Why do people think school is so bad when you are there to learn? IF you like school that is great! But for the people who dont why not? Yes, some teachers might be mean but they are trying to help!

Why do people think school is so bad when you are there to learn? IF you like school that is great! But for the people who dont why not? Yes, some teachers might be mean but they are trying to help!

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Did we learn nothing from Malala? All she fought for, and people are complaining because school is 'boring'. We are all privileged. We'd all be upset if we didn't have the right to education. Has history taught people nothing?
on March 28, 2016
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Look into my crystal ball! Yes , you see your future self on the streets eating a chocolate bar for dinner.

Don't want that to happen?

on September 05, 2014
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well my teachers before my 5th grade were awesome!!! i loved school! then in 5th grade ugh it wasnt just the teachers it was the kids. some times i just wanna rip their hair outa their STUPID LITTLE heads!!! and my teacher was a bi*ch all year cuz of the kids
on July 20, 2014
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Well I like it sometimes and some people don't like it cause sometimes there is bullies sometimes it's boring and sometimes they are struggling
on February 02, 2014
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