Leandro the Leonian from the episode The Woman Who Lived, is literally the Beast from Beauty and the Beast.
on October 31, 2015

You have been captured by the enemy during war time. They decide to execute you, however they believe you to have fought bravely and honourably and as such have decided to allow you to choose how you would like to die, as long as it isn't 'of old age'. How would you choose to be executed?

on November 07, 2016
on October 01, 2015

created a

Which 'Finding Nemo' Character Are You?
on September 27, 2015

Live a Fairytale
Most of our lives are boring, lacking romance & excitement. This is a page to role play the fairytale-esque life you wish you had lived in another time. Set out your fairytale world at the start of each role play in this format: Once upon a time in the Kingdom of ___, a land (distinguishing features here eg. 'Filled with magic), there lived (your character, brief character background). (Any other information necessary). Join in any roleplay & remember fairytales need a whole range of characters!
on June 13, 2015

Celia_Bowen added a new chapter to What to do?
The clock stops chiming and you haven't found it. But you can see a red light around the corner that you think might be the bus's tail lights. You jog around the corner hoping to catch it before it goes past the lights it must be stopped at, but what you see stops you in your tracks.
It's not the bus. It's a spaceship.
In front of you. Is. A. Spaceship.
It towers above you to the hight of the double story houses, omitting a pulsating red glow. It sits on... Read Full Chapter
The clock stops chiming and you haven't found it. But you can see a red light around the corner that you think might be the bus's tail lights. You jog around the corner hoping to catch it before it goes past the lights it must be stopped at, but what you see stops you in your tracks.
It's not the bus. It's a spaceship.
In front of you. Is. A. Spaceship.
It towers above you to the hight of the double story houses, omitting a pulsating red glow. It sits on... Read Full Chapter
on June 07, 2015

Celia_Bowen added a new chapter to What to do?
You duck down to the corner and into the general store.
It's quaint, the kind of store you might expect to have a bell above the door. It doesn't.
What it does have is a magazine rack with a refreshingly celebrity-gossip-mag free selection, a stand selling everything from umbrellas to perfume, and a lolly-lined counter covered with colourful confectionaries to tempt children to nag parents, and a rotating display of birthday and post cards.
It's quaint, the kind of store you might expect to h... Read Full Chapter
It's quaint, the kind of store you might expect to have a bell above the door. It doesn't.
What it does have is a magazine rack with a refreshingly celebrity-gossip-mag free selection, a stand selling everything from umbrellas to perfume, and a lolly-lined counter covered with colourful confectionaries to tempt children to nag parents, and a rotating display of birthday and post cards.
It's quaint, the kind of store you might expect to h... Read Full Chapter
on June 07, 2015

Whether or not you watch Doctor Who, please sign and send this!
Whether or not you watch Doctor Who, please sign and send this!

Save "Doctor Who," Netflix! Petition
We, the undersigned, call on Netflix Inc. to refrain from removing the television series, Doctor Who from its online streaming...
on January 16, 2015

Celia_Bowen asked a question

Are there Grandmas who can't cook? My Grandmother is a phenomenal cook, and when I thin...
on December 03, 2014

http://www.qfeast.com/page/0MzGmm/And-the-Award-Goes-To Last week's winners, this week's comp! Good luck!

And the Award Goes To...
Come join if you are in a for a challenge. This is one of those many competition pages. It will be anything and everything. The winners will be announced each week, and a new topic will too. If you have any questions, just ask @Ravenclaw3243!
on December 01, 2014

Do you want extra-credit this week? Read the extra-credit assignment on the page! (optional)
Do you want extra-credit this week? Read the extra-credit assignment on the page! (optional)

And the Award Goes To...
Come join if you are in a for a challenge. This is one of those many competition pages. It will be anything and everything. The winners will be announced each week, and a new topic will too. If you have any questions, just ask @Ravenclaw3243!
on November 24, 2014

New comp! New winners!
New comp! New winners!

And the Award Goes To...
Come join if you are in a for a challenge. This is one of those many competition pages. It will be anything and everything. The winners will be announced each week, and a new topic will too. If you have any questions, just ask @Ravenclaw3243!
on November 23, 2014