The.Uncanny.Valley's Polls
The.Uncanny.Valley published 24 polls
I need help deciding this year's halloween costume
Best musical out of these?

When watching anime do you prefer sub or dub?

Who is your favorite Vocaloid producer out of these?

L or Light?
Chick fill a or kfc?
Destiel or Sastiel?

Help me decide on a profile picture

Pick the best username

Which doctor from Doctor Who series is the best?
This poll is pointless. Do you agree?
Are u a sherlockian or a whovian?
Witch team?

waffles or pancakes? (1)

who would win?.

Which Link do you like more?
Whitch pokemon is better?

Best vocaloid out of these listed?
Who is your favorite animal jam youtuber? (1)