Qfeast Contests
Are you a creative writer? We’d like to encourage you to take the challenge and write your hearts out! We'll make you famous on Qfeast, plus prizes!

Let's congratulate the winners of the "Health / Health Care" Contest:
1. eedenVertigo : Which global pandemic would you have survived? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/DnVvCD/Which-global-pandemic-would-you-have-survived
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
2. EGCToonsYT : Should you personally be afraid See More of the coronavirus? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/iObV4a/Should-YOU-be-afraid-of-the-coronavirus
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
3. yifmaster : How much do you know about the black plague? - https://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/LafSWh/How-much-do-you-know-about-the-black-plague
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
1. eedenVertigo : Which global pandemic would you have survived? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/DnVvCD/Which-global-pandemic-would-you-have-survived
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
2. EGCToonsYT : Should you personally be afraid See More of the coronavirus? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/iObV4a/Should-YOU-be-afraid-of-the-coronavirus
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
3. yifmaster : How much do you know about the black plague? - https://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/LafSWh/How-much-do-you-know-about-the-black-plague
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days

Which global pandemic would you have survived?
Would you have survived if you were alive during the bubonic plague or the spanish flu?
@qfeast can you please continue the contests? I would love to join one
on February 11

youre like a month and a half late @eedenVertigo
on May 22, 2020

qfeast the pic for the first one is sperm
on April 05, 2020

on March 31, 2020

there's one person on here bullying me @qfeast can you help?
on March 31, 2020
on March 31, 2020

There is only one day left, hurry up, create your "Health / Health Care" quiz asap! ( deadline: March 30th )
on March 29, 2020

Hurry up, create your "Health / Health Care" quiz asap! The deadline is coming closer ( March 30th )
on March 28, 2020

Long time no see. It's time for a new Quiz Contest (7th)!
- The topic of the quiz is: [Health / Health Care]
- The quiz should be STELLAR with at least 10 questions. Also, the quiz must have a nice cover image & description
- The quiz should look professional, do not use unrelated pictures
- Each question should have a related image attached about it. The question should be related to the quiz, do not add meaningless questions just to pass the minimum question limit (so any "The See More last question:", "How was my quiz?", "Please comment" or similar text in the quiz will disqualify it)
- Do not copy content from existing quizzes (Qfeast or other quiz sites)
- Each personality should have an image attached and 1-3 phrases as description
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
- To enter the contest, simply provide the address of the quiz as a comment to this post. Submission deadline: March 30th 2020 (including). The winners will announced on March 31st.
- Do not enter a quiz you created prior to the start of the contest
- When you’ve finished your quiz, make sure you tell all your friends about it, both on Qfeast and on other social networking sites. Tell you friends to take your quiz and request their honest feedback and update your quiz accordingly
The more likes and shares, your quiz will have on Facebook, Twitter and so on, the better!
- We'll calculate the winners based on a special formula. Some details of the formula will be secret, so nobody can take any advantage of it. What is important, you do not have to be very popular on Qfeast to win this contest, the quality first:
- The formula will take into consideration:
>the creativity, the quiz should be outstanding, proper grammar and spelling are a must
>the number of questions, anywhere between 10 - 20
>the images attached: how good and related to the questions are
>personality quizzes: the number of personalities, and the correctness of these
>the rating stars & count
>favorited / shared on profile count
>comments, feedback & count
>the number of likes & shares (Facebook) and tweets (Twitter)
Just some examples / ideas, do not limit to these:
How healthy are you really?
How much do you know about first aid / your health / health Care?
How healthy is your Diet?
Healthy Lifestyle Test
Is my diet healthy?
Diet and Nutrition
How much do you know about viruses / cold / flu / Coronavirus 2019?
- The topic of the quiz is: [Health / Health Care]
- The quiz should be STELLAR with at least 10 questions. Also, the quiz must have a nice cover image & description
- The quiz should look professional, do not use unrelated pictures
- Each question should have a related image attached about it. The question should be related to the quiz, do not add meaningless questions just to pass the minimum question limit (so any "The See More last question:", "How was my quiz?", "Please comment" or similar text in the quiz will disqualify it)
- Do not copy content from existing quizzes (Qfeast or other quiz sites)
- Each personality should have an image attached and 1-3 phrases as description
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
- To enter the contest, simply provide the address of the quiz as a comment to this post. Submission deadline: March 30th 2020 (including). The winners will announced on March 31st.
- Do not enter a quiz you created prior to the start of the contest
- When you’ve finished your quiz, make sure you tell all your friends about it, both on Qfeast and on other social networking sites. Tell you friends to take your quiz and request their honest feedback and update your quiz accordingly
The more likes and shares, your quiz will have on Facebook, Twitter and so on, the better!
- We'll calculate the winners based on a special formula. Some details of the formula will be secret, so nobody can take any advantage of it. What is important, you do not have to be very popular on Qfeast to win this contest, the quality first:
- The formula will take into consideration:
>the creativity, the quiz should be outstanding, proper grammar and spelling are a must
>the number of questions, anywhere between 10 - 20
>the images attached: how good and related to the questions are
>personality quizzes: the number of personalities, and the correctness of these
>the rating stars & count
>favorited / shared on profile count
>comments, feedback & count
>the number of likes & shares (Facebook) and tweets (Twitter)
Just some examples / ideas, do not limit to these:
How healthy are you really?
How much do you know about first aid / your health / health Care?
How healthy is your Diet?
Healthy Lifestyle Test
Is my diet healthy?
Diet and Nutrition
How much do you know about viruses / cold / flu / Coronavirus 2019?

