What is your biggest regret?
Answers (16)
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My biggest regret is being a girly girl for the first seven years of my life. ugh i dont even wanna think about it.
on July 16, 2016
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My biggest regret would be losing my friend's phone number. Now I can never contact her again. :((
on July 16, 2016
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That one time i replaced the toilet paper with duct tape and forgot about it


on July 16, 2016
on July 16, 2016
on July 16, 2016
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Having to introduce my friend to my other friend. They had different ideas and pulled my arms saying "Run away!" My arms almost tore apart. Then it continued, and I hit the ground at the playground so hard I almost became unconscious
on October 08, 2017
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My biggest regret is when I threw the remote on my sisters head....??? We have to take her to the hospital that day....?
on July 19, 2016
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I defended my friend, because someone had called them racist, when they weren't being racist. For this, they started attacking not only me, but my other friend, who defended me and the first friend after he started called me racist, too. He did a bunch of other stuff, too, like spread rumours. Maybe there would've been a better outcome if I had told the friend who was being called racist to ignore the person instead.
on October 07, 2017
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I suppose people can have many, or some regrets. Though we must accept what was in the past, and move on to make a better future....and look for a better tomorrow...
As for my own regrets...before my family moved to this state, we lived in another state where I had a small group of decent friends. On the final day when I left, they gave me a going away gift, a picture made by them with their phone numbers and steam names if they had any....I know I had that when I moved....though See More I seem to have lost that paper over the years sadly...other than that, there may be a few others which are "purchasing a game" or "saving this game data", but that is about it I suppose....What is your perspective on this Qfeast...?
As for my own regrets...before my family moved to this state, we lived in another state where I had a small group of decent friends. On the final day when I left, they gave me a going away gift, a picture made by them with their phone numbers and steam names if they had any....I know I had that when I moved....though See More I seem to have lost that paper over the years sadly...other than that, there may be a few others which are "purchasing a game" or "saving this game data", but that is about it I suppose....What is your perspective on this Qfeast...?
on July 17, 2016
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Telling my mom that I was pan and also unhappy with my gender, along with self harm.
on July 16, 2016
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yelling DAM DANIEL in the hood [ i got scared i thought i wuz gonna get shot] XDDD
on July 16, 2016
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My biggest regret is when I kisses my friend and...yeah...*burries my face in my pillow*
on July 16, 2016