Can I have some advice? (1) I just made friends and am still getting to know a girl and I want to be BEST friends with her but what if she already has one? Should I ask her, I mean I really want to be her best friend she seems cool and like a perfect best friend!! I imagine us going everywhere together, like the mall, and stuff like that I imagine us being like sisters. Am I crazy, or can you relate to me in any way? What should I do?

Answers (5)

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You can't force something like that. Be really nice to her and if you 'match' (so to speak) you'll grow closer & become best friends naturally. If not, you can still be good friends.
on July 10, 2014
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I actually have 2 best friends, so I'm sure if she already has 1 you'll be fine!
on April 08, 2014
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Ask who some of her other close friends are
on April 08, 2014
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You can ask, if she says she already has one then you should be just be good friends! :)
on January 23, 2014
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You should just ask, if you dont ask you wont be friends, if you do ask and she has a best friend then there wont be dat much fuss :D
on January 23, 2014
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