sorry q, this is the right link https://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/LafSWh/How-much-do-you-know-about-the-black-plague
on March 22, 2020
on March 21, 2020

Let's congratulate the winners of the "Winter Holiday / Christmas" Contest:
1. Poland_The_Fabulous : What Christmas Dessert Are You? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/mbBDhz/What-Christmas-Dessert-Are-You
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
2. Lady_Artemis : How well do you know the Danish Christmas See More Traditions? - https://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/MALVgS/How-well-do-you-know-the-Danish-Christmas-Traditions
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
3. Sharkboi : Will you get a Christmas present this year? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/zpZBIv/Will-you-get-a-Christmas-present-this-year
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
1. Poland_The_Fabulous : What Christmas Dessert Are You? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/mbBDhz/What-Christmas-Dessert-Are-You
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
2. Lady_Artemis : How well do you know the Danish Christmas See More Traditions? - https://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/MALVgS/How-well-do-you-know-the-Danish-Christmas-Traditions
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
3. Sharkboi : Will you get a Christmas present this year? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/zpZBIv/Will-you-get-a-Christmas-present-this-year
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days

What Christmas Dessert Are You?
There are plenty of different kinds of Christmas treats, fruit cake, candy canes, ginger bread cookies, etc. Ever wondered which one of these yummy goodies you are? Well, you've come to the right place!

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat XD
No. If you wanna know a way to spell desserts...
Stressed spelt backwards.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaat XD
No. If you wanna know a way to spell desserts...
Stressed spelt backwards.
on December 30, 2016
on December 29, 2016

There is only one day left, hurry up, create your "Winter Holiday / Christmas" quiz asap! ( deadline: December 28th )

on December 29, 2016

Um, I might apply for the next one( if there is a next one). If there is, what is the topic?
on December 29, 2016

on December 28, 2016

Umm... You're supposed to submit it on their post announcing the contest. Not here. (Just 2 posts down)
Umm... You're supposed to submit it on their post announcing the contest. Not here. (Just 2 posts down)
on December 28, 2016
on December 27, 2016

Hurry up, create your "Winter Holiday / Christmas" quiz asap! The deadline is coming closer ( December 28th )

on December 24, 2016
on December 22, 2016

It's time for a new Quiz Contest (6th)!
- The topic of the quiz is: [Winter Holiday / Christmas]
- The quiz should be STELLAR with at least 10 questions. Also, the quiz must have a nice cover image & description
- The quiz should look professional, do not use unrelated pictures
- Each question should have a related image attached about it. The question should be related to the quiz, do not add meaningless questions just to pass the minimum question limit (so any "The last question:", See More "How was my quiz?", "Please comment" or similar text in the quiz will disqualify it)
- Do not copy content from existing quizzes (Qfeast or other quiz sites)
- Each personality should have an image attached and 1-3 phrases as description
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
- To enter the contest, simply provide the address of the quiz as a comment to this post. Submission deadline: December 28th 2016 (including). The winners will announced on December 29th.
- Do not enter a quiz you created prior to the start of the contest
- When you’ve finished your quiz, make sure you tell all your friends about it, both on Qfeast and on other social networking sites. Tell you friends to take your quiz and request their honest feedback and update your quiz accordingly
The more likes and shares, your quiz will have on Facebook, Twitter and so on, the better!
- We'll calculate the winners based on a special formula. Some details of the formula will be secret, so nobody can take any advantage of it. What is important, you do not have to be very popular on Qfeast to win this contest, the quality first:
- The formula will take into consideration:
>the creativity, the quiz should be outstanding, proper grammar and spelling are a must
>the number of questions, anywhere between 10 - 20
>the images attached: how good and related to the questions are
>personality quizzes: the number of personalities, and the correctness of these
>the rating stars & count
>favorited / shared on profile count
>comments, feedback & count
>the number of likes & shares (Facebook) and tweets (Twitter)
Just some examples / ideas, do not limit to these:
What gift should you get your boyfriend / girlfriend / BFF?
Where should you spend your Winter Holidays / Christmas?
Who should you spend the Holidays With?
What type of Christmas present is best for you?
How well do you know the Winter Holiday traditions?
- The topic of the quiz is: [Winter Holiday / Christmas]
- The quiz should be STELLAR with at least 10 questions. Also, the quiz must have a nice cover image & description
- The quiz should look professional, do not use unrelated pictures
- Each question should have a related image attached about it. The question should be related to the quiz, do not add meaningless questions just to pass the minimum question limit (so any "The last question:", See More "How was my quiz?", "Please comment" or similar text in the quiz will disqualify it)
- Do not copy content from existing quizzes (Qfeast or other quiz sites)
- Each personality should have an image attached and 1-3 phrases as description
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
- To enter the contest, simply provide the address of the quiz as a comment to this post. Submission deadline: December 28th 2016 (including). The winners will announced on December 29th.
- Do not enter a quiz you created prior to the start of the contest
- When you’ve finished your quiz, make sure you tell all your friends about it, both on Qfeast and on other social networking sites. Tell you friends to take your quiz and request their honest feedback and update your quiz accordingly
The more likes and shares, your quiz will have on Facebook, Twitter and so on, the better!
- We'll calculate the winners based on a special formula. Some details of the formula will be secret, so nobody can take any advantage of it. What is important, you do not have to be very popular on Qfeast to win this contest, the quality first:
- The formula will take into consideration:
>the creativity, the quiz should be outstanding, proper grammar and spelling are a must
>the number of questions, anywhere between 10 - 20
>the images attached: how good and related to the questions are
>personality quizzes: the number of personalities, and the correctness of these
>the rating stars & count
>favorited / shared on profile count
>comments, feedback & count
>the number of likes & shares (Facebook) and tweets (Twitter)
Just some examples / ideas, do not limit to these:
What gift should you get your boyfriend / girlfriend / BFF?
Where should you spend your Winter Holidays / Christmas?
Who should you spend the Holidays With?
What type of Christmas present is best for you?
How well do you know the Winter Holiday traditions?

