Who all cried when reading TFIOS (The Fault In Our Stars)? So, I haven't finished reading The Fault In Our Stars, but a lot of people have told me they cried after reading it. Or watching the movie. Either way, they have told me they cried. What about you? Who has read it and did you cry? DO NOT SPOIL WHY THOUGH! I have NOT finished reading it and I plan to finish it soon, but I'm only on like... Chapter 6? So, DO NOT spoil anything!
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I didn't ._. Is that weird?

I don't find it weird that you didn't cry, but did you at least find the ending sad? (I don't know what the ending is, sooo... No spoilers.)

Okie dokie!
on August 09, 2014

Lol mkay. Tell me what you thought when you finish it
on August 09, 2014

Well, I don't know what it is, so I can't agree or disagree.
on August 09, 2014

.3. I obviously didn't find it sad. I mean, I was a bit disappointed but not sad.
on August 09, 2014

Oh... Wow... I don't even know if I'll find it sad, so I'm not saying it's weird, but...
on August 09, 2014

No ._. I have SERIOUS issues. Idk if it comes from reading too much Creepypasta or hanging out with my weirdo frienss a lot but...Yeah.
on August 09, 2014
on August 09, 2014
on August 09, 2014
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Alright, I just finished reading it a few nights ago and came THAT close to crying. Never expected that to happen... So close to crying, I teared up and was sniffling, but no tears ever fell, and that doesn't count as crying to me, just tearing up! But it was sad... ;~;
on August 13, 2014
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I didn't

Well, were you at least sad?

on August 09, 2014
on August 09, 2014
on August 09, 2014
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SPOILER ALERT: Phillip lives.
XD Anyway, it is pretty said. Just warning you.
XD Anyway, it is pretty said. Just warning you.

I'll be prepared for tears to come! Plus, I haven't gotten that far into the book, so I'm not sure I know who Phillip is...
on August 09, 2014
on August 09, 2014