who else has read 1984 by George Orwell? Just wondering, i thought the beginning was terribly confusing, first 100 pages or so boring, then it got REALLY good and by the last 30 pages i was like OH MY GOODNESS!! (the pic is actually the cover of the version i read)
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Is it a good book? I was thinking about reading it. Same with Animal Farm

I disliked that book very much though I loved animal farm. They arevery similarly essentially. I don't recommend it, but I won't say you shouldn't read it as it's very prestigious book on government and controlling. I think that the plot was amazing, but there wasn't any action or point for most of it which made it boring.

on March 11, 2018
on July 13, 2013
on July 07, 2013
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you read the book 1984 when it was first possible to buy?? In 1949 when it was published?
on October 31, 2012
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I read 1984 when it first came onto the market,then it Was scary,now 1984 is long gone so not realy relevant anymore.
on October 30, 2012