I tried my best.
I tried my best.
on December 28, 2016

Ooh! I might have an idea for this one! And there's plenty of time left, too. I did the entire Valentine's Day quiz in about an hour, and I got 2nd Place!
on December 21, 2016

I just realised I'm always entering scored quizzes...
Jeez, I always do the same type, slap me, next time I need to do personality instead!
Jeez, I always do the same type, slap me, next time I need to do personality instead!
on December 21, 2016
on December 17, 2016

Choosing the contest winners it's always a titanic job, with so many great quizzes! Let's congratulate the winners of the "Video Game Characters" Contest:
1. The_Panda_Otaku : Which Undertale Character Are You? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/isl5ph/Which-Undertale-Character-Are-You-4
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite See More your quiz for 90 days
2. Lightstriker195 : What Team do you belong on in "Pokemon GO!"? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/2IcGRc/What-Team-do-you-belong-on-in-Pokemon-GO
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
3. Atsuko_Maeda_15th_Acchan : The Corpse Party Character Knowledge Quiz - https://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/sA86Bo/The-Corpse-Party-Character-Knowledge-Quiz
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
Honorable Mention:
Parabolic : Your role in Overwatch? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/zkAuXI/Your-role-in-Overwatch
breann.west.5 : Are you most like Marin or Malon? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/nyeQJw/Are-you-most-like-Marin-or-Malon
1. The_Panda_Otaku : Which Undertale Character Are You? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/isl5ph/Which-Undertale-Character-Are-You-4
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite See More your quiz for 90 days
2. Lightstriker195 : What Team do you belong on in "Pokemon GO!"? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/2IcGRc/What-Team-do-you-belong-on-in-Pokemon-GO
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
3. Atsuko_Maeda_15th_Acchan : The Corpse Party Character Knowledge Quiz - https://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/sA86Bo/The-Corpse-Party-Character-Knowledge-Quiz
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
Honorable Mention:
Parabolic : Your role in Overwatch? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/zkAuXI/Your-role-in-Overwatch
breann.west.5 : Are you most like Marin or Malon? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/nyeQJw/Are-you-most-like-Marin-or-Malon

Which Undertale Character Are You? (4)
I'm sure you've heard of the popular game Undertale, created by Toby Fox. And if you haven't, that's fine too, you can still take this quiz! So, which Undertale Character are you the most similar to? Find out in this quiz! *Please note that only certain characters will be included. This does not include A.U's such as Underfell or Underswap.

I'm surprised I never noticed this before but...
"Choosing the contest winners it's always a titanic job"
That is the best non-noticed grammatical error I have ever come across!
And it took me half a year!
"Choosing the contest winners it's always a titanic job"
That is the best non-noticed grammatical error I have ever come across!
And it took me half a year!
on December 26, 2016

I can't imagine another one until... Either Crimson's rewards run out, or I think they're gonna wait until December so then they can do a Christmas theme.
I can't imagine another one until... Either Crimson's rewards run out, or I think they're gonna wait until December so then they can do a Christmas theme.
on October 06, 2016
on July 31, 2016

Hurry up, create your Video Game Characters quiz asap! The deadline is coming closer ( 30th July)

@Lightstriker195 That's a good idea. XD Actually, it's hard to write stories, I just wanted to get out of Boredom.
on July 31, 2016
on July 26, 2016

