calm and love tobuscus. Who's heard of him??? Look him up on youtube if u have no idea
Do you think art is fun? I think art is really awesome, what about you? Do you think it's cool? I'd bet!
Fav kind of birds? Meh. Get this alligator pic!
Which chocolate is the tastiest? I like twix and the kinder ones. Yours?
If you had a bunny what would his\her name be? Is he\she a girl? A boy? These names can tell. Isn't it weird how Sam is a boy's name and a girl's name? Yeah, but anyways have fun!
Do you think you're good at writing? This is only are book writers, so I was just wondering if you think you're an author or not.
Can I have some advice? (1) I just made friends and am still getting to know a girl and I want to be BEST friends with her but what if she already has one? Should I ask her, I mean I really want to be her best friend she seems cool and like a perfect best friend!! I imagine us going everywhere together, like the mall, and stuff like that I imagine us being like sisters. Am I crazy, or can you relate to me in any way? What should I do?
If you make quizzes do you take your own quiz? (For quiz makers)
Does anyone like Dove Cameron? I LOVE Dove Cameron SO MUCH, but I want to see if anyone else likes/loves her! :D
i don't know whats wrong with me please help <:"( it started when my cousin said he liked me ever scence i just feel really sad latly and i'm listening to my immortal on loop, what is wrong with me? please help <:(
what do I do everyone is making me feel like no body
Fun outdoor two player games? My friend is coming over and we want to play an outdoor two player game. NOT frisbee because we already played that a lot. There aren't many trees in my backyard mostly open space and it is about 1/4 acre.
THE ULTIMATE QUESTION: Harry Potter or Twilight? I definitely prefer Harry Potter, and I think most people do, but I'd like to see again, overall, which has more fans.
What were you like wen you played slender? Has anybody played slender? If so how was your reaction wen he found you?
i need help :(( my cozen said he like likes me but i don't like him and plus where family and its wrong to date your family so what do i do :(.
why do people grow old
If you could go back in time to a civilization who would it be Like Rome or Greece or Germany, Israel or Egypt or the Aztecs or Inca
What do you think is the best vacation? Maybe, a cruise to France, a road trip across the country, a skiing trip....
where should I take a vacation
what is the best song from 1D in 2013 what is the best song of 1D from 2013
Do you love Degrassi?
why do people die?
What is Frozen about? I might be going to see Frozen today, so I'd like if someone could tell me what it's about! :D
What comes first? Answer this impossible question! Does an egg come first? No one knows coz where did the egg come from and where did the chicken come from? Think about it.
Is there a reason? Is there a reason that everyone is scared of so thing?
Why do you love Harry Potter? :) There's lots of reasons, let's see how many we can get! :D
Did anyone else notice how in "Equestria Girls" Pinkie takes a drawing off her dress and it somehow becomes a real balloon? Look at the picture! The "cutie mark" on her dress is missing a blue balloon and TA-DA! Look what color balloon she's blowing! If you watch that clip from Equestria Girls you can actually see her taking the balloon off! THAT IS SO PINKIE! :D
Is Sweetheart a good name for her? The pony in the pic is named Sweetheart. Is that a good name for her?
Do puppets scare you? Someone at my Puppet Pals Page said that puppets scare him. What do you think?
Which One Next?! Ok so! I've read a bunch of Creepypastas and I wonder which one I should read next? And please none of the popular ones (Slenderman, Jeff the Killer, Jane the killer, Eyeless Jack etc....) I want something not very well known! Can anyone help me with this CP CRISIS of mine?!?!?
Why did the Romans die?
i really need a good anime to watch can i have a list please and a descricption about them i have nothing to watch at the moment plz can you help me by reccomending good animes have nothing to watch right now xxxxx
What two things would you take on a island in the middle of nowhere?
why doesn't cartoon network show all the episodes of regular show ?
Do you know how to make rubber band bracelets I like to make them. I was just wondering and I am bored. :D
which is your favourite one direction member? Who is ur fav 1d member. Do u like niall, louis, zayn, harry or liam.
Who else saw Frozen? My friend and I saw it yesterday. IT WAS SO GOOD!!!! And I'm addicted to listening to "Let it Go"...
How old was Freddie Mercury when he died? I want to know!
Does anybody remember me? I don't think any of you do. A few months ago I was very active on this site and I like to think that I made some friends but I guess I didn't.. my account was anonymous, but if any of you remember me, I will reveal myself with a selfie x (Just thought my old friends might wanna see what I look like)
Has anybody noticed this? Sometimes people say they hate haters. That means they are a hater because they hate people. It also means they hate themselves.
A riddle for you to answer! Ok, three people died. When they came back as spirits they said a girl with glasses and a pony tail killed them. Jonathan said " I was at the football stadium watching West Ham lose to Manchester United 5-0 " Amy said " I was just sharpening my dagger wearing fake glasses and a pony tail. " Finally Lucy who wore glasses and a pony tail said " Me? I was no wear near here! I was just preparing for a fight " Tell me who killed them!
Does anyone not dream or dream in black and white? I've heard that some people dream in black and white or don't dream at all. Does this happen to anyone?
Did you ever had a series of nightmares when you were little? And if so, what was/were it/they?
What is the worst fashion trend? What is the worst fashion trend you've witnessed in the last couple of years, in your opinion?
do you think wolves are cool ..............
what should i accessories should i wear first day back from winter break? i am looking for some cute accessories to wear first day back from winter break what?
Do fish get thirsty?
My favorite mortal kombat character is subzero, what about yours? Subzero my man ;)
Lego Batman has a girlfriend? Check out this info I got from, He makes it no secret he prefers to work alone, since he could probably get the job done better and faster than anyone else. He is presently Wyldstyle’s boyfriend,and lacks very little in the looks, ability or confidence department
Read description below ;) (numerology) What is your destiny number? Mine is 3 how bout you? If you dont know how to get your destiny number here is a website I found...
does anyone listen to black veil brides?
Have you ever wondered why they make Ariana Grande so dumb in her shows. In Sam and Cat she is dumb. In Victorius she was dumb. I was just wondering why they make her seem so dumb when Ariana is really smart. Bye. :D
who here knows who marshall lee is?
What was the best thing that ever happened to you?
Read the description! ok, qfeast wouldn't let me ask this. soooo: DO YOU LIKE LORDE?
Why do people like Twilight? It's not that interesting, and Bella is just plain dumb! (No offense to you Twilight fans out there! :)
What are you self-conscious about? I know it's personal but I'm going through a rough time with my self-esteem. so what drags you down (mostly about your appearance but personality quirks count too).
Acne Issues Does anyone else have really bad acne like me? Mine has gotten to the point where the doctor wants to give me medicine to get rid of it. Is there any other way to get rid of bad acne, my main self-conscious thing? Don't say wash your face really well cuz it ain't working.
Do you think wolves are awesome? Wolves are very fascinating. I love them.
Who plays Virtual Families or Virtual Villagers ? Plz answer this because I need some help with mine. Thnx, soccergirl01
Did you stay up until midnight on New Years? I did!
Persuasion Tactics How do I convince my dad to get me a dog? (if you need more info on my situation go to my question "The Doggy Question") Thank you!!!!!
Which is better: A lifetime supply of pie or living at the cupcake factory? Just choose one....And only one.....Such a hard decsion......I think I spelled that wrong....Whatever.....
Best video game? What do you think? :D
Best song from Better Together EP? THEY ARE ALL EXTREMELY AMAZING!!!!!
Who is more talented? Ariana Grande Elizabeth Gillies Demi Lovato Selena Gomez Taylor Swift Dove Cameron Miley Cyrus Try to guess mine! ;)