Question for girls So let's say a girl was on her period and it stoped for like a month and it came back and she didn't know how to hello her parents this and she went to her school and everything was fine no one knew and she went to her aunts cause that's where her dad temporarily lives and her aunt found out cause she forgot to flush and her aunt is the only one who knows. Th is is totally a hypothetical question. But what would this girl do.
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on May 05, 2018
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Tell her aunt. But if you really didn't want to, blame it on another female that was in the house
on July 12, 2018
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well the hypothetical girl's aunt told her hypothetical dad and then he told her hypothetical mom.
so yeah...
so yeah...
on May 06, 2018
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She knows that's how it's supposed to work but it didn't work that way the first time cause the first time she had it for 3 days and it stopped then it didn't happen for like 4 or. Months and now it happened again
on May 05, 2018
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on May 05, 2018
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@pastrami the first time yes but this time no. And it's not her fault cause the toilet is broken so it didn't go all the way.
the hypothetical girl knows her period happens every month, right?
on May 05, 2018
on May 05, 2018
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If she lives with her aunt and her aunt knows then it’s fine because she can help her. If your too embarrassed to tell your parents ask your aunt if she could tell them for her.
But the thin ? Is the aunt doesn't have contact on the phone with the mom because the aunt is the dads sister not the moms
If she’s trusts her aunt and she’s like her guardian then she doesn’t really have to tell the mom
on May 05, 2018
on May 05, 2018
on May 05, 2018
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on May 05, 2018