The wait is over, Quiz Contest (5th)!
- The topic of the quiz is: [Video Game Characters]
- The quiz should be STELLAR with at least 10 questions. Also, the quiz must have a nice cover image & description
- The quiz should look professional, do not use unrelated pictures
- Each question should have a related image attached about it. The question should be related to the quiz, do not add meaningless questions just to pass the minimum question limit (so any "The last question:", See More "How was my quiz?", "Please comment" or similar text in the quiz will disqualify it)
- Do not copy content from existing quizzes (Qfeast or other quiz sites)
- Each personality should have an image attached and 1-3 phrases as description
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
- To enter the contest, simply provide the address of the quiz as a comment to this post. Submission deadline: July 30th 2016 (including). The winners will announced on July 31st.
- Do not enter a quiz you created prior to the start of the contest
- When you’ve finished your quiz, make sure you tell all your friends about it, both on Qfeast and on other social networking sites. Tell you friends to take your quiz and request their honest feedback and update your quiz accordingly
The more likes and shares, your quiz will have on Facebook, Twitter and so on, the better!
- We'll calculate the winners based on a special formula. Some details of the formula will be secret, so nobody can take any advantage of it. What is important, you do not have to be very popular on Qfeast to win this contest, the quality first:
- The formula will take into consideration:
>the creativity, the quiz should be outstanding, proper grammar and spelling are a must
>the number of questions, anywhere between 10 - 20
>the images attached: how good and related to the questions are
>personality quizzes: the number of personalities, and the correctness of these
>the rating stars & count
>favorited / shared on profile count
>comments, feedback & count
>the number of likes & shares (Facebook) and tweets (Twitter)
Just some examples / ideas, do not limit to these:
Which Undertale / Legendary / Game of Thrones / Final Fantasy video game character are you?
Which Nintendo / Sony character are you?
Which Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition fighter are you?
Which horror / rpg video game character are you?
Which female / male video game character would you date?
- The topic of the quiz is: [Video Game Characters]
- The quiz should be STELLAR with at least 10 questions. Also, the quiz must have a nice cover image & description
- The quiz should look professional, do not use unrelated pictures
- Each question should have a related image attached about it. The question should be related to the quiz, do not add meaningless questions just to pass the minimum question limit (so any "The last question:", See More "How was my quiz?", "Please comment" or similar text in the quiz will disqualify it)
- Do not copy content from existing quizzes (Qfeast or other quiz sites)
- Each personality should have an image attached and 1-3 phrases as description
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
- To enter the contest, simply provide the address of the quiz as a comment to this post. Submission deadline: July 30th 2016 (including). The winners will announced on July 31st.
- Do not enter a quiz you created prior to the start of the contest
- When you’ve finished your quiz, make sure you tell all your friends about it, both on Qfeast and on other social networking sites. Tell you friends to take your quiz and request their honest feedback and update your quiz accordingly
The more likes and shares, your quiz will have on Facebook, Twitter and so on, the better!
- We'll calculate the winners based on a special formula. Some details of the formula will be secret, so nobody can take any advantage of it. What is important, you do not have to be very popular on Qfeast to win this contest, the quality first:
- The formula will take into consideration:
>the creativity, the quiz should be outstanding, proper grammar and spelling are a must
>the number of questions, anywhere between 10 - 20
>the images attached: how good and related to the questions are
>personality quizzes: the number of personalities, and the correctness of these
>the rating stars & count
>favorited / shared on profile count
>comments, feedback & count
>the number of likes & shares (Facebook) and tweets (Twitter)
Just some examples / ideas, do not limit to these:
Which Undertale / Legendary / Game of Thrones / Final Fantasy video game character are you?
Which Nintendo / Sony character are you?
Which Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition fighter are you?
Which horror / rpg video game character are you?
Which female / male video game character would you date?

He haven't won anything. This was his first shot and he's nervous. But I was just pointing that he may win because he has over 100 responses and it was the most shared quiz out there.
Like I said, there are other people out there that never won a qfeast contest so you're not the only one. I'm sorry if I sounded rude in any way. It wasn't See More my intention.
He haven't won anything. This was his first shot and he's nervous. But I was just pointing that he may win because he has over 100 responses and it was the most shared quiz out there.
Like I said, there are other people out there that never won a qfeast contest so you're not the only one. I'm sorry if I sounded rude in any way. It wasn't See More my intention.
on July 30, 2016

Second of all, I never won anything either. But do you see me getting upset? No. It's just all for fun anyways.
Second of all, I never won anything either. But do you see me getting upset? No. It's just all for fun anyways.
on July 30, 2016
on July 20, 2016

We have received so many excellent quizzes and it was really a hard job for us to choose the winners!
Congratulations to the Valentine's Day quiz contest winners. Thank you to everyone that participated!
1. Galactic_Noodles: Which kind of Valentine's day candy are you? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/orhjLK/Which-kind-of-Valentine-s-day-candy-are-you
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section See More 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
2. Kanya888: Where are you most likely to spend your Valentine's Day? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/0jIhsp/Where-are-you-most-likely-to-spend-your-Valentine-s-Day
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
3. Sa55ygirl: Everyone will have something happen to them on Valentines Day... - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/hthILQ/Everyone-will-have-something-happen-to-them-on-Valentines-Day
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
Honorable Mention:
MysticMedievalSamuraiPrincess: Which celebrity boy would be your valentine? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/yvMk2h/Which-celebrity-boy-would-be-your-valentine
StickerLord: What Valentines Symbol Do You Represent? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/pCuixZ/What-Valentines-Symbol-Do-You-Represent
Thank you again for participating! Congratulations!
Qfeast Team
Congratulations to the Valentine's Day quiz contest winners. Thank you to everyone that participated!
1. Galactic_Noodles: Which kind of Valentine's day candy are you? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/orhjLK/Which-kind-of-Valentine-s-day-candy-are-you
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section See More 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
2. Kanya888: Where are you most likely to spend your Valentine's Day? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/0jIhsp/Where-are-you-most-likely-to-spend-your-Valentine-s-Day
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
3. Sa55ygirl: Everyone will have something happen to them on Valentines Day... - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/hthILQ/Everyone-will-have-something-happen-to-them-on-Valentines-Day
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
Honorable Mention:
MysticMedievalSamuraiPrincess: Which celebrity boy would be your valentine? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/yvMk2h/Which-celebrity-boy-would-be-your-valentine
StickerLord: What Valentines Symbol Do You Represent? - https://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/pCuixZ/What-Valentines-Symbol-Do-You-Represent
Thank you again for participating! Congratulations!
Qfeast Team

