Favourite fast food and why?
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Oreo cheese cake from Burger King, strawberry cheesecake sundae from A&W, Oreo Mcflurry, French fries and a cheeseburger from McDonald's because they all taste good...especially the Dutch Bros that has different kinds of drinks and coffee drinks...I even like the Vanilla bean drink, and some shakes from Star Bucks because they taste good too as well...plus some cheese sticks from Sonic...and that banana strawberry shake from Arctic Circle... ^-^
on December 26, 2018
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Cafe Rio because their Steak Quesadilla is good ( Costa Vida too)
McDonald’s because their McDouble and Triple Cheese Burgers are good
KFC because their DrumSticks and Thighs are delicious
McDonald’s because their McDouble and Triple Cheese Burgers are good
KFC because their DrumSticks and Thighs are delicious
on April 22, 2019