Cna you get permanent emotional problems from a major heartbreak? so, about 2 years ago ( my Sophomore year in High School) I fell DEEP in love with this girl and even had her over at my house twice, I dated her for 2 weeks and my best friend took her from me, but every since then I find myself not only falling harder for women, but faster and easier, and I can't stop myself, then I get depressed and start thinking that the woman I am think of is too good for me, is there something wrong with me?
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I went through almost the same thing with a guy it's been about two and a half years and everyday that I hang with a guy I end up crying myself to sleep that night thinking that I am wasting my time that they would never even want to be my friend.
on October 29, 2014
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I think after something like that happens it is normal to be depressed and sad like for example my older sister was in a relationship with this guy for 2 years and just out of the blue he have her a long list of all the things she needed to change about her self and then broke up with her she stayed in her room crying for days not even eating that much she would even cut her self but mom took her to talk to perfeshinal help and she is all better now she is even prego! You are See More gonna be okay just look at all the things that you are blessed with I believe you can over come anything. If you ever need help just come talk to me and I will do my best to help anytime I promise
on August 20, 2014
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You can become emotionally changed from a traumatic break up. (I know I've already told most of you this and have talked about this with you separately) The idea of your getting more attached to women in general isn't odd, still worrisome but very common. Low self-esteem is also a major factor after a hard break up.
on August 11, 2014
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Truthfully I don't know anything at all but usually just saying wht is on my mind helps people so I will see if I can help you somehow by saying what's on my mind. Well I don't really know if it is weird that you "fall in love" so easily but love can be put as a chemical reaction or something like that ( I'm just in middle school so I don't know much ) I cat think of anything else so I'm sorry if I just wasted your time making you read this ( I haven't actually had a real crush See More before )
on August 11, 2014
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It could probably have affected you. You don't need to be depressed though, there's no such thing as leagues. Be confident (or pretend to be) and you'll be fine. 2 weeks isn't long.

but what about the falling in love so easily and so hard, any thoughts on that?

I just feel guilty, sometimes I get upset for no reason and I'm like "Why??? Stop moping when there are other people out there with a right to be upset, but there's nothing wrong with you!" Probably just my teenage hormones.
on August 11, 2014

I mainly channel my emotion to God, but I'm not sure if you believe in him or not. It's ok, don't get worked up over it. You can't control your emotions, and neither can anyone else. But you can control how your emotions affect you, so don't let yourself be buried under your feelings.
on August 11, 2014

yeah, but I can't do anything about it, I sometimes wonder if I am not bipolar or something, I go from the "in love" feeling to practically having a mental breakdown cause I don't know whether to feel angry at myself for doing that to my gf or to be depressed that I can't do a damn thing about it....
on August 11, 2014

You sound very intense. It's not a bad thing, but the full depth and strength of your feelings can scare people if you launch it on them early on. They're great for people you know well, really good friends or family, but intensity is hard to handle when you hardly know someone.
on August 11, 2014

Read your other questions again, yeah, try not to pine. I pine. I try not to. Hang out with other friends, do things that take your mind off whatever you're feeling.
on August 11, 2014

Think through things, knowing feeling without actions isn't much use in moving forward......
on August 11, 2014

Yeah.....People in my church do weird things, lying on the floor crying, laughing hysterically, mostly because of the holy spirit or something. Strongest emotion I ever felt was at a Christian camp last year.
I'm not sure what you can do, other than try and rationalize and
I'm not sure what you can do, other than try and rationalize and
on August 11, 2014

yeah, but I don't want these emotions to be that strong, well, maybe for my gf, but not for anyone else, yet I can walk into a market and come out in an emotional breakdown
on August 11, 2014

You sound sort of like an emo, in the literal sense, someone who feels emotions very strongly. (EMOtions)
on August 11, 2014

yeah, I have some really screwed up emotions, but I have not been able to control them for the past 2 years
on August 11, 2014

on August 11, 2014
on August 11, 2014
on August 11, 2014