Which kind of Valentine's day candy are you?
We all love candy, and this time of year in February, we get a lot of it. Find out which one you are! ((This quiz was made for the 4th Qfeast contest.))
on February 15, 2016

Hurry up, create your Valentine's Day quiz asap! The deadline is coming closer, February 14th (including)

Qfeast, we need to have something different other than Quizzes. Maybe a Story contest next time?
on February 17, 2016

on February 14, 2016
on February 13, 2016

It's time for a new Quiz Contest (4th)!
- The topic of the quiz is: [Valentine's Day]
- The quiz should be STELLAR with at least 10 questions. Also, the quiz must have a nice cover image & description
- The quiz should look professional, do not use unrelated pictures
- Each question should have a related image attached about it. The question should be related to the quiz, do not add meaningless questions just to pass the minimum question limit (so any "The last question:", "How See More was my quiz?", "Please comment" or similar text in the quiz will disqualify it)
- Do not copy content from existing quizzes (Qfeast or other quiz sites)
- Each personality should have an image attached and 1-3 phrases as description
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
- To enter the contest, simply provide the address of the quiz as a comment to this post. Submission deadline: February 14th 2016 (including). The winners will announced on February 15th.
- Do not enter a quiz you created prior to the start of the contest
- When you’ve finished your quiz, make sure you tell all your friends about it, both on Qfeast and on other social networking sites. Tell you friends to take your quiz and request their honest feedback and update your quiz accordingly
The more likes and shares, your quiz will have on Facebook, Twitter and so on, the better!
- We'll calculate the winners based on a special formula. Some details of the formula will be secret, so nobody can take any advantage of it. What is important, you do not have to be very popular on Qfeast to win this contest, the quality first:
- The formula will take into consideration:
>the creativity, the quiz should be outstanding, proper grammar and spelling are a must
>the number of questions, anywhere between 10 - 20
>the images attached: how good and related to the questions are
>personality quizzes: the number of personalities, and the correctness of these
>the rating stars & count
>favorited / shared on profile count
>comments, feedback & count
>the number of likes & shares (Facebook) and tweets (Twitter)
Just some examples / ideas, do not limit to these:
What's your perfect Valentine's Day date?
Is your crush getting you a valentine this Year?
Who is your celebrity Valentine?
Discover your inner Valentine heart!
What will happen to you this Valentine’s Day?
Whose your perfect / secret Valentine?
- The topic of the quiz is: [Valentine's Day]
- The quiz should be STELLAR with at least 10 questions. Also, the quiz must have a nice cover image & description
- The quiz should look professional, do not use unrelated pictures
- Each question should have a related image attached about it. The question should be related to the quiz, do not add meaningless questions just to pass the minimum question limit (so any "The last question:", "How See More was my quiz?", "Please comment" or similar text in the quiz will disqualify it)
- Do not copy content from existing quizzes (Qfeast or other quiz sites)
- Each personality should have an image attached and 1-3 phrases as description
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
- To enter the contest, simply provide the address of the quiz as a comment to this post. Submission deadline: February 14th 2016 (including). The winners will announced on February 15th.
- Do not enter a quiz you created prior to the start of the contest
- When you’ve finished your quiz, make sure you tell all your friends about it, both on Qfeast and on other social networking sites. Tell you friends to take your quiz and request their honest feedback and update your quiz accordingly
The more likes and shares, your quiz will have on Facebook, Twitter and so on, the better!
- We'll calculate the winners based on a special formula. Some details of the formula will be secret, so nobody can take any advantage of it. What is important, you do not have to be very popular on Qfeast to win this contest, the quality first:
- The formula will take into consideration:
>the creativity, the quiz should be outstanding, proper grammar and spelling are a must
>the number of questions, anywhere between 10 - 20
>the images attached: how good and related to the questions are
>personality quizzes: the number of personalities, and the correctness of these
>the rating stars & count
>favorited / shared on profile count
>comments, feedback & count
>the number of likes & shares (Facebook) and tweets (Twitter)
Just some examples / ideas, do not limit to these:
What's your perfect Valentine's Day date?
Is your crush getting you a valentine this Year?
Who is your celebrity Valentine?
Discover your inner Valentine heart!
What will happen to you this Valentine’s Day?
Whose your perfect / secret Valentine?

