Funny Prank Contest! HUGE rewards for winners! PLEASE submit!
Answers (5)
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Put a mirror on outdoor stairs, then when the person looks down it looks like they are about to fall into the sky! :p

lol XD
on March 01, 2015
on January 06, 2015
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step one, fill friends car with ping-pong balls
step two, when friend opens door, set there house ablaze
step two, when friend opens door, set there house ablaze
on September 28, 2015
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put a zip tie around a fabreeze can trigger. tighten it and throw it into the victim's cubicle/room
on September 28, 2015
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Go up to an empty car, then put a note on it saying "sorry for the damage. I was in a hurry." On their windshield. Then sit back and watch the person search for the damage.
(There is no prize for this. But this is a funny prank)
(There is no prize for this. But this is a funny prank)
on December 27, 2014