First Day of High School Tips? Well, on September 2nd, I'm leaving my tiny, conservative, private middle school and going off to a big public high school. I'm so so so excited but of course I'm just as nervous... I don't know what to do at all 0_0 Really, it's gonna be like re-learning everything all over again... I don't know anyone there and I haven't even taken a tour of the school or ridden a school bus before so basically I'm as green as can be. Advice, tips, wisdoms?
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This is like me. On September 9th I'm starting my first year at college...
And I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO nervous!
And I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO nervous!
on August 01, 2014
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Well, take it from someone who always went to public schooling! (if you don't count the college I'm at now anyway)
Since you'll be a freshman, unfortunately you will be at the bottom of the food chain.
School buses are basically like a taxi service for kids...
On my first day, I would probably sit by myself on the bus (unless you make a friend at the bus stop that is)
Take notes from Madeline and Emily in my story :D
I do recommend taking a tour of the high school before you See More need to actually go to class!!
Find out when the open house is (they give tours to incoming freshman and transfer students)
and find all your classes. Never trust a senior for advice as to where rooms are!!
(I don't know if your high school will be like mine, but seniors found it funny to give freshman bad directions)
Like the RP that we are currently doing, there will be cliques! (Yes I know, we all hate them XD)
You may find that you really don't fit anyone specifically (I was in this situation) but it's okay!
You don't have to be just a jock, cool, preppy, or a nerd, you can be a mix!
(For instance, I was mainly a nerd, but I associated with people from all cliques)
Sports help make friends because you all share a common goal! (As do clubs!)
Even though they may take your life away...(I bowled for my high school team)
(Random filler here, but we won regionals!!)
Anyway, most importantly, BE YOURSELF!!
Don't try to change who you are to please someone.
I can attest to this, as many others can I'm sure!
Elleyd, you are an awesome person who has a bright future ahead of yourself!
Keep truckin' foward and never let others get you down!
(in case they do get on your nerves, I'm always here to listen!)
Go for it and have fun, it may be scary at first, but you'll love it!
Since you'll be a freshman, unfortunately you will be at the bottom of the food chain.
School buses are basically like a taxi service for kids...
On my first day, I would probably sit by myself on the bus (unless you make a friend at the bus stop that is)
Take notes from Madeline and Emily in my story :D
I do recommend taking a tour of the high school before you See More need to actually go to class!!
Find out when the open house is (they give tours to incoming freshman and transfer students)
and find all your classes. Never trust a senior for advice as to where rooms are!!
(I don't know if your high school will be like mine, but seniors found it funny to give freshman bad directions)
Like the RP that we are currently doing, there will be cliques! (Yes I know, we all hate them XD)
You may find that you really don't fit anyone specifically (I was in this situation) but it's okay!
You don't have to be just a jock, cool, preppy, or a nerd, you can be a mix!
(For instance, I was mainly a nerd, but I associated with people from all cliques)
Sports help make friends because you all share a common goal! (As do clubs!)
Even though they may take your life away...(I bowled for my high school team)
(Random filler here, but we won regionals!!)
Anyway, most importantly, BE YOURSELF!!
Don't try to change who you are to please someone.
I can attest to this, as many others can I'm sure!
Elleyd, you are an awesome person who has a bright future ahead of yourself!
Keep truckin' foward and never let others get you down!
(in case they do get on your nerves, I'm always here to listen!)
Go for it and have fun, it may be scary at first, but you'll love it!

Awesome thank you! So one more question, I'm going to orientation so should be able to meet at least 2 peolpe there and they'll give us a tour and fill us in on all that. I don't get my schedule till then so I'm paranoid I'll get lost xD anyhow my friends all say go and meet new people outside of school but I don't know how :/ I'm actually fairly shy around new See More people in real life so I don't know how to just walk up to someone and make friends :(

When you're asking someone about the class (to see if they've heard anything about the teacher, etc.)
Maybe bring up the fact you're playing a sport. (You'd be surprised by how many others are too)
And as always, look for similar interests!
(Does the person like writing? sports? hobbies?)
You're a very creative person Elleyd (I know from our RP's XD) See More
You can handle whatever life throws your way!
Maybe bring up the fact you're playing a sport. (You'd be surprised by how many others are too)
And as always, look for similar interests!
(Does the person like writing? sports? hobbies?)
You're a very creative person Elleyd (I know from our RP's XD) See More
You can handle whatever life throws your way!
on July 31, 2014