on February 15, 2016

You can switch to Desktop/Tablet mode on your Mobile device. I do it all the time.
You can switch to Desktop/Tablet mode on your Mobile device. I do it all the time.
on February 15, 2016

Here's mine!
on February 14, 2016
on February 05, 2016

As always, we have received so many quizzes and it is always difficult for us to choose the winners.
Congratulations to the 'Popular Animation Movie' quiz contest winners. Thank you to everyone that participated!
1) TossedWhisper4: How much do you know about "The Incredibles"? - http://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/fnTLF6/How-much-do-you-know-about-The-Incredibles
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" See More section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
2) RainbowGalaxy: How Well Do You Know ' Nightmare Before Christmas' ? - http://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/i2murc/How-Well-Do-You-Know-Nightmare-Before-Christmas
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
3) FandomLover: How well do you know Disney's 'Lion King'? - http://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/CUhel8/How-well-do-you-know-Disney-s-Lion-King
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
Honorable Mention:
Blind_Snow: Do you really know anything about The Guardians of the Galaxy? - http://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/9sDE6k/Do-you-really-know-anything-about-The-Guardians-of-the-Galaxy
PrincessToast: Which Big Hero 6 Character Are You? - http://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/e5KtVO/Which-Big-Hero-6-Character-Are-You
Thank you again for participating! Congratulations!
Qfeast Team
Congratulations to the 'Popular Animation Movie' quiz contest winners. Thank you to everyone that participated!
1) TossedWhisper4: How much do you know about "The Incredibles"? - http://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/fnTLF6/How-much-do-you-know-about-The-Incredibles
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" See More section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
2) RainbowGalaxy: How Well Do You Know ' Nightmare Before Christmas' ? - http://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/i2murc/How-Well-Do-You-Know-Nightmare-Before-Christmas
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
3) FandomLover: How well do you know Disney's 'Lion King'? - http://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/CUhel8/How-well-do-you-know-Disney-s-Lion-King
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
Honorable Mention:
Blind_Snow: Do you really know anything about The Guardians of the Galaxy? - http://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/9sDE6k/Do-you-really-know-anything-about-The-Guardians-of-the-Galaxy
PrincessToast: Which Big Hero 6 Character Are You? - http://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/e5KtVO/Which-Big-Hero-6-Character-Are-You
Thank you again for participating! Congratulations!
Qfeast Team

How much do you know about "The Incredibles"?
Take this quiz to challenge your knowledge on Disney's "The Incredibles." Let's see just how well you know the Parr family. This quiz will mostly be about the characters in the movie, so let's hope you paid attention to the character details during the movie. :3

on January 27, 2016
on July 11, 2015

The wait is over, Quiz Contest (3rd):
- The topic of the quiz is: [Popular Animation Movie]
- Personality or scored quizzes are accepted
- The quiz should be STELLAR with at least 10 questions. Also, the quiz must have a nice cover image & description
- The quiz should look professional, do not use unrelated pictures
- Each question should have a related image attached about it. The question should be related to the quiz, do not add meaningless questions just to pass the minimum See More question limit (so any "The last question:", "How was my quiz?", "Please comment" or similar text in the quiz will disqualify it)
- Do not copy content from existing quizzes (Qfeast or other quiz sites)
- For personality quizzes: each personality should have an image attached and 1-3 phrases as description
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
- To enter the contest, simply provide the address of the quiz as a comment to this post. Submission deadline: July 11th 2015 (including). The winners will announced on July 12th.
- Do not enter a quiz you created prior to the start of the contest
- When you’ve finished your quiz, make sure you tell all your friends about it, both on Qfeast and on other social networking sites. Tell you friends to take your quiz and request their honest feedback and update your quiz accordingly
The more likes and shares, your quiz will have on Facebook, Twitter and so on, the better!
- We'll calculate the winners based on a special formula. Some details of the formula will be secret, so nobody can take any advantage of it. What is important, you do not have to be very popular on Qfeast to win this contest, the quality first:
- The formula will take into consideration:
>the creativity, the quiz should be outstanding, proper grammar and spelling are a must
>the number of questions, anywhere between 10 - 20
>the images attached: how good and related to the questions are
>personality quizzes: the number of personalities, and the correctness of these
>the rating stars & count
>favorited / shared on profile count
>comments, feedback & count
>the number of likes & shares (Facebook) and tweets (Twitter)
Just some examples / ideas, do not limit to these:
Which 'Big Hero 6' character Are You?
Which character from 'Frozen' Are You?
How well do you know 'Inside Out'?
Some top rated animation movies at (do not limit to these):
- The topic of the quiz is: [Popular Animation Movie]
- Personality or scored quizzes are accepted
- The quiz should be STELLAR with at least 10 questions. Also, the quiz must have a nice cover image & description
- The quiz should look professional, do not use unrelated pictures
- Each question should have a related image attached about it. The question should be related to the quiz, do not add meaningless questions just to pass the minimum See More question limit (so any "The last question:", "How was my quiz?", "Please comment" or similar text in the quiz will disqualify it)
- Do not copy content from existing quizzes (Qfeast or other quiz sites)
- For personality quizzes: each personality should have an image attached and 1-3 phrases as description
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
- To enter the contest, simply provide the address of the quiz as a comment to this post. Submission deadline: July 11th 2015 (including). The winners will announced on July 12th.
- Do not enter a quiz you created prior to the start of the contest
- When you’ve finished your quiz, make sure you tell all your friends about it, both on Qfeast and on other social networking sites. Tell you friends to take your quiz and request their honest feedback and update your quiz accordingly
The more likes and shares, your quiz will have on Facebook, Twitter and so on, the better!
- We'll calculate the winners based on a special formula. Some details of the formula will be secret, so nobody can take any advantage of it. What is important, you do not have to be very popular on Qfeast to win this contest, the quality first:
- The formula will take into consideration:
>the creativity, the quiz should be outstanding, proper grammar and spelling are a must
>the number of questions, anywhere between 10 - 20
>the images attached: how good and related to the questions are
>personality quizzes: the number of personalities, and the correctness of these
>the rating stars & count
>favorited / shared on profile count
>comments, feedback & count
>the number of likes & shares (Facebook) and tweets (Twitter)
Just some examples / ideas, do not limit to these:
Which 'Big Hero 6' character Are You?
Which character from 'Frozen' Are You?
How well do you know 'Inside Out'?
Some top rated animation movies at (do not limit to these):

