How many squares are there on a chess board?(Careful, this is a trick question) A little riddle my dad gave me
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Omg just do the math! 64

YES! Well done! Your prize......a hug! For free!*Hugs*
on April 27, 2014
on March 07, 2014
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Depends on the side you are choosing technical or just hypothetical because technical there are none on most because of basic human error
on February 17, 2014
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I am going with A LOT!!!! :p

Do you get it? :-B Four squares put together in a square form counts as a square. The whole board is a square too. Do you understand what I'm getting at?
on February 14, 2014

20? Really? But can't you make squares with other squares. Like the whole board is a square. Four different squares can make one square...Do you get it?
on February 14, 2014
on February 14, 2014