how do you pronounce Pokemon? How do you pronounce it? I say po-keh-Mon! Wau?
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Po-keh-mon it's a japanese "ke" so eh sound

Thanks for answering
on August 19, 2016
on August 19, 2016
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I hate it when people try to be cool and act like they know what Pokémon is (before Pokémon GO that is, because now everyone knows what it is) and pronounce it as 'Po-kee-man'.
I hate it when people try to be cool and act like they know what Pokémon is (before Pokémon GO that is, because now everyone knows what it is) and pronounce it as 'Po-kee-man'.
on March 07, 2017
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poe-ka-mon or poe-kay-mon. those are the ways they say it in THE VERY FIRST ANIME WHERE THEY SAY IT HOW IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on August 19, 2016
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Poke-e-Mon is how I pronounce it since that is the way I have always heard people pernounce it if they weren't joking about the franchise.
*has pokemon theme stuck in head currently*
*has pokemon theme stuck in head currently*


I do not LOATHE people go mispronouncing things... It's just f*cking annoying.
on August 23, 2016

I see...then you may have punched a friend of mine for saying that then...but it is understandable if you loathe people mispronouncing certain words. Thank you for clarifying that for me.
on August 19, 2016

sorry. it just annoys me like hell when people do that. once i punched someone it the face for saying Poke-mans! also... its poe-kay-mon or poe-ka-mon. sorry, it is just really annoying when people mispronounce stuff... some kind of OCD.
on August 19, 2016
on August 19, 2016
on August 10, 2016
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(But then again, Pokémon is spelled with an accent aigu (é) so I think the correct pronunciation would be Poe-(g)ae-mon)
on August 10, 2016
on August 10, 2016
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And i have one more thing to ask..
how do you pronounce
is it Kayo-Gar
or ka-yo-grey
how do you pronounce
is it Kayo-Gar
or ka-yo-grey

Kai-oh-gur... or something. i would have to send you an audio file.
hey, did you know that Pokémon f*cked up that pronunciations of kyogre and Groudon? seriously! they're legendry's! :-O
hey, did you know that Pokémon f*cked up that pronunciations of kyogre and Groudon? seriously! they're legendry's! :-O
on August 19, 2016

on August 19, 2016
on August 10, 2016