My quiz is finished! so here it is
on July 09, 2015

Aww Des don't worry...
I haven't taken that quiz cuz I never got to see that film yet :(
I haven't taken that quiz cuz I never got to see that film yet :(
on July 09, 2015

on July 07, 2015

on July 07, 2015
on July 03, 2015

It was incredibly hard, to choose the "Love/Relationship Quiz Contest" winners, but ultimately we did, and here they are:
1) KatyKazooo : What are your chances on finding your perfect match? - http://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/OfgHCj/What-are-your-chances-on-finding-your-perfect-match
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your See More quiz for 90 days
2) TheGryffindorMockingjay : How Much Love? - http://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/twalv4/How-Much-Love
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
3) MysticMedievalSamuraiPrincess : How intense is your relationship with your boy/girlfriend? - http://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/fvpSXe/How-intense-is-your-relationship-with-your-boy-girlfriend
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
In the next few hours the prizes will be activated.
Thank you all for participating and for creating such awesome quizzes. Congratulations to our 3 winners!
1) KatyKazooo : What are your chances on finding your perfect match? - http://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/OfgHCj/What-are-your-chances-on-finding-your-perfect-match
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your See More quiz for 90 days
2) TheGryffindorMockingjay : How Much Love? - http://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/twalv4/How-Much-Love
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
3) MysticMedievalSamuraiPrincess : How intense is your relationship with your boy/girlfriend? - http://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/fvpSXe/How-intense-is-your-relationship-with-your-boy-girlfriend
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
In the next few hours the prizes will be activated.
Thank you all for participating and for creating such awesome quizzes. Congratulations to our 3 winners!

What are your chances on finding your perfect match?
- "Will I ever meet someone that will make me my happiest?" - Surely, this must have crossed your mind at least once before, it is in the human nature after all... And no matter how much you try to occupy yourself with other things, it will creep up and haunt you when you least expect it to. The truth: you can't hide nor run from your own thoughts, it is just impossible. But, if you do, beware... it is like a bug in your computer... terrorizing and destroying, to the point of destruction... it will completely and utterly ruin your - could be - happy life... Take this quiz if you want to.

I'm not that best with romance but I 'm good with scary @Rose_Quartz_Connie_Maheswaran I believe it would be a great idea than just doing quizzes all the time
on October 09, 2015

I was thinking they could do one about stories this time about which story is scarier or which is the best romance one
on October 09, 2015

MORE CONEST! This time, can you maybe make it Steven Universe or some cartoon that`s good? Just a suggestion. Also, I like writing stories. I want to do the contest this time cause I just saw this page!
on July 03, 2015
on April 08, 2015

Hurry up, create your Love/Relationship quiz asap! The deadline is coming closer ( Apr 07th )

I am so worried!! I don't really care if I get in the top three, but @JackieTheHedgehog's quiz is AWESOME and she deserves to get at least 3rd place. :D
on April 08, 2015
on April 04, 2015

