Why do people dislike the movie Frozen so much? So what if it's childish? It's meant for kids, people! So what if some of the songs were bad? Most kids don't think that! So what if Hans' evolution into a villain was rushed? The producers had to fit everything into a time frame! So what if it was goofy? It has a great message! Explain how it's a horrible movie.
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Because there was a HUGE plot twist! Hans wasn't supposed to be in the movie! Instead, the villain was going to be Elsa! There is even a deleted scene with her torturing two guards for information! Also, people are getting angry at little girls for requesting them to play let it go all the time, and I have to admit, it gets a tad annoying after a while!

Also, there were too many dang Easter eggs in the movies after it! Like in big hero six, during the training scene, for a split second, you can see a statue of Hans! But you can only see it for a split second because baymax shoots it!
on April 10, 2017
on April 10, 2017
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it was a really good movie, but after people started singing let it go OVER and OVER i got annoyed.
on March 11, 2015
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People dislike ir because some of these kids are ver obsessed, sing rhe songs, and ir was made a year ago. Not many people likes other movies that long.
on March 11, 2015
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Well, I think people dislike it because it just got old in a week or so. Everyone started singing the songs and it was very annoying.
on March 11, 2015