How about this:
You are going to an orientation, meaning there will be other freshman there too.
Really, you don't have to work too hard at it.
When you find your first class, look around!
I'm sure you're not the only person feeling this way! See More
Find someone in your first class, maybe ask them if they've heard anything about it.
Compare their schedule against yours! (You may find someone shares a lot of classes with you)
See if you can go through finding the rest of your classes with them!
(I remember back in high school having every class, except for one with a person)
(We literally went from room to room with each other and found all of them)
(By the end of it, I had made my first friend easily!)
You are going to an orientation, meaning there will be other freshman there too.
Really, you don't have to work too hard at it.
When you find your first class, look around!
I'm sure you're not the only person feeling this way! See More
Find someone in your first class, maybe ask them if they've heard anything about it.
Compare their schedule against yours! (You may find someone shares a lot of classes with you)
See if you can go through finding the rest of your classes with them!
(I remember back in high school having every class, except for one with a person)
(We literally went from room to room with each other and found all of them)
(By the end of it, I had made my first friend easily!)
on July 31, 2014
on July 31, 2014
on July 31, 2014
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im starting in 6 class but u can try to find friends on your new school :P
on August 17, 2014
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I am not in high school, but I know people who are. So here is some advice:
1. Get to meet new people. They can help you if you ever get lost, or need help with anything.
2. Maybe join groups like the marching band, or tech club. It is like advice one, but it will keep you busy, and will help you enjoy school more.
3. On your bus, tell your bus driver about how you never rode a school bus, and maybe he can get you familiar with the stops.
4. Make sure to have everything with See More you. Have a at least 2 pencils, and some pens.
5. Be yourself, and school with go smoothly.
6. There will be the popular girls, and the football jocks who made like to annoy other people, so try to ignore them.
7. If you decide to get into a relationship, don't let it destract you from school. You need to be able to pass through the grade, and eventually graduate and get into college.
8. Try your best to get a scholarship :)
I know this is not good advice, but I tried.
1. Get to meet new people. They can help you if you ever get lost, or need help with anything.
2. Maybe join groups like the marching band, or tech club. It is like advice one, but it will keep you busy, and will help you enjoy school more.
3. On your bus, tell your bus driver about how you never rode a school bus, and maybe he can get you familiar with the stops.
4. Make sure to have everything with See More you. Have a at least 2 pencils, and some pens.
5. Be yourself, and school with go smoothly.
6. There will be the popular girls, and the football jocks who made like to annoy other people, so try to ignore them.
7. If you decide to get into a relationship, don't let it destract you from school. You need to be able to pass through the grade, and eventually graduate and get into college.
8. Try your best to get a scholarship :)
I know this is not good advice, but I tried.
on August 01, 2014
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I should take my own advice, I think, because I'm going to a new school with only one person I know...a friend though thank gosh.
One the first day of school, you'll probably end up sitting alone, being a freshman and all. Its OK. Observe. Find out which people you want to be friends with, which share you interests, and which to stay clear of.
And take a tour! You need to get used to your surroundings-you don't want to be late for class on your first day. For one, its horrible. See More For another, first impressions are key! ;)
And of course, as cheesy be yourself. :D
One the first day of school, you'll probably end up sitting alone, being a freshman and all. Its OK. Observe. Find out which people you want to be friends with, which share you interests, and which to stay clear of.
And take a tour! You need to get used to your surroundings-you don't want to be late for class on your first day. For one, its horrible. See More For another, first impressions are key! ;)
And of course, as cheesy be yourself. :D

Haha well, I have orientation a week before and I need to call about sports and that stuff so hopefully there I'll find someone.
on August 01, 2014
on August 01, 2014
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Well I haven't started high school yet but when I started middle school I just started making friends and I have a lot of new friends
on July 31, 2014
I'm actually on my 3rd year in college (That makes me a junior on the 25th of this month)
Just keep pushing forward and don't give up on yourself!!
Our sysem goes: Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st-4th grade, 5th-8th (middle school/ junior high), Freshman (1st year of high school), Sophomore (2nd), Junior, Senior, then you go to college and college is crazy...