It's time for another Qfeast contest!
Personality Quiz Contest (2nd):
- The topic of the personality quiz is: [Love Test / Relationship]
- The quiz should be stellar with at least 10 questions. Also, the quiz must have a nice cover image & description
- Each personality should have an image attached and 1-3 phrases as description
- The quiz should look professional, do not use anime/cartoon pictures
- Each question should have a related image attached about it. The question See More should be related to the quiz, do not add meaningless questions just to pass the minimum question limit (so any "The last question:", "How was my quiz?", "Please comment" or similar text in the quiz will disqualify it)
- Do not copy content from existing quizzes (Qfeast or other quiz sites)
- English only
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
- To enter the contest, simply provide the address of the personality quiz as a comment to this post. Submission deadline: Apr 07th 2015 (including). The winners will announced on Apr 08th.
- Do not enter a quiz you created prior to the start of the contest
- When you’ve finished your quiz, make sure you tell all your friends about it, both on Qfeast and on other social networking sites. Tell you friends to take your quiz and request their honest feedback and update your quiz accordingly
The more likes and shares, your quiz will have on Facebook, Twitter and so on, the better!
- We'll calculate the winners based on a special formula. Some details of the formula will be secret, so nobody can take any advantage of it. What is important, you do not have to be very popular on Qfeast to win this contest, the quality first:
- The formula will take into consideration:
>the creativity, the quiz should be outstanding, proper grammar and spelling are a must
>the number of questions, anywhere between 10 - 20
>the images attached: how good and related to the questions are
>the number of personalities, and the correctness of these
>the rating stars & count
>favorited / shared on profile count
>comments, feedback & count
>the number of likes & shares (Facebook) and tweets (Twitter)
Just some examples / ideas, do not limit to these:
Does he like me?
Do I love him/her?
Is he/she the one?
More than friends?
Is he/she going to dump You?
How strong is your relationship?
Are you ready for love?
Do you truly know your partner?
How romantic are you?
Personality Quiz Contest (2nd):
- The topic of the personality quiz is: [Love Test / Relationship]
- The quiz should be stellar with at least 10 questions. Also, the quiz must have a nice cover image & description
- Each personality should have an image attached and 1-3 phrases as description
- The quiz should look professional, do not use anime/cartoon pictures
- Each question should have a related image attached about it. The question See More should be related to the quiz, do not add meaningless questions just to pass the minimum question limit (so any "The last question:", "How was my quiz?", "Please comment" or similar text in the quiz will disqualify it)
- Do not copy content from existing quizzes (Qfeast or other quiz sites)
- English only
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
- To enter the contest, simply provide the address of the personality quiz as a comment to this post. Submission deadline: Apr 07th 2015 (including). The winners will announced on Apr 08th.
- Do not enter a quiz you created prior to the start of the contest
- When you’ve finished your quiz, make sure you tell all your friends about it, both on Qfeast and on other social networking sites. Tell you friends to take your quiz and request their honest feedback and update your quiz accordingly
The more likes and shares, your quiz will have on Facebook, Twitter and so on, the better!
- We'll calculate the winners based on a special formula. Some details of the formula will be secret, so nobody can take any advantage of it. What is important, you do not have to be very popular on Qfeast to win this contest, the quality first:
- The formula will take into consideration:
>the creativity, the quiz should be outstanding, proper grammar and spelling are a must
>the number of questions, anywhere between 10 - 20
>the images attached: how good and related to the questions are
>the number of personalities, and the correctness of these
>the rating stars & count
>favorited / shared on profile count
>comments, feedback & count
>the number of likes & shares (Facebook) and tweets (Twitter)
Just some examples / ideas, do not limit to these:
Does he like me?
Do I love him/her?
Is he/she the one?
More than friends?
Is he/she going to dump You?
How strong is your relationship?
Are you ready for love?
Do you truly know your partner?
How romantic are you?

hey @KatyKazooo I tried out your quiz and it was great! Though I have a "Maybe" chance to find someone to be with me.
on April 10, 2015

on April 07, 2015
on March 30, 2015

The Winners of the Celeb Quiz Contest:
1) melzzz2000 : What Celebrity could you be siblings/twins with? - http://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/D8yTjZ/What-Celebrity-could-you-be-siblings-twins-with
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
2) LookBatmanADog : Which Famous Celebrity Are You Most Like? - http://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/JQDWXS/Which-Famous-Celebrity-Are-You-Most-Like See More
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
3) Peaceful_Eagle_Star03 : Which Celeb's Personality Is Most Like You? - http://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/pr3H5A/Which-Celeb-s-Personality-Is-Most-Like-You
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
In the next few hours the prizes will be activated. Congrats!
1) melzzz2000 : What Celebrity could you be siblings/twins with? - http://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/D8yTjZ/What-Celebrity-could-you-be-siblings-twins-with
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 1 year
- You will be placed on 1st position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 10 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 90 days
2) LookBatmanADog : Which Famous Celebrity Are You Most Like? - http://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/JQDWXS/Which-Famous-Celebrity-Are-You-Most-Like See More
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 6 months
- You will be placed on 2nd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 5 days in a row
- @qfeast will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 30 days
3) Peaceful_Eagle_Star03 : Which Celeb's Personality Is Most Like You? - http://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/pr3H5A/Which-Celeb-s-Personality-Is-Most-Like-You
- Disable Ads on Qfeast for your account 3 months
- You will be placed on 3rd position of the "Qfeasters of the Day" section 3 days in a row
- Qfeast Team account, @qfeast, will follow you and will favorite your quiz for 15 days
In the next few hours the prizes will be activated. Congrats!

What Celebrity could you be siblings/twins with?
Take this quiz to find out which celebrity you can be twins/siblings with! Results include: Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Emma Watson, Justin Timberlake, Angelina Jolie, or even Neil Patrick Harris! Take it, I hope you have fun, and give me some ideas on how to improve the quiz more! (Yeah, I know, it's a random picture...)

on March 26, 2015
on March 24, 2015
on January 19, 2015