Can I make my first period faster? Is there any way to make my period come faster because I will try anything! I am sick of not having it! All my friends have it and I want mine. Please don't say 'it hurts' or 'you don't want it' because I DO want it! Please tell me!✌❤ P.s, I'm 12 years old if that helps! -Maddalena❤✌
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No way to speed up your period it'll come when it wants to! BTW after three months of having it you'll hate it forever
on March 01, 2016
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They are not painful: but you don't want them. They are just annoying. It may seem like something you want, b you really don't want it . Theres no rushing it: your time will come.
on March 01, 2016
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Ok, I hate periods.....but there is no way to make it faster, it will come naturally whenever. If your 15 and it still has not came, then go to a doctor.
on February 29, 2016