What the hell kind of dog is this? My Mom and I have been wondering for a while... All I known is part Lab, PLEASE HELP M8S.
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Im not sure but my best guess is a lab and great dane, judeing by the leg lenghth, but what ever it is its super cute!
on July 22, 2015
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I've had a fair share of studying dogs and this 1 looks like its mixed with a German shepherd, because of their facial appearance gives it away but then.. Their ears are telling me something different because german shepherds have perky ears, and then im not sure if its the angle the picture was taken in but their snouts are much smaller than this dog's, but they definitely have the body of a lab.

Lap shepherd mix - http://www.germanshepherds.com/forum/attachments/general-puppy-stuff/27658d1358100778-new-puppy-breed-question-imageuploadedbypg-free1358100777.602635.jpg
on March 29, 2015

We've had her for 5 months, and she hasn't grown a bit. :<
on March 29, 2015

I can't be a shepherd of any kind.
We have another German Shepherd the same age as her, they have nothing in common.
If it would grow to be a large dog it would have large paws, as our whatever this is has very tiny paws.
Shepherds have pointy noses and she has a box face.
Sorry to say, she can't be a shepherd.
We have another German Shepherd the same age as her, they have nothing in common.
If it would grow to be a large dog it would have large paws, as our whatever this is has very tiny paws.
Shepherds have pointy noses and she has a box face.
Sorry to say, she can't be a shepherd.
on March 29, 2015
on March 29, 2015