If you were able to get a tattoo, what would it be of? Qfeast send me something that I need to ask a question or whatever sooo i just thought of what would people want to get on them if they could get a tattoo? So here you go! XD Plus I wanna know where you wanna get it on like your forearm, leg, hand so ya nothing gross plz!
Answers (27)
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On my right arm it will be the story of my life

U should put a quote on it cuz a life story is gonna be a lot

on March 04, 2016
on March 04, 2016
on March 04, 2016
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I would have a black veil brides tattoo on my arm and one on my back saying Falling In Reverse on it lol :)
on March 03, 2016
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I'd get a tattoo that said, "J.D And J.T.K 4 Ever" on my wrist, and the J.D stands for my name and J.T.K stands for Jeff the Killer. don't ask.
on May 22, 2018
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on June 25, 2017
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My favorite anime superhero on my left wrist-glitter lucky- and the words, "light of love wrapping smile!" In pink lettering below it!
on April 08, 2017
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A gostface mask on my upper back with the words welcome back under it, or "i fall to pieces" with daisys around it on my inner arm from a Patsy Cline song.
on February 21, 2017
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I'd want the arrow thing the Liam Payne has, put on a side of the left pointer finger. I've done it math before :D
on June 03, 2016
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I'd probably get the BVB Simbol near my shoulder or on my forearm XD
Or a song quote on my wrist
Or a song quote on my wrist

U should get both! they sound awesome to get! XD
on March 03, 2016
on March 03, 2016
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I would want to get Angel wings on my back and on my forearm I want to have the slipknot symbol haha I have a bunch more I want of my fandoms and my favorite bands haha
on March 03, 2016
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This on my left shoulder blade
And the Wings of Freedom on my back.
And the Wings of Freedom on my back.

Same here for the wings of freedom but I want it to be Angel wings on my back haha
on March 03, 2016
on March 03, 2016